Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 136 The main materials are ready!

A brown dragon that was millions of meters in size emerged from the foot of Kunlun Mountain, and then soared into the air, raising its head and roaring.

The dragon's roar resounded throughout Blue Star, and everyone could clearly hear Li Lan's dragon's roar.

After Li Lan's true form appeared, in a matter of seconds, the passengers who were on top of Kunlun Mountain were instantly transferred by Li Lan to a land not far away, three hundred meters away from Kunlun Mountain.

As for Kunlun Mountain, because there was no one there, Li Quan suddenly shook his hand towards Kunlun Mountain.

After being lifted up by Li Quan, Kunlun Mountain was continuously compressed. Under the influence of Li Quan's power and the increase of dragon energy, it turned into a brown egg.

Kunlun Mountain turned directly into an egg. What a shocking thing.

Although everyone doesn't know what happened, Kunlun Mountain is gone!

How could the Kunlun Mountains, a place where all kinds of Dharma were spread, just disappear like this?

However, this dragon seems to be difficult to bully, and its size seems to be incomparable even to Dragon King Ao Shun.

At this time, in the imperial capital, Ji Xuan was having a headache about how to deal with these new education rules, when suddenly, a message came out.

Reports on the sudden disappearance of Kunlun Mountains.


At this moment, Dragon King Ao Shun arrived, and before he could say anything, Ji Xuan marked the document directly in front of Ao Shun.

Because they have initially come into contact with the technology of the True Phoenix lineage, the holographic simulation technology, quantum high-speed processing technology, etc. have directly improved a lot on the basis of what Blue Star already had.

Nowadays, as the capital of a country, it is natural to prioritize investment.

Isn't this the Earth Dragon Ancestor? What happened to this Earth Dragon Ancestor?

Ancestor Earth Dragon?


Soon, Ao explained to Ji Xuan the three ancestors of the Blue Star Dragon Clan.

The background of these three ancestors is not small. They are all the daughters of Master Zhenlong, and their status is extremely noble.

Of course, it was only because she absorbed the dragon energy of the true dragon and was unexpectedly recognized by the true dragon that she became his daughter.

It is not the kind of true blood inheritance, there is no real dragon blood in their bodies.

Moreover, the true dragon seems to have no descendants, only descendants of the dragon spirit, not blood descendants.

The descendants of Dragon Qi can be said to be the Dragon Clan today.

What exactly does this Earth Dragon Ancestor want to do? Why does he want to give up Kunlun Mountain?

Ancestor Earth Dragon is actually the incarnation of Blue Star's will of the earth. Although she doesn't know what Patriarch Earth Dragon wants to do, she probably understands everything that Patriarch Earth Dragon does.

I see, by the way, I wonder why you're here, Dragon King?

Oh, of course it's about teaching the Dharma.

Soon, the two began to discuss how to combine the education of the human race and the dragon race.

At this time, Blue Star, Kunlun Mountain, no, Kunlun Mountain has turned into an essence stone egg.

After Li Quan turned Kunlun Mountain into an essence stone egg, Li Lan's millions-meter figure gradually faded and disappeared.

The next moment, Li Lan appeared in front of Li Quan and asked with a smile: Dad, how are you?

Well, it's okay. Let's go. It's time to go to Liya next.

After hearing Li Quan's words, Li Ya had a hint of excitement in her eyes.

Even though she is a lady, just like Li Ya, it is difficult to suppress her inner excitement.

The center of the ocean is in the Pacific Ocean, and in the Pacific Ocean, there is a sea within a sea called the Mind's Eye.

No one can detect this mind's eye even now. Not only that, the mind's eye is very powerful. As long as you soak in the mind's eye, your cultivation level will be improved as if you were on an airplane.

In addition, talents will also be improved accordingly.

The area where the Mind's Eye is located is under 10,000 meters of the Pacific Ocean. Here, the Mind's Eye itself can emit light, directly lighting up the surrounding underground caves.

This is it.

Li Ya pointed to the place where her heart was and said to Li Quan.

Normally, Li Ya would stay in her heart. Unless something big happened, Li Ya would not leave at all.

Yes, I understand. After hearing this, Li Quan nodded and said.

With just one thought from Li Quan, the millions of square meters of water in his mind were directly compressed, just like the Kunlun Mountains were being compressed.

At this moment, the water of the heart's eye directly turned into an essence water egg the same size as the essence stone egg.

These are the essences compressed to the extreme.

It's done, but this place is too empty.

The water source in the Mind's Eye was directly compressed into essence water eggs by Li Quan. In this way, the millions of meters area of ​​the Mind's Eye was directly emptied.

Forget it, let's use lava instead. For some reason, Li Quan suddenly played a prank, and saw that the surface of the heart's eye suddenly shattered.

At the same time, magma began to gush out from the center of the earth, and it was estimated that this place would be replaced by magma before long.

Let's go. The main materials have been obtained and we can build your bodies.

While speaking, Li Quan waved his hand, and the three of them suddenly appeared on an empty and uninhabited island above the Pacific Ocean.

There is only a piece of grass on the island at the moment, and of course, there are two or three coconut trees.

Li Quan placed the Essence Stone Egg and the Essence Water Egg on the ground respectively, and then said to Li Ya and Li Lan: Come here, you two.

After hearing Li Quan's call, the two girls came to Li Quan respectively, waiting for Li Quan's next move.

Li Quan suddenly grabbed Li Ya and Li Lan's hands, and then pulled them hard.

Before Li Lan and Li Ya could react, they found that their souls had been torn in half at this moment.

The three souls and seven souls were separated by Li Quan using special techniques.

As long as part of the three souls and seven souls are not damaged, there will be no problem.

The moment they were pulled, Li Ya and Li Lan's bodies transformed into prototypes.

Both of them are in the form of Yu Jie. If you look at the appearance alone, except for the different color of their hair, everything else is basically the same.

Huh? Is this your true form? Li Quan asked a little confused after seeing the sudden changes in his two daughters.

Li Lan and Li Ya's faces turned slightly red, and they nodded towards Li Quan in acquiescence.

After seeing the shy looks of the two girls, Li Quan suddenly realized something and looked down at his hands.


Because just for convenience, Li Quan reached over and pulled it out.

Who would have thought that the loli status of his two daughters was actually disguised!

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