Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 134 Punishment for Dishonesty

The stronger the strength, the more he wants to obtain a higher status. Otherwise, why would Dongfang Qingwan sit on the throne of the Dragon Clan Emperor.

Now, Li Quan used his actions to tell Dongfang Qingwan, so what if you are strong?

There are many people who are stronger than you.

If it weren't for Li Quan, Feng Jiutian's previous grasp would have torn Dongfang Qingwan into pieces.

Sure enough, Lord True Dragon is always Lord True Dragon.

Even though it is like a legend among the dragon clan, when it actually appears, it not only gives people an irresistible deterrent, but also has powerful strength that makes people surrender.

Of course Dongfang Qingwan knew the outcome of Li Quan's battle.

Feng Jiutian, who was able to beat the five of them, was the same as being beaten by Feng Jiutian in front of Li Quan.

wrong! It was even more relaxed than Feng Jiutian.

Therefore, Dongfang Qingwan felt that it was better not to have the idea of ​​dominating the dragon clan or replacing the real dragon.

After figuring this out, Dongfang Qingwan sighed helplessly.

Now, the galaxy has been severely damaged. Not only that, except for the true dragon Li Quan, she is the only one left with the top combat power in the galaxy.

If it weren't for the fact that the Milky Way has a special seal that the super-galaxy-level expert Xia couldn't break, it would probably have been invaded by other systems long ago.

It seems that I have to pay homage to the True Dragon. Now, Dongfang Qingwan has given up on her dream of replacing the True Dragon and has completely surrendered to Li Quan.

After sorting things out, Dongfang Qingwan started to set off, breaking through the space and heading towards the blue star where Li Quan was.

At this time, Li Quan had returned to Blue Star.

Because of Li Quan, the solar system was not affected by any images. As for the stars, there were a lot more.

Li Quan, what did you just do? Just when Li Quan returned to the villa and was lying on the sofa watching TV with an apple in his hand, Ren Hong, who had just finished practicing, came over curiously.

Ever since Ren Changjiang and Wang Ruobin's wives came back, their daughters had completely lost their sense of existence.

Not only that, when at home, there are all kinds of displays of affection and dog food, which is called a depression.

So, three days after that day, Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan moved to Li Quan's villa as if they had a tacit understanding.

It's okay, I just went out to deal with a small matter.

There was a guy who dared to provoke me, so I just taught him a lesson.

After Li Quan heard this, he responded with a smile.

Except for Li Quan and a few existences with strength at the semi-planet level, no one else knows anything about everything outside the solar system.

Is it?

of course it's true.

While speaking, Li Quan directly took their hands, and then said with a smile: When will you two marry me?

The boyfriend and girlfriend had already been decided after Li Quan rescued his two mothers-in-law.

And Li Quan is not a heartless person. Falling in love is naturally prerequisite for marriage.

A relationship that does not presuppose marriage is a hooliganism.

Li Quan knows this very well. After all, Li Zhen and Wang Yun have been teaching Li Quan this way since he was a child.

You, you don't know! After hearing what Li Quan said, Ren Hong was so shy that she was speechless.

Although Li Quan and Ren Hong had known each other for a long time, the feelings they had had only happened recently.

Why did she just feel it? She got married so soon. She still wanted to try something like a relationship between a boyfriend and a girlfriend.

Why don't you know? I'm serious.

Li Quan put on a serious face and said to Ren Hong.

Looking at Li Quan's serious face, Ren Hong laughed subconsciously for some reason.

I really don't know. Besides, there are girls out there who ask questions directly!

However, Li Quan directly pulled Ren Hong into his arms. Ren Hong was already pulled into Li Quan's arms before Ren Hong could react.

Faced with Li Quan's sudden 'attack', Ren Hong didn't react at all.

You, what are you going to do?!

Let me go! Ren Hong started to blush!

What is this going to do? !

Is Li Quan going to do this here?

However, this is the living room!

Moreover, here are Li Quan's young apprentice Ao Xue and Wang Keyuan who are practicing in the room.

What if you are discovered? !

For some reason, after feeling Li Quan's aura, Ren Hong's mind started to have random thoughts.

Not only that, Ren Hong's face was getting redder and redder. If he pinched it directly, Li Quan had no doubt that he could squeeze out water.

You, what are you doing? Ren Hong asked shyly.

For some reason, although Ren Hong was shy at this time, she still had a sense of expectation.

It seemed as if he was expecting Li Quan to do something.

I think Li Quan came close to Ren Hong's ear and began to breathe slowly into Ren Hong's ear.

You're right.

While speaking, Li Quan distanced himself from Ren Hong and looked at the dumbfounded Ren Hong with a smile.

But after Ren Hong saw Li Quan's playful smile, he still didn't know that he had been tricked.

After Ren Hong learned the truth about being tricked, his face turned red. He casually picked up the pillows placed aside and threw them towards Li Quan.

Li Quan saw this and caught the pillow with a smile.

No matter what Ren Hong threw, Li Quan could catch it calmly.

Okay, okay, don't be angry. I know I was wrong, okay. Seeing Ren Hong's face looking like he wanted to cry, Li Quan appeared behind Ren Hong in an instant, and suddenly hugged Ren Hong with both hands. smiled.

You, let go!

No, I will let you go if you promise not to throw the pillow at me.

You. After hearing this, Ren Hong sighed helplessly and said, Okay, let go. ’

Okay, it's agreed. The moment Li Quan let go of his hand, Ren Hong suddenly looked back and threw a pillow at Li Quan's body.

It was a pity that Li Quan directly grabbed his ankle and kissed Ren Hong's mouth before Ren Hong could react.

When Ren Hong reacted, he found that his mouth was actually occupied by Li Quan!

Not only that, Li Quan actually invaded on a large scale. In order to avoid the dimensionality reduction attack from the river crab beast, he could only cut off three thousand words.

When Li Quan felt that it was about the same, he chose to 'let go' of Ren Hong.

Woman, this is you, do you understand? While saying this, Li Quan lifted Ren Hong's chin with his fingers and smiled.

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