Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 130 A battle at the scale of a large galaxy!

I thought Feng Jiutian was so powerful that he couldn't even withstand my probing blow. It seems we were overly worried.

Of course, maybe it was because Feng Jiutian was careless.

Okay, let's destroy this guy's body. After saying that, Bei Qingyu's figure instantly appeared next to Feng Jiutian's body that was cut in half.

Looking at Feng Jiutian, who had been cut into four parts by him, Bei Qingyu said with a look of disdain: With your strength, you can kill these two guys, Galaxy Goddess and Dao Guzi, you are really beating the weak.

Of course, despise is contempt, no one knows what will happen if the last hit is done.

Beifang Qingyu raised his right hand, and a green light began to bloom on his right hand. At the same time, the wings behind him began to spread out, turning into a huge green nine-headed eagle.

This is the true form of Northern Qingyu, the nine-headed cyan eagle.

The nine heads began to eat away at Feng Jiutian's body. However, at this moment, Feng Jiutian's broken body, which was cut into half by Beifang Qingyu, suddenly started to move.

At the same time, its figure moved quickly and avoided the peck of the nine-headed cyan eagle.

Huh? You can still resist? Beifang Qingyu, who originally planned to swallow Feng Jiutian directly, said a little surprised after seeing this.

However, Feng Jiutian's strength was too weak. Even if he, Bei Qingyu, used a little strength, he could cut Feng Jiutian in half.

The weak must have the consciousness of the weak, remember this for the next life! After saying this, I saw the nine heads of Beifang Qingyu pecking at Feng Jiutian quickly.

The moment he pecked it down, the space was directly torn apart. Not only that, Feng Jiutian only felt that his broken body was being sucked into the nine heads of Beifang Qingyu by a strong suction force.


Hahaha! I'm actually considered a weakling by a beast like you!

It's just a joke~!

At this time, Feng Jiutian, who was possessed by the devil, shouted with a crazy smile after hearing Bei Qingyu's words.

For some reason, after hearing Feng Jiutian's arrogant laughter, Beifang Qingyu felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

not good!

At this moment, Huo Lin and Dongfang Qingwan, who were watching the battle, saw this and tried to stop Beifang Qingyu's actions.

Want to save him? It's too late!

Phoenix! I will spend 200 million years of my life!

As you wish. After hearing this, the Super God Phoenix System said with a smile on its face.

As a powerful force was injected into Feng Jiutian's body, the broken body was quickly condensing.

Not only that, Feng Jiutian's body also began to grow larger, and finally, it transformed into its true form, the sacred phoenix!

Compared with the previous Holy Phoenix Feng San, and this Holy Phoenix Feng Jiutian, there is simply a difference between heaven and earth.

Phoenix true fire and red lotus karma fire, the two flames respectively occupied Feng Jiutian's body, and his figure instantly became larger than the green nine-headed eagle, looking like the gap between an eagle and a bird. .

When the green nine-headed eagle saw this, its wings were flapping rapidly. However, the wings of the sacred phoenix were suddenly flapped.

The scorching red lotus storm spread in all directions, and another super-powerful energy shock swept across the entire galaxy.

Li Quan, on the other hand, stayed silently on the moon, maintaining his own dragon ball, and taking a look at Feng Jiutian and Beifang Qingyu who were fighting in the distance.

While feeding the jade rabbits that came to me, trying to beg for food.

This Feng Jiutian is really not bad, but now that his life span is only 500 million years, what can he do?

Five hundred million years is just a rough number, but for those who can become a super-galaxy level powerhouse as long as they kill all the powerhouses in the galaxy, this kryptonian life is not important at all.

As long as you become a super-galaxy level powerhouse, your lifespan will be greatly increased, so that this vacant lifespan can be filled.

Tsk, tsk, tsk, it is indeed a battle at the level of a large galaxy. This battle is really earth-shaking. Just such a collision, the energy shock wave generated can spread so far.

Of course, strong people have very high control over themselves. Such a wasteful burst of power is basically Feng Jiutian's inability to perfectly control his inner power because of too much power guarantee.

A strong person can shake the entire earth with even a small amount of power.

People like Feng Jiutian, no matter how powerful they are, cannot control their own power and can only waste it in vain.

It's like spreading power.

If Feng Jiutian's power is one hundred, then the energy that spreads is fifty, and only fifty is left to hit the enemy.

This is why the power control is relatively low.

Li Quan, on the other hand, is fearless, because Li Quan has 100% control over his own power, and there is no need to worry about his power losing control due to a sudden surge in strength.

After building a shield to offset all incoming energy impacts, Li Quan was still happily being a member of the public, and by the way, the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's not a bad feeling.

At this time, the cyan feathers all over Beifang Qingyu's body, after being contaminated by the red lotus karma fire, were like a piece of firewood touching a fierce fire, and they were out of control.

The green flying feathers on his body began to be occupied by the red lotus karma fire and burned.

Damn it! Beifang Qingyu wanted to get rid of the red lotus karma fire on his body, but it had no effect at all.

Not only that, it also directly caused the Red Lotus Karmic Fire to spread, making it impossible to stop it.

Go help!

Dongfang Qingwan shouted towards Huo Lin, and their bodies gradually turned into their own bodies.

A huge cyan dragon, Canglong!

And a huge red fire python with golden eyes.

After the two transformed into their own bodies, they wanted to attack Feng Jiutian. However, now Feng Jiutian was supported by Li Quan's power. He was not something that Dongfang Qingwan, Huo Lin, and Beichen could shake now.

Feng Jiutian raised his head and roared, and flames burst out from his body again.

Dongfang Qingwan, Huo Lin and Beichen were directly repelled by the red lotus karma fire that suddenly burst out from Feng Jiutian's body again.

Fortunately, Huo Lin and Dongfang Qingwan also had a certain resistance to the fire attribute, and because they were covered in scales, they did not suffer much damage.

However, Beichen was in dire straits.

After all, Beichen has now transformed into his own cyan nine-headed eagle.

The feathers on his body were ignited again in an instant, and the red lotus fire that had not been extinguished burned even more vigorously at this moment.

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