Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 128 Huo Lin’s Past

Now, under Li Quan's transformation, nature that originally took tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of years to form a suitable living environment for carbon-based organisms has been successfully transformed in just one day.

It can be said that Li Quan's power is very terrifying.

Now, Li Quan has handed over a series of exercises to Ao Shun, asking Ao Shun to release these exercises and strengthen Blue Star's power. It is estimated that Blue Star's power will become terrifying in a short time. stand up.

At that time, everyone who graduated would be able to master the Eighty-nine Mysterious Techniques, Seventy-two Transformations, Thirty-six Transformations, etc., plus some special formation skills. If they still couldn't grow stronger, Li Quan would have to consider it. , is it time for a new generation of human beings?

Of course, this is just Li Quan's joke.

The potential of humans and animals on Blue Star is still very great. It seems to be because of a powerful person named Nuwa in ancient times.

The humans on Blue Star did not evolve from monkeys. After Li Quan’s understanding, the humans on Blue Star were merged into the Nine Heavens Breath by Nuwa through a mysterious energy body millions of years ago. The soil is then added with the spring water of the Fountain of Life, using its natural life-giving effect to create it.

The reason why human beings have unlimited potential is related to that mysterious energy body. Therefore, in essence, human beings are very different from those human alliances in the universe.

Ji Xuanyuan's lineage is the purest descendant of human blood created by Nuwa. Of course, there are hundreds of them on Blue Star, but they are too few now.

There may have been many in ancient times, but after countless generations of reproduction, only a few hundred people remained.

Among them, Li Quan's parents, Fang Tonghao and the Human Emperor lineage, are pure human beings, and their bloodline does not contain any genes from other races.

As for Li Quan, now Li Quan can be said to be not a human being, or he can be said to be a human being.

Only people with pure human blood can learn the methods of slaying and eliminating demons. These skills are worth tens of trillions in Li Quan's system store.

Li Quan was confused about this. Who is he and what kind of strength can he create such a powerful technique?

Although the technique has been distributed, it will take some time for it to be widely promoted.

However, Li Quan is not in a hurry. After all, Li Quan has plenty of time. In his spare time, he can tease Ren Hong and Wang Keyuan and provoke his two father-in-laws.

Sometimes when I travel in Blue Star, I live my life so freely.

In the galaxy, people are now in panic.

What happened about the assassin was true, and the assassin actually killed the Galaxy Goddess, one of the five supreme beings.

She was the most beautiful woman in the galaxy. That assassin could even do this. He was so crazy.

At this time, there are no longer five supreme beings in the galaxy, but only three left.

The Goddess of the Galaxy and Dao Guzi both died at the hands of Li Quan, and now, the assassins were identified by two of the remaining three as being Feng Jiutian.

Because Feng Jiutian's energy during the battle was captured by them. However, due to the Super God Phoenix System, these three people were unable to capture Feng Jiutian at all.

Now, Dao Guzi, the Galaxy Goddess has been killed by the assassin separately. If we don't find the assassin together, we will definitely die.

Even the most powerful goddess among them, the Galaxy Goddess, couldn't resist the assassin's punch. What kind of strength could do this?

However, it seems that the assassin used some secret method to do it, and after using it, Feng Jiutian's Qi has obviously declined a lot, and it is obviously limited.

And this restriction may be a time limit. If you take advantage of this time to find out the assassin, you will most likely kill the assassin.

Otherwise, the assassins are hiding and they are hiding, and their lives will be in danger no matter what.

The assassin's identity seems to come from the true phoenix lineage. The flames on his body are exactly the same as those of the true phoenix lineage.

It just so happens that the place where the True Phoenix lineage is located is in the west of the Milky Way, where Dao Guzi was originally based.

However, this True Phoenix lineage was exterminated a few days ago, and the person who exterminated the clan seems to be their clan leader Feng Jiutian.

You mean, the assassin's true identity is Feng Jiutian?

That's right. The man with red scales on his forehead said seriously.

Its name is Huolin, and its body is a python with red flames and golden eyes.

Naturally, they also know something about the True Phoenix lineage, which is also a fire-attribute race.

Moreover, he had friction with the True Phoenix lineage.

When he was hundreds of millions of years ago, the True Phoenix lineage was so powerful. As one of the top races in the universe, compared to Huo Lin, who was a wild child, it was like the sky and the earth.

Even though Huo Lin's strength had already reached the level of a small galaxy, he still couldn't get enough of the True Phoenix lineage, which had strong men at the level of a large galaxy.

Moreover, because the True Phoenix lineage heard that as long as they ate the flesh and blood of the Red Flame Golden Eyed Python, they could advance further, the True Phoenix lineage had massacred the Red Flame Golden Eyed Python clan.

The Red Flame Golden Eyed Python clan was almost wiped out, but if Huo Lin wasn't quite strong and good at forbearing, he was able to escape the disaster.

Otherwise, there would not be such an achievement.

Fortunately, just before the Red Flame Golden Eyed Python became a powerful person at the level of a large galaxy, all the powerful people in the galaxy who were at the level of a large galaxy were massacred one after another.

Not only that, the restriction fell directly from the sky, and the strong men at the large galaxy level in the True Phoenix lineage were massacred, leaving only some strong men at the small galaxy level.

And Huo Lin also took advantage of this moment to break through the large galaxy level with great strength, and then entered the True Phoenix lineage, slaughtering all the small galaxy level experts in the True Phoenix lineage, and even the Mahayana level experts. .

Now, looking back, hundreds of millions of years have passed. After feeling Feng Jiutian's Phoenix Fire, those memories came back to me again.

You also know that I have a very keen sense of the fire attribute.

Now, what we need to do is to work together to find Feng Jiutian, otherwise, we will be the ones who die.

While speaking, Huo Lin looked at Dongfang Qingdi and asked with a smile: Qingwan, what's your opinion?

Qingwan, whose full name is Dongfang Qingwan, also known as Dongfang Qingdi, said directly after hearing what Huo Lin said: Huo Lin, although you and I are both strong men at the level of a large galaxy, we have not been familiar with each other before. Please call me Dongfang Qingdi, don’t call me by my real name.”

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