Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 126 Times have changed

Not only that, Li Quan also discovered that this nine-pole yin-yang refining array can be upgraded.

As long as it is successfully activated, nearly the energy of a galaxy will be sucked into it and its level will be upgraded.

In addition, Li Quan also discovered that this nine-pole yin-yang refining formation was exactly the same as the aura left by the previous seal owner of the solar system.

What is the purpose of this person?

Not to mention anything else, except for the seal of the solar system, even the seal of the Milky Way is the same.

They are all made by the same person.

Who is this person?

Why should a seal be laid? Not only that, why should this Nine-pole Yin-Yang refining formation be left behind? What is the purpose of this person?

Li Quan didn't know anything about what he was planning.

If you want to know the answer, you can only find the person who set up the formation millions of years ago, or someone related to him.

No matter who you are, as long as you dare to attack Blue Star, I will not let you go. Li Quan silently glanced at the nine-pole yin-yang refining formation and said.

The structure of each formation is very special, as if it were made by nature.

In addition, Li Quan also discovered that this nine-pole yin-yang refining formation cannot be destroyed without super-galaxy level strength.

In other words, the person who set up this formation must be a strong man above the super galaxy level.

Of course, with Li Quan's current strength, he can destroy this formation that can only be destroyed by the so-called super galaxy level strength.

However, it can be destroyed, but there is a special problem.

Once it is destroyed, the supernova annihilation formation in the nine-pole yin-yang refining formation will be triggered.

Once the supernova annihilation formation is activated, the entire galaxy, no, let alone the entire galaxy, even an entire extragalactic galaxy will be directly destroyed.

With Li Quan's current strength, he could destroy the nine-pole yin-yang refining formation, but he could not prevent the activation of the supernova annihilation formation.

Although it cannot be stopped, as long as the Nine Extremes Yin and Yang Refining Formation is not touched, it will not be turned on.

What Li Quan has to do is to prevent others from destroying Blue Star, because Blue Star is the foundation of everything.

Once Blue Star is destroyed, the Nine-Pole Yin-Yang Refining Formation will be passively activated.

Then everything will be over.

This person is really cruel, but one day, I will find you out.

Li Quan's fists were clenched tightly, and the void around them began to shatter, all showing Li Quan's anger.

At the same time, in an unknown space, an old man who looked like an immortal was stroking his white beard, seeming to be thinking about something.

It seems that the seal of the solar system has been broken, and everything is about to begin.

When the time comes, I will attack the Supreme Throne and become the master of this universe! When he said this, the original aura of the immortal spirit changed instantly, and an evil aura rose into the sky.

Fortunately, because the old man was in a special space, it did not affect other living beings.

Otherwise, if you are affected by the old man's evil spirit, your body will explode and die, or you will become a hellish Shura.

While Li Quan was gradually transforming all the planets in the solar system, a rumor gradually emerged in the galaxy.

In the darkness, there is an assassin whose body is exuding hot flames, and is killing strong men above the Mahayana stage everywhere.

Within each race, only a small number of people could escape.

It is precisely because of the appearance of this assassin that all the powerful people in the Mahayana period in the entire galaxy are very uneasy.

Because they don't know when it will be their turn.

Hey, do you know? I heard that the hamster tribe three thousand light years away was massacred by assassins.

I heard that the tragedy was terrible. Among the entire race, only two and a half planet-level experts survived.

Is it so scary?

Of course. Do you think the assassins reported recently in the galaxy are fake?

I don't know where this assassin is now. I hope the five supreme masters can find this assassin.

Assassins are powerful enough to kill even strong men at the level of small galaxies.

This is terrifying. To be able to silently massacre the strong men of a race, what kind of strength does it take to do this?

As for the five supremes, they represent five powerful men who suppress the large galaxy levels in the southeast, northwest, and northwest of the Milky Way.

Of course, the current distribution of power in the galaxy has been shuffled, but these underlying creatures are not clear about it.

Tell you a secret, don't tell anyone else.

Oh? What secret?

One of the red-skinned stone men who looked like a race of stone men asked curiously.

Some people even suspect that this assassin was the work of these five so-called supremes. As for the purpose, it is not clear, but there must be other motives.

For example, blood sacrifices and the like.

As soon as he heard the word blood sacrifice, the stone man became frightened.

Blood sacrifice, this is a technique used by the demon clan and even the heretic lineage of demons. They use living beings to perform blood sacrifices to gain powerful power.

I wonder what the assassin you are talking about looks like?

Just when two stone men of different colors were discussing something, a deep, hoarse voice suddenly sounded.

The two stone men looked back and discovered that this was actually a humanoid alien tourist of a different race.

However, this man was wearing a black robe and his face could not be seen clearly, but he could feel a hint of coldness on his face.

In the Milky Way, there will be alien tourists and the like if contact has been established and the race is relatively developed.

After all, times have changed.

Why, are you interested too?

I think this is ridiculous. After all, there are five supreme adults sitting in charge. How could these things happen?

However, we don't know the appearance of this person. We only know that it is rumored that during the massacre, there will be a scorching red lotus fire.

Is this it? The man in black stretched out his hand, and a crimson red lotus fire appeared in his hand.

The look is so beautiful and fascinating.

Eh? Why do you have this flame? But the flame is very beautiful. Where can I buy it? No! You are the one

However, before the yellow stone man could finish speaking, a red lotus fire that broke through the sky was directly covered on the whole song planet. For a moment, the petrified star occupied by this stone man was reduced to a sea of ​​red lotus.

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