Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 124 The race inside the moon!

Master, are we here?

After seeing Li Quan taking Ao Xue to this quiet and desolate place, Ao Xue asked a little scared for some reason.

Yes, it's right here. Come, let me see what level of scripture you have meditated on for half a month.

You can become stronger by meditating on the scriptures. Li Quan knew this, otherwise he wouldn't have bought some scriptures for Ao Xue to learn from.

Okay master! After hearing Li Quan's words, Ao Xue began to mutter a spell.

Although I have not completely understood the scriptures I have read, I have gained some small insights.

I saw that Ao Xue began to chant a spell, and the nine-character mantra began to appear around him. The nine-character mantra began to rotate around Ao Xue, as if to protect Ao Xue inside.

Move the mountain! Following Ao Xue's order, a large mountain on the moon was controlled by a special force. It was moved out and swayed under Ao Xue's control.

Not bad, continue. Li Quan nodded with satisfaction after seeing Ao Xue move a mountain peak several hundred meters in size without any effort.

For Ao Xue, who is at the level of Nascent Soul, it is not difficult to move or break mountains.

After all, with the talent of the race, even a thousand-meter mountain can be moved easily.

Throwing beans makes an army! After Ao Xue casually threw the huge mountain to the side, the mountain peak collided with the ground, and a huge sound resounded throughout the audience.

Then Ao Xue's hand suddenly emitted golden light and spread around.

After the golden light spots touched the ground, they turned into bean generals more than ten meters in size.

Although it looks a bit funny, their strength is pretty good. According to Li Quan's perception, the strength of these bean generals is estimated to be at the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Moreover, there are eighteen in this scatter.

Of course, this is the maximum Ao Xue can do at present.

Moreover, these bean generals are extraordinary, because Ao Xue has comprehended the Three Talents Sutra.

What are the three talents?

Even if the three talents of heaven, earth and man cannot be fully comprehended, they will receive more or less bonuses.

Therefore, the strength he exerts is more blessed by the three powers of heaven, earth and man than ordinary people.

The combat power increased by nearly 20%.

Perhaps, to the powerful, Ao Xue's 20% increase is nothing.

However, if Ao Xue achieves great power in the future, this 20% increase will be terrifying.

Moreover, this is only under the condition of incomplete understanding.

If you fully comprehend it, this power will be even more powerful.

After an afternoon of experiments, Li Quan was very satisfied. It seemed that this free-range education was very successful.

Although, all this is due to Ao Xue's own talent of perception and the recommendation of the system store.

Of course, this is also inseparable from Li Quan's support. Without the support of Li Quan's Three Talents Sutra and other scriptures, Ao Xue would not be able to achieve this level.

After the experiment, Li Quan was not in a hurry to go home, but continued to stay on the moon.

According to Li Bing, in ancient times, there was actually a so-called heaven on Blue Star.

And there is indeed a person living on the moon.

This person was called the Moon God by people in ancient times.

She is not the fairy Chang'e among the blue stars, but the god who lives on the moon and is in charge of the moon.

Of course, they are powerful people who have their own territory, and they were all powerful beings in ancient times.

The Moon Goddess of the Moon, the Heavenly Emperor of Venus.

The god of fire from Mars, the god of water from Mercury, etc., these are all powerful powers in the human alliance.

And Blue Star is just a place where gods fought in ancient times.

And millions of years ago, for some unknown reason, these powerful forces that suppressed one party suddenly left the solar system, and because of this, the demon army took advantage of the situation and entered.

Want to compete with the humans staying in the solar system for the Blue Star.

This moon is pretty good. As long as the moon can be properly developed, it can be used as an education base or something.

Master, what do you want to do?

Ao Xue looked at Li Quan's pensive look and asked curiously.

“Transforming nature.”


Just give this moon a makeover.

The most important thing about the moon is that it has no atmosphere, and the temperature on its surface is also extremely cold. However, this is not a problem for Li Quan at all.

Li Quan's fingers moved slightly, and the entire moon was shaking.

Master, master, what's going on?

Don't panic, it's just a small scene.

Li Quan said calmly.

Inspired by Li Quan's powerful power, the originally dead core of the moon was once again activated at this moment.

Moreover, Li Quan also discovered some incredible things.

The interior of the moon is actually hollow, and there seem to be two races inside.

Rabbit and Toad.

The two races seem to be hostile, and both possess certain supernatural powers.

However, they are all locked in the center of the moon and cannot leave.

There is a special restriction where the inside of the moon is connected to the outside. The strength of these rabbits and toads cannot break it.

The interior of the moon is also extremely cold, estimated to be more than 30 degrees below zero.

However, the originally silent core of the moon started to boil at this moment, gradually turning red from colorless, and finally turned into a red fireball.

This is the star core.

Today, the moon is at the level of a young star.

The star core was once again activated by Li Quan's powerful power, and the entire moon's surface began to heat up.

The temperature kept rising, from minus 20 degrees, to minus 10 degrees, to three degrees, until it reached 25 degrees and then stopped.

Of course, this is just the temperature in the area where Li Quan is located.

The temperature in other places varies from below zero to over 30 degrees.

As the temperature rises, the originally cold surface begins to produce water vapor.

According to this process, it would be impossible to create an atmosphere without millions of years.

As a result, once the sun shines through, the temperature can reach hundreds of thousands every minute.

It can't really be used as a training base.

And oxygen and so on are necessary, and there are many atmospheric components.

Although Li Quan can do it with his current strength, he doesn't know anything about creating nature.

However, Li Quan didn't panic at all, because if he had any difficulties, he would go to the system store.

Sure enough, after Li Quanyou pursued, the system store popped up directly.

Things about creating a natural environment suitable for carbon-based organisms to survive (100 billion wealth value.)

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