Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 115 Dragon of Destruction-Apophis

Hahaha! I'm finally out! The moment the seal was broken, a dark beam of light rose directly into the sky and broke through the sky.

At the same time, a huge, scaly claw suddenly stretched out from the ground.

Along with the lava, the claws grasped the blue star's earth.

Among the demons, the most powerful existence appeared.

Unexpectedly, it was not a planet level, but a star level, which was a bit unexpected.

Human Alliance, you never thought that we, the Demon Alliance, have this plan, right?!

It's a pity that millions of years have passed and you have left Blue Star. Now, the entire Blue Star will belong to our Demon Alliance!

After these heavy and terrifying words appeared, the most powerful star-level demon on the blue star appeared.


wrong! It is similar to a large lizard in the West!

The whole body is pitch black, with black, armor-like scales, and the overall look is very ferocious and domineering.

I, Apophis, have finally come out again! Let's see who can stop me now!

As soon as he finished speaking, Apophis roared, and the entire Blue Star was shaken.

All over Blue Star, the sealed demons have broken their seals one after another. Because of the demon's light, the strength of all demons has remained at its peak.

Apophis? At this moment, Li Quan's voice suddenly sounded.

As for Apophis, who was thousands of meters away and looked like a huge mountain, his head was looking towards the top of the mountain where Li Quan was.

There are actually human ants. I'm really careless and didn't notice you.

It seems that millions of years of sealing have made my senses a bit lagging behind.

But it doesn't matter, human, just let me do the surgery on you and celebrate for me breaking the seal!

While speaking, Apophis' huge paw suddenly shot towards Li Quan's position.

Fortunately, the place where Li Quan was located was Zhumu Langma Peak, and there were no human beings in the surrounding area.

This Apophis' claw directly caused the Blue Star earth to start shaking.

There was a magnitude 7 earthquake in the area hundreds of kilometers away.

However, the moment Apophis moved his claws away, Li Quan disappeared.

Huh? As expected, he was a weak human being, and even his body was shattered into pieces and disappeared.

However, what puzzled Apophis was why he couldn't feel anything when he just took the photo.

However, Apophis attributed this phenomenon to the fact that the human body is too fragile and he cannot feel it.

I don't know what happened to the other guys now. I saw Apophis raising his head and roaring, and the wings behind him were vibrating.

The huge wings cover the sky and the sun, and with a slight incitement, a typhoon of more than ten levels suddenly arises.

Because we were on Zhuwelangma Peak, there were no people around, only snow. Just by flapping his wings like this, a terrifying avalanche began.

Huh? What's going on?! At this time, Apophis, whose spiritual sense was scanning the entire Blue Star, suddenly discovered that his companions who had broken the seal were suppressed on the ground and unable to move.

Not only that, I thought that the demon army had captured the entire Blue Star. Unexpectedly, the demon army did not see it. Instead, I saw all the demon descendants being pressed to the ground and unable to move.

Practitioners from the dragon and human races began to massacre the descendants of the demons. For a time, the demons were killed one after another.

After seeing all this, what do you want to say?

At this moment, Li Quan's voice sounded again, and this time, Li Quan appeared in front of Apophis.

Although Li Quan seemed very insignificant, for some reason, Apophis suddenly felt the presence of great terror.

How is that possible! Haven't you been beaten to death by me?

Shoot me to death? Just because you're a big lizard? After hearing this, Li Quan felt as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

Apophis became angry after hearing this, Big Lizard, Li Quan actually called him Big Lizard.

As he grows up, what he hates most is when people call him a big lizard.

The guy who called him a big lizard last time was a guy with planet-level strength, but he was swallowed up by Apophis.

Apophis can still clearly remember the fearful look in that guy's eyes.

Human! I am the most noble dragon in the world! I am Apophis, the dragon of destruction!

Fear, human! Your body will be devoured by me! Your soul will be driven into the boundless abyss by me and corroded by the sinful water of the abyss!

Your soul will be polluted and tortured day and night!

As he spoke, Apophis began to recite a spell.

As Apophis recited the incantation, inscription circles began to appear around him.

Dragon language magic!

Thirteenth level heaven and earth annihilation curse!

Human! Just follow all the lives on this blue star and be shattered! Apophis' originally ferocious face now looked very crazy.

Noisy. After hearing this, Li Quan said calmly and then suddenly slapped him out of thin air.

But before Apophis finished reciting, his huge dragon, no, it was a lizard, was suddenly slapped in the mouth by Li Quan.

Its body of several kilometers directly hit the Pig Mother Langma Peak, and the earth shook again. This time, even on the entire Blue Star, obvious vibrations could be felt.

Obviously, the power of this palm directly knocked Apophis unconscious.

what on earth is it?

Why are there such powerful beings among humans! Shouldn't these powerful beings have left along with the seal of the solar system millions of years ago?

At this time, Apophis suddenly noticed something.

He actually couldn't feel Li Quan's cultivation. Li Quan made him feel like an ordinary person.

Who are you?! Apophis flew into the air with an angry look, and then his body continued to expand, turning into a terrifying monster with a size of one million meters, ten million meters, or one hundred million meters.

Its sound is like thunder, and even people in the other hemisphere of Blue Star can hear the obvious sound.

You are not qualified to know my name. Li Quan acted calmly, with disdain in his eyes.

Apophis had seen this look before. It was a look of disdain towards those small creatures. Now, this look appeared on Li Quan. Doesn't it mean that Li Quan didn't take it into consideration at all.

Human! You're dead! As he said this, Apophis suddenly opened his bloody mouth toward the sky.

At the same time, the terrifying suction force began to gather, and all the demons all over the Blue Star could feel their lives being continuously extracted.

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