Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 113 The four forms of life!

As for how to enhance strength, of course it is to enhance the level of the Blue Star Core.

Every planet has levels, just like the differences in realm between practitioners.

There are three levels of planets. One is the star level, which is a planet similar to the moon.

One is the big star level, which is the planet level of Blue Star today, a planet that can give birth to life. Of course, the star level is also possible, but the probability is very low.

The last one is a star level, just like a star level powerhouse in the realm of practitioners.

Stars are so-called energy bodies. For example, the sun is a so-called star.

Of course, the limit of Blue Star is to become a big star, but with the existence of Li Quan, Blue Star can be forcibly helped to overcome the disaster and become a star.

However, if it really became an existence like the sun, it would be impossible for humans to exist on the Blue Star.

However, it doesn't matter if it's just to simply improve the star core.

In the galaxy that Li Quan knew, there was stellar life.

And Blue Star is such a stellar life.

If a star life wants to improve its strength, it must increase its star core level. Once Blue Star becomes a star life, the strength of the three sisters can be improved and they will completely become Blue Star's will.

After all, according to the words of the three sisters, the reason why they were born was all because of Li Quan.

Originally, Blue Star was just an ordinary planet. Until Li Quan's arrival, Blue Star absorbed the dragon's energy and gave birth to three sisters.

However, although the three sisters were born and became the will of Blue Star, their body, Blue Star, is still just an ordinary planet.

And Li Quan's current mission is to make Blue Star come alive and become a stellar life.

In this way, the three sisters will have unlimited possibilities to improve their strength, instead of being limited to the planet level or half-planet level.

Perhaps for the life on the Blue Star, existence of this level is still a status that they cannot reach in their lifetime. However, in the universe, any strong person who can walk with his own body, planet level, half-planet level There are so many levels.

Therefore, Li Quan deliberately spent 100 billion in wealth and directly redeemed it in the system store for an ability called life-giving. Li Quan finally had the ability to give life to everything in the world.

And at the moment when Li Quan truly gave life to Blue Star, Blue Star finally lived.

Blue Star is alive and can reproduce more spiritual energy on his own. No, it is an upgraded version of spiritual energy, spiritual energy.

Of course, the reason why aura can be produced is because it is decomposed by the dark energy in the universe.

Aura is just the lowest level of decomposition efficiency, while psychic energy is the promotion level of aura.

The emergence of spiritual energy has greatly improved the cultivation level of practitioners on Blue Star. Now there are Nascent Soul-level experts. Of course, it is estimated that experts in the fusion stage will not appear in the near future.

After all, during the fusion period, one needs to understand one's own Tao, so that one can enter the fusion period and even the Mahayana period.

Dad, will they really come out? While waiting, Li Lan suddenly appeared next to Li Quan and asked Li Quan curiously.

The words of these monsters cannot be trusted, and I am not sure either. Li Quan rubbed Li Lan's little head and said with a smile.

Li Quan has long been used to the sudden problems that arise among the three sisters.

After all, among Blue Star, the three sisters can be said to be the patron saints of Blue Star. Now that they have been given life by Li Quan, the three sisters are now free from the restriction of being unable to improve their strength.

Although it is not possible to advance immediately, as time goes by, the level of the three sisters will gradually increase.

It does not require deliberate practice, as long as the dark matter absorbed reaches a certain level, it will automatically advance.

This is the power of stellar life.

Of course, there are four life forms in the Milky Way. The first is carbon-based life, the second is silicon-based life, and the third is stellar life.

And there is another one, the most powerful life, called electromagnetic life.

As for what kind of life Li Quan is, Li Quan doesn't know.

Because Li Quan's current existence is a bit special.

These demons are really insidious! If dad hadn't noticed the plot of these demons, we wouldn't have been able to face them based on our strength alone.

If the demons were not at their peak when they came out, with the current strength of the three sisters and Ao Shun, they could kill these demons one by one.

However, if these sealed demons came out during their heyday, or even if their strength had improved during these millions of years, the three sisters and even Ao Shun would not be opponents at all.

If there was no variable like Li Quan, it would really be possible for these demons to occupy Blue Star.

Since then, humanity is in danger.

If he wasn't sinister, why would he be called a monster?

Demons are synonymous with insidiousness, and dishonesty is their basic operation.

Okay, Shen Shi is almost here, so you should prepare yourself.

If we wait, once these guys come out, they may cause widespread damage. The task of you three sisters is to minimize these losses.

Of course, this is just Li Quan asking the three sisters to do the logistics. With Li Quan's strength, if he wants to kill all the demons on the Blue Star, just one thought is enough.

After all, a strong man at the level of a small galaxy can destroy Blue Star with a single move. Killing these demons whose highest strength is only at the planet level is just a piece of cake.

Li Quan, on the other hand, is even more powerful than those in the small galaxy level. If Li Quan couldn't kill him with a single thought, then Li Quan would probably commit suicide with tofu.

The Shen Shi has arrived. At this moment, Li Quan suddenly sensed that the sun was polluted by the power of the demon that suddenly appeared.

These demon powers seem to be left by a stellar-level demon. It is probably the plan of this demon millions of years ago.

It looks like the backhand left by those demons when they left millions of years ago.

I have to say, these demons are really insidious.

As the power of demons spread, the entire sun suddenly became dim. Gradually, the sun was enveloped by the dark power of demons.

The power of demons began to spread under the sunlight, and countless demon powers began to spread in all directions.

The effects of these demonic powers did not have any counter-effects on the aborigines of Tenglong Kingdom. At most, they only felt a little uncomfortable.

The real function is to restore the demons who broke through the seal to their heyday!

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