Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 109 Return to Blue Star!

Of course Feng Jiutian knew what Li Quan said.

This is a rhythm that will destroy him if he doesn't give it.

Give it to him. With your current strength, you are no match for him. Moreover, those who achieve great things cannot stop for such a small benefit.

Your future is the sea of ​​stars. When you become the Ancestral Phoenix, will he be your opponent?

After hearing what Super God Phoenix System said, Feng Jiutian was stunned for a moment, and then after thinking for a while, he finally said: Okay, senior, please wait a moment.

Remember, don't make any small moves. It's better to do less than to do more.

After hearing this, Feng Jiutian nodded.

Originally, Feng Jiutian planned to secretly create some kind of restriction and give Li Quan a surprise in the future.

However, after hearing the system's reminder, Feng Jiu finally remembered that Li Quan was not an ordinary person.

To be precise, daring to fool a strong man of Li Quan's level is like walking on a tightrope.

Therefore, as the Super God Phoenix System says, it is better to do less than to do more.

After watching Feng Jiutian's disappearing figure, Li Quan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said to himself: Sure enough, this is the only way to make you leave it to me honestly.

In this universe, these immortals who have lived for millions of years are full of cunning and cunning, and they are secretly stumbling upon you and you don't even know it yet.

Unless he has the crushing strength of Li Quan now, otherwise, he will definitely be plotted to death.

A few hours later, Feng Jiutian's figure appeared in the True Phoenix Palace.

At this moment, Li Quan and his group of seven people had been waiting in the True Phoenix Palace for a long time.

It's a bit late, please pay attention to the time next time. After taking a chip handed over by Feng Jiutian, Li Quan said with a smile on his face.

Yes, yes, it's not just because of some things that delayed the time. After hearing this, Feng Jiutian said with a hint of pandering on his face.

However, he cursed Li Quan countless times in his heart.

Of course, Li Quan kept all this in mind. If he scolded Li Quan, Feng Jiutian would die even worse.

After obtaining all the technology of the True Phoenix lineage, Li Quan and his party can leave here.

And Feng Jiutian can also start his own upgrade plan.

The first task is to kill the high-ranking figures of the True Phoenix lineage.

Anyone with a relatively high level of cultivation will definitely have karma on them. Of course, it just depends on whether you have more or less.

In order to solve this problem for Feng Jiutian, he exchanged it for him for a karma merit eye, so that Feng Jiutian could see karma and merit.

This day was destined to be the beginning of the destruction of the True Phoenix lineage.

Since he promised his mother-in-law and the others not to massacre the True Phoenix lineage and not to commit murderous crimes, Li Quan let Feng Jiutian do it himself.

In this case, it should be none of Li Quan's business.

At this time, in the Blue Star space, with a burst of space distortion, Li Quan and his group of seven people appeared in outer space.

I'm finally back, and Blue Star feels better. Of course, this is just a psychological benefit. Compared to Blue Star, Stars and Sea actually helped Li Quan more.

Now, Li Quan's level has reached level 130, and it takes too much energy to advance to the next level.

Apart from anything else, if you stay on Blue Star all the time, you probably won't be able to advance to one level even if it takes millions of years.

Therefore, assistance is necessary, such as swallowing energy bodies.

As for strength, Li Quan is not in a hurry to improve. In the entire galaxy, no one can beat Li Quan.

Therefore, Li Quan is not in a hurry to improve his strength.

Life must be enjoyed, and the most important thing is to promote the civilization of the entire Blue Star and improve the strength of Blue Star, so that Li Quan can feel at ease.

No matter what, Blue Star is Li Quan's home. There are parents and people he cares about at home.

I finally returned to Blue Star again, nineteen years ago. Li Quan's two mothers-in-law said with a hint of excitement on their faces.

Yes, it's been nineteen years. I think we were still young and ignorant at the time. I didn't expect that time would fly by so fast.

Ren Changjiang on the side also sighed with emotion.

However, after hearing this, Li Quan felt silent contempt in his heart.

These two father-in-laws seemed to be showing off their youth, and they were paying us back.

Li Quan would not say that both mothers-in-law have lived for millions of years and possess planet-level strength.

When I fall in love with you, it feels like taking care of two children.

However, when he saw the four people hugging each other, and then looking at the blue star, for some reason, Li Quan always felt like a bitch spreading all over the sky.

Who doesn't know how to show affection? After Li Quan muttered to himself, suddenly, he put his left hand on Wang Keyuan's waist and his right hand on Ren Hong's waist.

Before the two girls could react, Li Quan suddenly pulled them over.

The two of them groaned subconsciously, and the sound directly attracted the two mothers-in-law and father-in-law.

The four of them looked back and saw that Li Quan was looking at Wang Keyuan and Ren Hong with a gentle look on his face.

But in the eyes of the two father-in-laws, Li Quan was showing off nakedly to them.

It's like saying, you can show affection, but I can't?

Moreover, I am twice as happy, and most importantly, I am picking up your daughter, and there is nothing you can do about it.

The expressions of the two of them were as happy as eating Xiang. If they didn't know that they couldn't defeat Li Quan, they would have to let Li Quan know what love from his father-in-law means.

Okay, let's go back. There are still people waiting at home. Li Quan smiled at the four of them.

After hearing this, the four people did not object. Under the leadership of Li Quan, they returned to Blue Star together.

When the two horns stood on the blue star land, I felt a full sense of reality.

I'm finally back. It's better to have Blue Star. Ren Changjiang said generously.

Okay, since we are all back safely, I will go back first.

Mom-in-law, aunt, you two should enjoy your world together.

If there is any crisis on Blue Star, I will take care of it and nothing will happen.

I almost let it slip, but fortunately Li Quan reacted quickly enough.

It's a pity that everyone present has a certain level of cultivation, so what Li Quan said was naturally heard by everyone.

The two mothers-in-law laughed subconsciously, while the second daughter blushed subconsciously, and lightly pinched Li Quan's waist with her fingers to relieve the shyness on her face.

As for the father-in-laws, if there were planes, cannons, etc. on the ground, they would definitely baptize Li Quan with a cannonball or something. It was so hateful!

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