Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 104 Feng San makes many friends

It seemed that he knew that he was no match for Feng Rong. When Li Quan said this, Ren Changjiang's old face turned red.

Can you please stop making trouble like this?

Ren Changjiang felt very depressed.

Although he is not Feng Rong's opponent, he shouldn't speak directly in this tone. Can you give him some face?

Okay, come on. Li Quan seemed to have noticed something. He didn't expect that Uncle Ren would love face so much. However, this face was given to him.

Who would have thought that Ren Changjiang could be regarded as his 'elder'.

However, after hearing Li Quan's words, Ren Changjiang walked up to Feng Rong.

Because Feng Rong was suppressed by Li Quan at the moment, he couldn't move.

But here comes the problem. Ren Changjiang's strength is not enough for a small golden elixir period, so how can he cause any harm to Feng Rong?

However, things have reached this point. If he doesn't, will he still be a man?

After all, he was almost cheated by that bastard Feng Rong. If Li Quan hadn't stopped him in time, he would have been cheated.

Asshole! I let you bully Qian'er! While saying this, Ren Changjiang punched Feng Rong in the face with his fist.

Feng Rong originally looked at Ren Changjiang with disdain. After all, Ren Changjiang's strength was only at the Golden Core stage. If it weren't for being suppressed by Li Quan, the aura that erupted from his body would have been enough to crush Ren Changjiang to death.

However, even so, Ren Changjiang has been unable to cause harm to him for a long time.

Seeing Ren Changjiang's angry look, Feng Rong's red eyes felt a hint of happiness for some reason.

However, when Ren Changjiang's fist fell on Feng Rong, a miracle happened.

Feng Rong's face was unexpectedly twisted. Not only that, Feng Rong also felt the huge force coming from Ren Changjiang's fist.

This huge force directly caused Feng Rong's body to fly backwards and hit the wall behind her again.

The whole person was once again firmly embedded in the wall.

When Ren Changjiang saw this, he didn't know that Li Quan was secretly helping.

Ren Changjiang's own strength is only at the Golden Core stage, and it is impossible to cause such harm to Feng Rong, so there must be Li Quan helping behind him.

When Ren Changjiang set his sights on Li Quan, he saw that Li Quan would also give Ren Changjiang a smile.

Indeed, it was Li Quan who came to help just now.

When Ren Changjiang punched out, Li Quan secretly used his mental power to hit Feng Rong directly in the face.

Li Quan's strength was so huge that his own pressure alone was enough to frighten Feng Rong into being unable to move. Using a little mental power to beat Feng Rong was just a piece of cake.

Anyway, just think of it as giving face to your future father-in-law.

Ren Changjiang seemed to have noticed something. He turned around, rubbed his fists, smiled and looked at Feng Rong and said, You guy, how dare you bully my Xiaoqian, I swear I won't be a human being until I kill you!

It's not like Ren Changjiang has never done anything like murder.

After all, when I was young, as a cultivator, there were grievances and grudges between cultivators, and injuries and killings were common.

Therefore, Ren Changjiang would not be lenient at all.

The figure quickly came to the wall, and at this time, Feng Rong was looking at Ren Yangjiang with a look of fear.

No, to be precise, it’s Li Quan who is behind the Yangtze River.

Li Quan and Ren Changjiang both came with murderous intent, he will die!

Seeing this, Feng Rong was about to ask for mercy. However, how could Feng Rong, whose body was imprisoned by Li Quan, use her own strength to break through Li Quan's suppression and speak?

Every time Ren Changjiang punched, Li Quan's mental power would follow suit. Following a series of ground-shaking blows, the wall directly shattered, and no intact parts of Feng Rong's body could be seen.

However, because the resilience of the true phoenix lineage is so amazing, Feng Rong is still alive even though he has been beaten to a state of disgrace that can basically be described as a mosaic.

You bastard, I didn't expect to die like this. Ren Changjiang didn't know how many punches he had punched. He only knew that he was tired now.

But even though he is tired, Feng Rong has not died for a long time. Can he be said to be of the true phoenix lineage?

Uncle, leave the rest to me. At this moment, Li Quan stepped forward and said to Ren Changjiang.

After hearing this, Ren Changjiang nodded and had no objection.

He had run out of anger and was tired of beating him.

After Ren Changjiang walked away, Li Quan came to the mosaic on the wall and asked with a smile: I heard that you are going to destroy Blue Star, right?

Li Quan's smile was as scary as a demon in Feng Rong's eyes.

No, that's not right! I just said it casually. At this time, Feng Rong finally knew why Li Quan suddenly targeted him.

This so-called Blue Star must be related to Li Quan, otherwise Li Quan would not be able to treat him like this.

Indeed, the reason why Li Quan was angry was because Feng Rong spoke arrogantly, clamoring to destroy the Blue Star clan and Blue Star.

However, even if Feng Rong didn't say this, his fate would still be the same.

From the moment he imprisoned Feng Qian, the outcome was already doomed.

No! Don't kill me! I am the nephew of Feng Jiutian, the leader of the True Phoenix clan! Kill me! The True Phoenix clan will not let you go!

There are several small galaxy level experts in the True Phoenix lineage. As long as the large galaxy level experts do not take action, the small galaxy level experts in the True Phoenix lineage are the strongest.

Li Quan was able to bypass everyone's perception and come here. He must be a strong person at the small galaxy level, and he is also the kind of strong person at the small galaxy level who is proficient in the art of concealment.

However, once Feng Rong is killed, those small galaxy-level experts from the True Phoenix lineage will find out. At the same time, Li Quan gets stronger several times and can fight one against two, but one against three, What about one against four?

Therefore, he was betting that Li Quan would not dare to kill him!

Feng Jiutian?

After hearing this, Li Quan felt as if he had heard a big joke.

Who are you, Holy Phoenix?

After hearing the words Holy Phoenix, Feng Rong's vagina shrank a bit.

Do you know my cousin?

Are you my cousin's friend?

If this is the case, it can also explain why Li Quan can come here without being discovered.

After all, in his understanding, the Holy Phoenix Feng San has made many friends, and his friends can be found in almost every corner of the galaxy.

Among them, there are many powerful practitioners.

Great! It's really one of my own people beating my own people. Let me tell you, I know my cousin very well, you know.

He is my enemy, and he was killed by me. Li Quan said silently.

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