Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 102 Difficulties

Therefore, what is now placed in front of Feng Jiutian is a proposition, which makes it difficult to make a choice.

Why, don't you say anything? There was a smile on Li Quan's face, but this smile looked like a devil in Feng Jiutian's eyes.

This is absolutely evil!

No, not really. I had no choice but to say something sarcastic in order to survive.

After cultivating for tens of millions of years, if the body and soul were to disappear due to this reason, then Feng Jiutian would really have died unjustly.

Moreover, this happened for a reason. If it weren't for his son and younger brother who offended Li Quan, Li Quan would not have killed them.

Therefore, all this is because the two of them seek death.

Moreover, if his son is gone, he can have another one. If his brother is gone, he is gone. Anyway, he has long disliked his brother, so he will die if he dies.

After giving herself a reason, Feng Jiutian finally recovered.

And Li Quan didn't expect that Feng Jiutian could say such words in order to survive.

It's really heartless.

However, this is probably normal.

After all, for these cultivators who have been cultivating for who knows how many years, family love and so on can be said to be very few.

Basically, people who consider others for themselves are probably as rare as giant pandas.

After Li Quan just stared at Feng Jiutian silently, Feng Jiutian was filled with fear. He didn't even dare to take a few breaths, for fear that Li Quan would kill him because he suddenly gasped for air.

Of course, Li Quan would not do this.

Okay, let's go. Li Quan was already sure. Even if he gave Feng Jiutian ten courages, he would not dare to think anything wrong about Li Quan.

After all, the strength lies here.

Even now that Li Quan asked him to kill his entire clan in order to survive, it is estimated that Feng Jiutian would not hesitate.

Thank you, senior, for sparing me! After hearing Li Quan's words, Feng Jiutian finally felt relieved.

Seeing Feng Jiutian's figure disappearing from everyone's eyes in an instant, Li Quan turned his attention to Ren Hong and Ren Changjiang's father and daughter.

I have found what my aunt said.


After hearing what Li Quan said, the father and daughter were overjoyed.

Really, it's just that Aunt seems to have encountered a little difficulty.

What's the difficulty? After hearing Li Quan's words, the father and daughter asked eagerly.

I can't explain this clearly, let's go. When Li Quan arrived at the Red Flame Star, his mental power also directly enveloped the Red Flame Star.

On the Scarlet Flame Star, the vast majority of the True Phoenix clan members use their own prototypes, and only a few prefer to live in human form.

And Ren Changjiang's wife, Ren Hong's mother, is exactly one of them.

However, while searching, I saw something.

At this time, in a scorching dungeon among the Red Flame Stars, a woman wearing a fiery red fire feather dress seemed to have a trace of tears on her pretty face.

It looks like this woman is about twenty years old, and she looks a little bit like Ren Hong.

Feng Qian, today is the happy day between you and me. Why, it's still like this? Suddenly, from the red flame dungeon, a crimson flaming phoenix that seemed to be more than ten meters in size poked out. He took off his head and asked the woman named Feng Qian.

However, Feng Qian ignored the flaming phoenix and had turned her back to the flaming phoenix for a long time.

When Lieyan Phoenix saw this, he became angry.

It has been seventeen years, a full seventeen years, and this Feng Qian has not known what is good or bad, and has been treating him like this for a long time.

Although Feng Qian didn't know why, she discovered that Feng Qian was not perfect when she found out again, but Lieyan Phoenix Feng Rong didn't care because he wanted to get Feng Qian's person.

Now, even though she had been facing Fengqian day and night for nineteen years, Fengqian was not moved by his true feelings at all.

Feng Rong was angry. Seventeen years ago, in order to win Feng Qian's heart, she postponed the wedding until now, but now, this Feng Qian is really!

Is it because of that man?

Don't think that I don't know about Ren Changjiang! I have long known about the affairs between you through the True Love Crystal!

The True Love Crystal is a rare treasure in the galaxy and is basically rare to see.

The main function is to view this person's experience.

Seventeen years ago, Feng Rong already knew about Ren Changjiang's existence, but in order to win Feng Qian's heart, she kept this secret hidden.

But now, this Fengqian didn't know what was good or bad. No matter how friendly he was, she still treated him like a stranger.

It's been seventeen years, and now Feng Rong can't wait any longer.

Just a week ago, the wedding was scheduled for today.

Although, for some reason, the entire Red Flame Galaxy was covered by an unknown cover today, and the wedding could only be postponed until later.

However, Feng Rong couldn't wait any longer!

He wants to complete the wedding today!

J! There's no way to stop him!

He has waited too long!

Phoenix! You!

Hmph! How about it? If you don't complete the wedding with me today, tomorrow, I will lead an army and flatten this so-called Blue Star!

Feng Rong's tone was extremely arrogant. Obviously, this was the only way to threaten Feng Qian.

You! You are shameless!

Yes! I am shameless! But as long as I get you! What's wrong with being shameless?!

Feng Rong's eyes gradually turned red. Not only that, Feng Rong's figure gradually shrank, and then turned into the size of a human man.

However, according to human aesthetics, this phoenix is ​​a bit thick and wild, and its body shape is the same as that of a strong man about two meters tall.

Compared to Feng Rong, Feng Qian's body size is only about 1.6 meters. Compared with Feng Rong, she is simply the height of a child.

You, what are you going to do?!

Let me go! Feng Qian's hands were suddenly grabbed by Feng Rong, and Feng Rong immediately threw Feng Qian aside on the bed that suddenly appeared.

What are you going to do?! Feng Qian was scared. She didn't expect that Feng Rong's character would suddenly change drastically today.

Uh-huh! What do I want to do?

Feng Qian, it's been seventeen years, it's been a full seventeen years. I originally thought that my sincerity could move you, but you are still as stubborn as a stone.

I realized that I have been really stupid these seventeen years.

Isn't it because the man named Ren Changjiang is actually married to you?

That's good! I am also married to you, and I have done more than him!

I want to see what it feels like when Ren Changjiang knows that the person he has been thinking about is being crushed under me!

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