Dragon clan, ultimate evolution!

Chapter 10 Devour! upgrade!

Nowadays, Li Quan's body length is only one meter. Compared with this three-meter-long big fish, he is like a pebble hitting a stone, and he is overestimating his abilities.


Although Li Quan's body is not long enough for this big fish, Li Quan knows magic!

When the lightning control technique is activated, thunder and lightning will evaporate within ten meters of the body.

When thunder meets water, its power increases greatly.

This three-meter-long big fish wanted to attack Li Quan, but he was electrocuted and his heart was so cold that he felt his heart fly.

This is a thunderbolt that can kill even red-clothed devils. Dealing with a fish is a matter of easy capture.

Big Fish rolled his eyes at Li Quan's sudden burst of electricity and was stunned.

Surprisingly, the fish was not electrocuted.

However, because this fish was stunned by Li Quan, the number +365 actually appeared on the top of the fish's head.

Could it be said that if it is a relatively small life, it can be swallowed directly, but if it is a larger body, it must lose its ability to resist?

Li Quan used the swallowing skill on the big fish.

I saw the big fish being gradually swallowed by Li Quan's small mouth.

It only took ten seconds for the three-meter-sized fish to be swallowed by Li Quan.

And Li Quan's experience value also soared directly to LV.11 (630/1100).

There are still 370 experience points left before reaching level 12.

Li Quan felt the feeling of increased strength in his body after swallowing the big fish, and began to hunt fish in the sea.

In the sea, the most indispensable thing is fish.

At a glance, numbers like +23, +18, +125 were constantly swimming in front of Li Quan's eyes.

These are all experience points.

Li Quan transformed into a devouring machine, and all fish under one meter were devoured by Li Quan. Even those larger than Li Quan were directly stunned and then devoured by Li Quan using the lightning control technique.

For a whole afternoon, Li Quan's level was directly raised to level 31.

Species: dragon


Body length: 110M

Abilities: Devouring, form transformation, lightning control, water control, fire control, dragon power, dragon soaring, law of heaven and earth.

This is Li Quan's physical fitness now.

In a whole afternoon, Li Quan devoured from a one-meter-sized dragon to a giant dragon more than a hundred meters long.

In addition, Li Quan's dragon scales began to turn black and gradually turned into yellow.

Lin's claws also became particularly sharp and hard.

Especially Li Quan's dragon head looks particularly ferocious, majestic and cool.

While devouring, Li Quan was immersed in the pleasure of increasing strength. It was not until he reached level 30 and the system prompt sounded that Li Quan realized that his size had become so huge.

In addition, Li Quan seems to have done something extraordinary.

Previously, because I was chasing a five-meter shark, the body appeared on the sea surface and was discovered.

Although it only appeared for less than a second, it was photographed.

It is estimated that the news about the dragon appearing in Jianghai will explode on the Internet now.

Li Quan was so huge that he was originally worried about how to avoid being discovered.

Who would have thought that Li Quan would actually be rewarded with a magical power called Law, Heaven and Earth.

Dragons can be big or small, they can appear or disappear.

In addition, it can also fly and make clouds and rain.

Now, Li Quan has mastered the skills of flying, being able to move up and down, and making clouds and rain.

In this regard, Li Quan was still depressed about what happened last night.

If I had known that I could get the Dragon Soaring skill and fly today as long as I leveled up, I wouldn't have been tricked by the system into losing five points of wealth to experience flying.

Li Quan's figure continued to shrink. The largest one Li Quan had never tried, but the smallest one could be as small as when he first turned into a dragon.

Well, it's about ten centimeters in size.

Transforming into a ten centimeter-sized dragon, Li Quan flew back to the service station and changed his clothes back into the employee changing room.

After transforming into a human form, Li Quan's human form can be blessed with half the power of his dragon form.

Li Quan in the dragon state can smash an entire hundred-meter-sized building into pieces with one claw. Although Li Quan in human form has only half of his strength, that half of his strength is concentrated on a small point.

The power that explodes is no joke.

At the very least, Li Quan can easily do things like breaking rocks.

Li Quan looked at himself in the mirror, and his figure became more perfect. Just a slight squeeze of his fist made bursts of air bursting sounds.

After putting on his clothes, Li Quan's cell phone suddenly rang.

Picking up the phone and clicking on it, he found that there were twenty incoming call messages, sixteen of which were from Fang Tonghao.

Of the remaining four, two were unknown calls and the other two were from Ren Hong.

After Li Quan answered Fang Tonghao's call, he suddenly heard Fang Tonghao's friendly scolding voice: Zhoucao Li Quan, why didn't you answer the phone after you made dozens of calls?

Ahem, I went swimming and my phone was in the locker room, so you know.

Forget it, I won't tell you so much. I have already found out that guy. His full name is Zhang Jing. He is secretly colluding with many high-ranking businessmen in Jiangdu City.

Among them, those who offended Zhang Jing, except for those high-ranking businessmen, the rest...

They're all dead, right?

Well, if Zhang Jing has the ability to expel ghosts as you said, it can explain the causes of death in the previous cases.

Where is Zhang Jing?

I just used my authority to investigate. Zhang Jing has now left Jiangdu City and is flying to Xia'an City.

What are you going to do? If it's Jiangdu City, I can tell my colleagues, but in other provinces and cities, I can't do anything.

Don't worry, someone will naturally come to deal with him.

After Li Quan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

By the way, Li Quan soon saw the news on his mobile phone about the appearance of a real dragon in Jiangdu City.

After taking a look at the darkening sky, Li Quan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said, Since the news about the real dragon has caused so much excitement, how about adding more fuel to the fire?

Li Quan put his cell phone in his pocket, walked out of the employee changing room, and came to a dark, quiet and deserted corner.

The last ray of sunlight in the sky completely fell, and Jiangdu City began to become brightly lit.

Huh? A miserable ghost?

Li Quan was planning to transform into a dragon in this alley. Who would have thought that he would actually see a dead ghost looking at Li Quan with his tongue hanging out.

The two of them stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes. After a while, the dead ghost asked Li Quan curiously: Can you see me?

Li Quan ignored the question of the dead ghost, and gradually transformed into a real dragon more than ten meters in size, and then let out a dragon roar towards the dead ghost.

The dead ghost fell to the ground instantly, his face turned pale!

No, its face is originally white.

After Li Quan glanced at the dead ghost indifferently, he rose into the air!

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