Dragon Clan: No one wants me, Lu Mingfei

Chapter 324 Mr. Judge, you don’t want to either

Chapter 324 Mr. Judge, you don’t want to either...


The originally noisy courtroom became extremely quiet. Everyone stared at the miniature printer at Xia Di's hand. Under Nova's control, it slowly spit out a data analysis report.

The results of the paternity test that affected the hearts and minds of everyone present fell into the hands of Xia Di. This handsome man who always kept his expression tense to prevent himself from laughing, after seeing the results of the paternity test clearly, his face gradually changed from being as steady as an old dog to being serious, and finally He glanced back and forth between Minamoto and Uesugi in confusion, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

Seeing the change in his expression, Yuan Zhimu and Yuan Zhisheng were relieved but also a little uncomfortable. They could obviously avoid having a murderous father suddenly appear, but they felt empty in their hearts for some reason.

When Uesugi Yue, who was disarmed and dragged into the dock, saw this, his heart skipped a beat, fearing that his happiness was in vain.

"Hiss~" Xia Di held the report sheet with one hand and breathed lightly. He turned around and checked the machine behind him, and then re-confirmed whether the results were correct. After receiving a positive reply from Nova, he said calmly:

"Unfortunately, although I want to deny it, as far as the results are concerned, the defendant Minamoto and the defendant Uesugoshi are not..."

At the end of the sentence, his eyes were a little wandering, as if he was ashamed that his sworn statement was wrong, but his coy appearance like a white-haired old woman was showing off in the eyes of everyone.

Although he has already determined in his heart that these two stupid and stubborn Genji boys are his children, Xia Di is so tempting and doesn't say anything, it's like poking Uesugoshi's heart with a knife but not taking action, no The constant torture made him feel particularly uncomfortable. He wanted to rush forward and grab the paternity test and read it himself.

As the saying goes, the authorities are obsessed with the onlookers. As a girl and a spectator, Sakurai Kogure can see the situation more clearly. She found a clue from Xia Di's raised eyebrows, but before she could figure out what went wrong, she heard the trial. The director finally read out the results of the paternity test:

"You are not unrelated strangers."

"Huh?" x3

In the eyes of Sakurai Kogure and Yabuki Sakura, "Sure enough," Xia Di projected the results of the paternity test on the wall behind her.

"According to the identification, the genetic similarity between Uesugi Koshi and Minamoto's daughter is as high as 99.999%. There is no doubt that you are father and son." Xia Di sent the test report to Uesugi Koshi with a flick of his finger, and then applauded symbolically. To celebrate:

"Okay, I'll give you one minute to express my joy. If you want to hug or kiss me, hurry up. The trial will continue."

As the presiding judge, Xia Di was full of human touch, but neither Uesugi Koshi nor the Genji brothers expressed anything. They just stood there blankly, looking at the test opinions on the analysis report:

According to the DNA analysis results, it is supported that the person who belongs to the No. 1 sample, Uesugoshi and the girl who belongs to the No. 2 sample, have a parent-child relationship.

After half a minute, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly came back to his senses. Looking at the old man in a trench coat whose face was red with excitement and unable to conceal his excitement, and his younger brother standing next to him who seemed to be stupid, he subconsciously said:

"If he is really our biological father, why do we inherit the Minamoto family name and not the Uesugi family?"

His biological father, who had been dead for many years, suddenly appeared and committed murders and arson in front of him. Even in Xia Di's mouth, this man had committed abhorrent war crimes. Yuan Zhisheng, a righteous friend, could not accept the cruel reality and chose A flimsy retort.

Xia Di didn't seem to want to waste time explaining such a simple question to him, so he handed the microphone to Uesugi Yue and motioned for him to answer it himself.

After finally calming down his excited emotions, Uesugi wanted to hold his little son who was close at hand and feel the feeling of hugging a child, but he saw a bit of confusion and bewilderment in Minamoto's eyes, as well as a hint of loss. I tried so hard to escape, but ultimately did nothing.

Sighing, Uesugoshi spoke softly, answering the eldest son's doubts: "Because I am the last emperor of the eight Seraki families and the biggest traitor in history, they will not let you inherit my surname."

This sentence allowed Yuan Zhisheng to confirm his guess. He had previously suspected that Uesugi Yue was a big shot who defected from the Sheqi Eighth Family, but he didn't expect him to be so big.

Perhaps out of guilt for the child, and in order to make the Minamoto brothers have a stronger image of their father, Uesugi told his own story.

With Xia Di's presence, Uesugoshi did not embellish or beautify himself, and showed all his youth, frivolity and ignorance in front of the children.

From his parents eloping to being forced to separate, he grew up with his mother in a French church, and then lost his father when he was young. After awakening his abilities, he was brought back to Japan by the eight Seraki families and crowned emperor. His usual job was to interview the later Class A war criminals, and The seven wives worked day and night to breed, and after the outbreak of World War II, they were deceived into encouraging the young members of the family to go to the battlefield and die. After the defeat, they failed to assassinate Angers and were beaten into dogs.

Uesugoshi's voice became deeper and deeper. He looked at his tall and tall eldest son, as if looking at his former self: "You have never heard of my name because I am a great shame to the Sheqi family. , during the eleven years that my family has been the supreme leader, it can be said that I have done everything but good deeds. Calling me a jerk would be considered a compliment.

After the defeat of the war, almost all the militants in the family were killed and injured. Most of the remaining people in power were conservatives. In order to consolidate their positions and protect their families from being liquidated, they put all the blame on me. It’s because of our Sheqi family that they are riddled with holes.

Therefore, as the supreme leader, I did not even have enough coal to boil water for heating during that period, so I could only ask my 'wife' to go to the forest to cut down trees, and the firewood left long traces in the snow. "

"Actually, I don't care about Japan at all, nor do I care about the Sheqi family. I am of Chinese, Japanese and French descent. I grew up overseas. From the beginning, I wanted to come to Japan to eat, drink, have fun and sleep with women. I would go back when I got tired of playing. France looking for mom.

But more than ten years of extravagance and licentiousness made me forget my original intention. The Sheqi Ba family used their power and strength to bind me to death. When I thought about whether I wanted to live or die with the family, Angers whipped me hard. Someone was sent to dump a truckload of documents documenting the crimes of the Japanese army in my face.

I have very little regard for life and death other than my own, so I didn’t pay much attention to the Japanese army killing civilians in the information, until I saw your grandma’s name during a massacre. "

Uesugoshi's voice was cold and cruel, and Minamoto could even feel the smell of blood and fire in it, as if he was not standing in a courtroom at this moment, but in a shrine where corpses were burning all over the ground.

Only half a meter away, Yuan Jingmei felt the creepy murderous intention. It was obviously just spreading unconsciously but it seemed to be specifically aimed at him. The hair on the skinny boy's body stood up and he looked at his "father" with full eyes. Horrifying.

"My mother, your grandmother died of suicide. After her death, her body was used as a knife-testing tool by a member of the Miyamoto family who went by the pseudonym Fujiwara Masaru."

Two days later, Uesugi once again uncovered the most painful scar in his heart. Although this time there was no boy named Sakura with the red-haired girl to distract him from the pain, but with his son and daughter-in-law present, he could barely stabilize the surface. Kung Fu did not lose his composure, but his tone became low and hoarse:

"Jiaosheng, you must have visited the shrine of the Sheqi Hachi family, right?"

Yuan Zhisheng nodded. He had been to the shrine two years ago when he was proving his Yuan family bloodline. He had also been there several times this year, and he also took Ying Cong out of the weapons storage room.

"Then you should know that the shrine has been renovated. When I learned that Fujiwara Katsu was a member of the Miyamoto family and was still enshrined in the shrine, I rushed into the enshrinement hall with a knife, cut off his memorial tablet, and kicked him over. The ever-bright lamp of prayer spread his ashes all over the place.”

There was a flicker of fire in the eyes of the old man in trench coat, as if the fire that was ignited in the Kobe Mountains sixty years ago has never been extinguished and has been burning his heart:

"Seeing how I treated the heroes of my family and Japan, the priests thought I was crazy and rushed to stop the act of defiling the heroes. Then they turned into parts, and the blood and ashes mixed together to form a filthy quagmire.

I found fuel and bombs from the arsenal, and rained them down wherever I went. Anyone who dared to stop me died under my knife. In the end, the fire went down and the entire Kobe Mountain burned down.

Then I returned home as if nothing had happened, killed all my wives who had been waiting for me for a long time, and then killed all the Sheqi family. From then on, I disappeared into the mixed-race society and became an ordinary ramen chef. "

"Why did you kill your wives?" Yuan Zhisheng suddenly said. He could understand that Uesugi killed the tribesmen who used him, but his wives were just poor tools.

"Imperial blood is the curse of the White King. It cannot bring happiness to people, but only ignites people's ambitions." The fire in Uesugoshi's eyes disappeared and turned into endless sadness. He took out the silver cross from his collar, as if to Pray and repent:

"I really want to say that I killed them because I didn't want the royal blood to be passed on, but in fact I just wanted to vent my anger. The real person who deserves death is not them, but me."

"Then what's going on with us?" Minamoto Chisao suppressed his anger. To defect from the family is the same as death. Masamune Tachibana was right to say that his biological father died in a gang fight, but Uesugi said he wanted to cut off the imperial blood. , and why do these two brothers exist?

"In fact, the eight Sheqi families, like all the fierce ghosts, want to find the way to evolution, so they donated many genetic samples to Germany, including mine. My wife has been with me for eleven years and has not been able to I gave birth to an heir, but I didn’t expect that the genetic sample sent to Germany would..." Uesugi Yue smiled bitterly, not knowing whether it was because he was feeling the twists of fate or the fickleness of fate.

"So, Zhongnu and I are just test-tube babies?" Knowing that his origins were so complicated, Yuan Zhisheng frowned and had more doubts in his heart.

If they are test-tube babies, there must be other "brothers and sisters". Where will these people be? Are they hiding in the mountains like them or staying abroad?

And who brought the two brothers back to Japan from Germany, and why did they leave the owner of the royal blood to grow wild in the mountains?

The figure of Masamune Tachibana appeared in his mind, and Minamoto's heart felt like a boulder falling into a lake that kept sinking.

Whether it is his younger brother's memories or Uesugoshi's stories, his beloved father can be seen. Although his role is small, his impact is huge.

"Yes, when I defected, the three members of the Nei San family had long since died out." Uesugi Yue nodded, "Except for the batch of genetic samples originally sent to Germany, I am the only one left among the three existing Nei San families."

"So, daddy...Mr. Masamune, he is also a test-tube baby?" Yuan Zhisheng has been studying since he entered the Sheqihachi family. In addition, he hates the underworld and has not communicated much with other members. He has no knowledge of the family history. We don't know much about it, but we still know that before Tachibana Masamune appeared, the seat of the three inner families had been vacant.

"I don't know about that." Uesugi shook his head. Hearing his son calling someone else's father, he felt very annoyed, but he couldn't take his anger out on the child. He could only wait to catch Tachibana Masamune and give him a beating.

As an old man, he had already sensed something was wrong from Yuan Jingnu's description, and guessed that this descendant of the Orange family was probably not a good bird.

The sensitive and delicate Minamoto Girl also had doubts. The methods used by Tachibana Masamune and Wang Jiang to abduct young people were so similar, and the time was so short, it was difficult to say that there was no problem, but he couldn't think of a reason for it for a while. I can only keep it in my mind and wait to discuss it with my brother in private later.

But apart from this, he still has another question. The red-haired girl who replaced him as his brother's support is...

Dong Dong——

"The free discussion time is up, let us return our attention to the trial!"

Xia Di banged the gavel at the right time, but this time he did not follow the steps he had just taken to convict the girl, nor did he want to answer their questions. He directly turned the gun and aimed at Uesugoshi:

"Nova, the defendant Uesugoshi confessed to the crimes of murder, war crimes, and arson he committed. How many times must he be punished with death for several crimes?"

Speaking of principles and laws, Uesugoshi did not commit the crime of abandonment. At most, he failed to properly preserve his genetic genes. However, in the Japanese moral concept, this thing is the same as a sticky toilet paper ball. Throw it away, anyway. It is worthless.

Nova's voice is no longer ethereal, a little absent-minded and cold, as if something is occupying her computing power and unable to maintain multi-threaded operations: "Death penalty is recommended, death penalty is recommended, death penalty is recommended, death penalty is recommended,..."

Shutting the computer with a snap, Xia Di took out her cell phone and wanted to make a fatal call to a certain German guy, but when she looked at the time, it was only five in the morning and it was not time to go to work yet.

After thinking about it, he adjusted his phone to American time, and then his two thumbs turned into afterimages flying on the keyboard of the phone, and he edited a two-hundred-word text message to transform someone who was transforming from a Siberian wolf into a Siberian sled dog. The man scolded him and warned him not to harass his female colleagues during work hours, otherwise the crime tools would be confiscated.

Yuan Zhisheng and others looked at the incoherent presiding judge. They were embarrassed and did not dare to complain. They could only wait for him to finish scolding before opening their defense.

"Well, Mr. Judge, if I guess correctly, you should be Chinese, right?" Gen Zhisheng reminded softly, "You are not a Japanese judge, and you do not have the qualifications to be a judge. Logically speaking, you have no right to judge Jingnu and Uesugi. It belongs to Mr. Yue.”

"Yes, Lord Judge, if transnational law enforcement does not have corresponding legal documents, it will easily cause diplomatic disputes between the two countries." Sakurai Kogure nodded vigorously and advised softly:

"Lord Judge, you don't want to destroy the friendship between the two countries, do you?"

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