Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 431 Welcome Fenrir (continued)

Fenrir was originally very curious about the fireworks and wanted to fly over to have a look, but after Xia Mi shouted, he had to stop having fun and flew in another direction under Xia Mi's command.

It keeps climbing.

One thousand meters, two thousand meters, three thousand meters, four thousand meters, six thousand meters.

The dragon's body soars upward, like a Kunpeng emerging from the water or a divine dragon breaking through the clouds.

Xia Mi released his word spirit to hide his huge figure.

Yan Ling·Underworld.

The upgraded version of Mingzhao can wrap up the shroud in the field, making it almost completely invisible.

Silent, lightless and colorless, even electromagnetic waves can be swallowed up, like a black hole, it is the highest level of hidden speech spirit.

As the height climbed, Fenrir gradually let go of himself. It had not waved its wings to fly for too many years. After the stiffness subsided, it felt extremely free and unrestrained.

A huge dragon head emerged from the clouds, soaring above the sea of ​​clouds in the silent night.

The sky is as clear as a mirror, the bright moon shines with soft light, and the city dotted with lights is covered with snowflakes. Viewed from this height, the city is as small as a bonsai in a crystal ball.

This is a completely different experience than flying.

There is no seat belt on Fenrir's back, and there is no windshield. People with a fear of heights will definitely faint on the spot if they sit on it.

But the three of them are not ordinary people and can maintain balance very well.

They stand on it, open their arms, feel the breeze blowing by, and feel the true flight.

"Brothers and sisters, you have to help me catch the baby." Fenrir looked back.

"What are you afraid of? Just fall down and pick it up again." Xia Mi walked to the dragon's neck and sat on its neck.

Lu Mingfei and Eriyi hung up Fenrir's baby. There were protruding bone spurs on its back, which could be used as hooks.

"Sakura, look!" Eriki pointed at a tiny building in the distance.

Of course, Lu Mingfei would not forget where that building was. It was the Bulgari Hotel, and he could recognize it at a glance.

He proposed to Eri in Suite 701 on the seventh floor of the Bulgari Hotel, and their first time was also in that suite.

For them, that building is filled with fond memories.

Eriyi held Lu Mingfei's hand, sat down facing the Imperial Capital, and leaned against each other, pointing to the nearby parks, aquariums, theaters, as well as the Bird's Nest and Water Cube, recalling them one by one like a treasure trove.

Eriyi took out her mobile phone, flipped through the photo album she had sorted out, and told them the number and time, what they did in a certain place, and no details were left out.

To prevent herself from forgetting, she added notes under each photo.

In the cold wind of the twelfth lunar month, the warmth of the two of them passed on to each other, their fingers interlocked, and they talked about the past with a smile. The wedding rings cast a silvery glow in the moonlight.

Xia Mi, who was riding on Fenrir's neck, covered his ears and lay on the long dragon's neck, his face pressed against Fenrir's cold scales.

"Sister, where are we going to play?" Fenrir asked cheerfully, full of energy.

It roared happily. The sound could not penetrate the realm of the underworld, so Xia Mi didn't bother to care about it.

"Fly in the direction I pointed, there is an island there to meet you." Xia Mi pointed in the direction of the Pacific Ocean.

At Fenrir's speed, he could reach the island in a few hours, repair it there, and then go to Germany.


Germany, Port of Hamburg, Kassel Estate

On January 7, the sky was rarely clear.

Angers and Leonardo are waiting here.

Cassel Manor was destroyed in the "Summer of Mourning" event in 1900 and has been sealed away from the public.

In the tenth year after Angers woke up from his hospital bed, he had already gained a high reputation in the secret party. In that year, he bought the ownership of Cassel Manor.

The place has remained in ruins, and ten years later, the details and clues of the investigation have long been cleared up, but Angers has not reconstructed Cassel Manor.

He erected tombstones for his old friends here and came alone to mourn every year.

This is an almost forgotten place, surrounded by dozens of kilometers of desolation.

"Have you really decided to make this place the home of another King of Earth and Mountain?" Leonardo asked.

"Casel Manor is very secluded and within our jurisdiction. There is no more suitable place than here." Angers said lightly.

The engineering team had already cleared away the surrounding ruins. At Lu Mingfei's suggestion, they built a... um... Coke factory and potato chip factory, because Lu Mingfei said that Coke and potato chips were Fenrir's life.

This matter has been handed over to the woman named Su Enxi under Lu Mingfei. She is organizing the members of the engineering team to connect a huge water pipe, which is directly connected to the Coke Tower.

"You can deal with a Dragon King with potato chips and Coke. I really don't know why the Secret Party sacrificed so many warriors in the past." Leonardo thought this scene was extremely ridiculous.

"In that era, there were no sparkling water and bulky snacks with excessive sugar content. But, Leonardo, do you think the Dragon King would be such a gentle creature?" Angers squinted and looked up at the sky.

"Didn't you confront the Dragon King head-on, right here? How did you feel at that time?" Leonardo asked.

"My ribs were broken by him in one blow and I fell into the cellar." Angers touched the bones in his chest: "He gave me a very bad impression. He was arrogant, contemptuous of life, and seemed to be full of hatred for everything. I really I can’t imagine what Lu Mingfei meant by ‘cute’. This word should only be used to describe those little girls who speak with a sweet voice, not a dragon king.”

"You still have to see it with your own eyes to know." Leonardo patted Angers on the shoulder: "Before Jörmungandr revealed his identity, didn't we guess that the lively girl would be the Dragon King? In fact, I did I thought about accepting her as my disciple, but looking at it now, this idea is simply stupid."

"It's different. Jörmungandr is still essentially a dragon, and Xia Mi is just a personality of hers." Angers shook his head.

Just as the two of them were sighing with emotion, the wind suddenly started blowing.

The flowing wind rises from high in the sky and sweeps across the land, covering the earth with shadows.

Angers and Leonardo felt a frenzied pressure.

The majesty is overwhelming, like the arrival of the Supreme Being.

It was the dragon shadow passing over the ground.

They raised their heads despite the pressure and were stunned.

There are no words to describe the ancient and stern body they saw, the long and thick dragon neck, the upper body covered with blue-black scales, the black wings that covered the sky and the sun, and the lower body was indeed the color of white jade, which was quite contrary. and.

But the majestic beauty and the profound beauty are still combined together, and the ferocious, majestic and majestic momentum impacts the two people's senses.

"Damn it, is this what Lu Mingfei calls 'stupid'?" Leonardo lowered his cowboy hat: "I really believed his nonsense."

"I guess we are quite 'stupid' in its eyes." Angers made a joke to lighten the atmosphere, but he was not at peace in his heart.

This is a true monarch, and we can only hope that Lu Mingfei can control this big guy.

When the monarch is angry, he lays down millions of corpses. This ancient dragon only needs to walk around the city and spit out a few mouthfuls of dragon fire to cause incalculable damage.

If it uses the world-destroying word spirit, "Shiva Karma Dance", the consequences will be even more unimaginable.

This is the Dragon King, the complete Dragon King, each one is comparable to a mobile nuclear weapon, so over the years, even if thousands of people are sacrificed, the secret party will strangle the awakened Dragon King in the cradle, and must not let him They grow and regain their strength, but by then it will be too late.

The Dragon King who has given birth to a huge dragon body will pay an unbearable price if he wants to kill it.

Angers knew this and looked up again.

"Fenrir, slow down, it's right down here. Have you seen the Coke Tower?" Lu Mingfei was standing on top of the dragon's head.

The strong wind was raging, mixed with the boy's voice, whistling past Ange's ears.

Fenrir landed smoothly under Lu Mingfei's instructions and landed directly in front of the Coke Tower.

Su Enxi, the secretary sent by Lu Mingfei, waved to Fenrir and actually walked up and patted the dragon's claws, as if playing a handshake game with it.

The people in the engineering team stared at this beautiful woman in stunned silence, never expecting that she was so secretive.

"My dear, am I right? This Miss Su is not afraid of the dragon's claws turning her into a meat pie." Leonardo rubbed his eyes.

"Anyway, let's go and take a look first." Ange calmed down and walked over there.

"Sister, I miss you so much. Where is another sister?" Fenrir said to Su Enxi, and put the three people on his back down.

It talks about Mai Jiude. After Xia Mi left, Su Enxi and Mai Jiude moved to its cave to spend their vacation, taking Old Tang and Constantine with them.

During that time, the cave was bustling with activity, Constantine was always tinkering on the stove, and Mai Jiudoku and Su Enxi were particularly interested in the Nibelung weasels.

They used snacks as bargaining chips to let Fenrir help them command Kamaitachi.

The two women made great use of Kamitatsu and trained many types of Kamitatsu, such as: Coke worker Kamitatsu, potato chip worker Kamitatsu, transport worker Kamitatsu, circus Kamitatsu, magician Kamitatsu and many more. Kamaitachi.

The poor weasels became their toys for fun.

Su Enxi was deeply impressed by that time. If you really think about it, she was the human being who got along with the Dragon King the most in the world. She was the one taking care of Constantine at that time.

In the beginning, she would still be in awe of the Dragon King, but now she is completely able to use the Dragon King as a tool.

Thinking about it, she is actually the invisible winner. She has already thought about it and will write an autobiography in the future. The title of the book will be: "The Day I Called the Dragon King".

However, it is estimated that the sales volume will not be very good. After all, the content of the book is a bit outrageous for people who have not experienced it, but in many cases, reality is more magical than fiction.

"Long Legs is out on a business trip. When she comes back, she will definitely come to play with you." Su Enxi said with a smile, "The coke tower has been set up for you first, and the potato chips still need some work."

"Can I drink it?"

Fenrir sniffed lightly with the tip of his nose, and he smelled a nice, familiar smell coming from the thick water pipes outside the huge water tower-like building.

It’s been a while since he felt so good after drinking Coke, and the small bottle packaging can no longer satisfy him.

"No, there is a switch there, turn it on and you can drink." Su Enxi pointed to the top of the Coke tower.

As soon as he finished speaking, the person standing on the ground felt a shaking.

Fenrir couldn't wait to step forward and rushed to the building. He put his two hind legs on the ground and raised his forelimbs. His body was completely flush with the nearly thirty-meter-high water tower.

Holding the water tower and sniffing it is like holding a rare treasure.

Then it held the thick water pipe, pointed it at the big mouth, and turned the huge water valve. Immediately, a large amount of black-red liquid with bubbles spurted out, a two-meter-thick water column, like a fountain.


The water column washed down its throat, making it very comfortable.

Lu Mingfei looked at Fenrir and remembered that when he used a syringe to drink water in elementary school, he used to do the same thing. He used a clean syringe to suck coke, then aimed it at the roof of his mouth and sucked it. It felt very comfortable.

Later, a sports drink was released. The bottle was specially designed to replenish water, and sales increased significantly. Many people bought it not because it tasted good, but just for fun.

Xia Mi covered his face, not daring to look at this humiliating scene.

There is such a scum among the four dragon kings, and they are all embarrassed by it.

If it looked like Constantine, it wouldn't be so disgraceful to do such a thing. However, it has a mighty and domineering dragon body, and the more it looks at it, the more disgraceful it becomes.

Fenrir half-crouched under the water pipe, drank the coke from the super-large diameter for half a minute, and finally carefully turned off the switch with his paws.


After nearly half a hundred cubic meters of cola went into its belly, it burped with satisfaction. It suddenly felt like a dragon with no regrets. It just wanted to lie down on the ground and roll around, then fly up and spin around.

Angers and Leonardo were dumbfounded and stared blankly, finally understanding what Lu Mingfei meant by "cute".

Could this thing be the Dragon King?

"Principal, would you like to go over and say hello to it?" Lu Mingfei smiled at the two of them: "It's very polite."

The two looked at each other and walked to Fenrir's feet.

Even if you look up, it's hard to see Fenrir's head. This is a huge monster. The greater the size difference, the greater the sense of oppression it brings.

If you look out the window at this time, imagine that there is a big eye filling the window, staring at you. Most people will feel scared by this picture.

Angers and Leonardo considered themselves to have excellent psychological qualities, but they were still a little frightened. After all, the dragon's claw could crush them with just a slight lift or move.

Time Zero will not be effective against the complete Dragon King. As early as 1900, Angers experienced the consequences of using the Word Spirit against the Dragon King. In front of Fenrir, he was no different from an ordinary old man.

Lu Mingfei could see that they still had a grudge, so he introduced them to them.

"Fenrir, look here!" Lu Mingfei waved, "This is Principal Angers, and this is Mentor Flamel!"

Fenrir looked at the two of them: "Hello, grandpa."

It was really polite, twirling its paws, opened its collection, took two bottle caps and put them in the hands of Angers and Leonardo.

The two old men thought that the Dragon King was giving them some precious object. Looking at the bottle caps in their hands, they didn't know whether they were disappointed or something else.

This huge Dragon King seems to be just like what Lu Mingfei said, he is an immature child.

There was no murderous intention in it at all, only the thoughts of a simple child.

"My brother is much more powerful than me. It is the dragon king who controls power." Xia Mi stood behind them: "However, it is best not to expect it to participate in the battle. It will not use power at all and will only be a hindrance on the battlefield. .”

"I know, just let this big guy stay here. Many of us are still unable to accept an ancient dragon as a companion." Angers said slowly: "But when it comes to a real crisis, it still has to appear."

Such an ancient dragon was terrible as an enemy, but when he thought that it was now his ally, Angers felt a little relieved.

There are five dragon kings. What a powerful fighting force. Ambitious people may plan to abolish the monogamy system and arrange for themselves three thousand beauties in the harem after ruling the world.

After meeting Lu Mingfei, his power seemed to increase immediately.

In the Chen family, Angers had a premonition that he would find the truth about the "Xia Mourning" there.

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