Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 413 The Black Snake Reappears (4.4k)

Northern Siberia, Great Rift Valley.

The sky became gloomy again, and the cold wind howled.

The sky darkened, the sun set, and darkness enveloped the earth.

Troops were stationed outside the Rift Valley, and dozens of T-90 Main Station tanks lined up, firmly occupying the exits on both sides of the Rift Valley, and bright searchlights were everywhere.

On the frozen snowfield, at a glance, there were all soldiers in good order.

The sharp sound of breaking wind came from above. It was the sound of F22 Raptor fighter jet passing by.

This fighter jet, which costs US$150 million, is currently one of the best-performing fighter jets in the world.

The streamlined and flat fuselage gives it extremely high maneuverability, and its maximum flight speed can reach 2,410 kilometers/hour.

Its tail shoots out high-temperature flames and hovers under the clouds, like an elegant swift.

In addition, there were several bombers passing over, and their rumbling sounds made this silent snowfield noisy.

Small-scale drones are dropped above the Great Rift Valley, transmitting what the cameras capture outside.

After the god-king riding an eight-legged horse appeared, the army commander received orders from his superiors to kill the target at all costs.

Russian officials had previously obtained information about "Odin" from the secret party, so they quickly locked in on its characteristics.

The eight-legged divine horse, the dark golden armor and mask, and the single eye are the "Dragon King" in the secret party's mouth.

They did not think that the "dragon" was a monster that modern weapons could not deal with. If it was, it must have insufficient firepower. Therefore, after re-issuing a retreat order to the troops who directly attacked the scene and rescuing the unidentified person lying on the snow, they All of a sudden, the bombers bombed the buildings that appeared in the center of the Great Rift Valley, where "Odin" walked in, for two hours.

At present, it seems that no sign of life has been detected at the bombing site, and the abnormal cross-shaped beam that can be seen in almost all of Asia has never appeared again.

The army surrounded the place and monitored the center's footage 24 hours a day, broadcasting it on the Internet and television.

The mythical "Odin" has been exposed to people all over the world. Hundreds of sighting reports of "dragons" have appeared in various places. Huge, scaly creatures have appeared in the sky, and they send out long-lasting roars to the sky. Wail and disappear into the clouds.

That beam of light was like a signal. The dragons hidden in the shadows felt the call of blood and emerged in groups.

Since you can't hide it, there's no need to hide it anymore.

There was a plan to make this information public before 2012. This was just an opportunity. With such an abnormal phenomenon and the fact that so many people had witnessed it, it was time for everyone to know about the existence of the Dragon Clan.

Perhaps soon, war will begin, and everyone living on this planet will be inseparable from each other.

A large number of people who came into contact with the Dragon Clan for the first time believed that the Dragon Clan was not a powerful enemy.

Regardless of the past history, they only saw that humans are now at the top of the food chain. Humans have ruled this planet for thousands of years, and they have never heard of a country being destroyed by dragons.

They want ordinary people and those mutants who regard the "Black King's Resurrection" as the end of the world to know that the so-called "Dragon Clan" is just this kind of thing after all. It is no big deal and is vulnerable to modern military power. .

More than 2 billion people watched this bomb show online at the same time, almost synchronizing it all over the world.

Facts have proved that the building was blown down, and "Odin" riding the magical horse must have been buried alive in the ruins, otherwise it would not have been silent for so long.

The whole world was focused here, and two more hours passed. There were only ruins of buildings there, calm and boring.

Nowadays, more attention is paid to those in vegetative states. They are admitted to hospital beds and monitored by professional personnel. Their breathing and heartbeat are normal, but they do not respond to external stimulation. Doctors are doing their best to detect their physical conditions. , and targeted treatment.

This part of the content was broadcast live on another channel. Many people opened two channels at the same time, nervously paying attention to everything that happened.

It seemed like another ordinary minute and second passed by, and everyone's life seemed to have not changed. Just when they all thought so, an accident happened.

The peaceful pits and blackened ruins suddenly collapsed silently into a circle, and a deep well suddenly appeared.

It was so deep and dark that nothing could be seen clearly below.

The drone's camera immediately focused on the location where the anomaly occurred and zoomed in on the image.

Ten suspended Apache helicopters locked the target mouth with machine guns, ready to attack at any time.

The searchlight shines straight down from above, locking the wellhead.

They waited, a minute, two minutes, and nothing happened.

When the third minute passed, figures suddenly appeared in the light. They slowly walked out of the cave entrance. There were six people in total, and they were clearly captured on the camera.

Three men, one of whom seemed to have passed out, were being carried on the back of an older man, and a little boy was being carried on the back of another teenager.

Two women, one a girl with crimson hair and the other a pretty girl with curly hair.

No one knows why this strange combination emerged here.

The black muzzle was pointed at them, the wings cut through the cold wind, and made a loud noise as they rotated at high speed.

"Hand's up!"

The driver's voice was processed through the loudspeaker and echoed in the Great Rift Valley.

The young man slowly raised his hand and raised his head, but his eyes were not looking at the location of the helicopter, but rather looking at something far away.

He waved slowly, as if greeting someone.

"Don't move!"

The driver warned the group of people, but the boy still did not stop waving. Instead, he opened his mouth and shouted something, not in English, but in another language.

Not understanding what he said made everyone present feel uneasy. The young man seemed to have no idea what he was facing.

There were ten Apaches aiming at him, and there were troops stationed outside. F22 Raptor fighter jets passed by in the sky. The surroundings were surrounded by bombed ruins, and even the terrain was collapsed. However, the young man seemed calm. In your own yard.

The pilot's finger was pressed on the machine gun switch, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he swallowed nervously, not noticing the snowflakes falling outside the cabin.

Even if you notice it, it's not a big deal. After all, this is Siberia, it should snow. If it doesn't snow and the sun shines, it will be weird.

Finally, the superior could no longer hold back and gave the order to fire. He first fired around the group of people to warn them with force.

Deafening gunshots rang out, bright sparks erupted from the muzzle of the machine gun, and heavy machine gun bullets were fired at a distance of one meter from the edge of the group of people.

But the expected explosion did not come, and the bullet disappeared as if it had been swallowed.

No. It didn’t disappear, it just disintegrated!

The high-speed camera captured the scene just now. The moment the warhead touched that area, it collapsed into tiny particles like sand and blew away in the wind.

"Fire! Fire immediately!"

The order was given at this moment.

It started to rain, golden bullets rained, the gun barrel rotated wildly, and the bullets fired and lit up the fire, which was particularly bright in the night sky.

However, the thermal weapons that have changed the history of human warfare have no effect in that field.

The collapsed warhead even drew the outline of that field, a semicircle that enveloped the six people. No attack could invade that field.

The expressiveness in that field is almost like the absolute defense that appeared in a certain animation, a fictional thing named AT stance.

In the setting of that animation, it is absolutely impossible for human weapons to break through the AT stance. The only thing that can tear apart the AT stance is a stronger AT stance.

The group of people stood calmly in the encirclement and amid the hail of bullets, without even changing their expressions.

The boy was still waving and calling something loudly.

The translator finally determined the language the man spoke, which was Chinese, and the thing he shouted was only two words, which translated meant "black snake", like a code name for a certain person.

But in a place like this, who would answer his call?

Everything within a radius of ten miles is strictly monitored. Is that guy named "Black Snake" trying to fly over from somewhere?

Just as the driver was thinking this, a high-pitched roar suddenly sounded in his ears, rising from the clouds in the dark night.

A target was suddenly detected on the radar, approaching at an unimaginable high speed!

The snow fell harder, the violent wind blew, and the black shadow swept across the clouds, leaving a long dragon-like track in the sky. It was like a black sharp blade cutting through the air, but it was so huge, in the darkness, Its eyes are brighter than searchlights.

"Is that a black dragon?" The driver couldn't believe his eyes and finally understood the origin of the codename "Black Snake".

The dark dragon flew through the night sky, its wings covering the sky and the sun, lightning flowing between its sharp teeth, and its iron scales playing the music of world destruction.

Compared with its huge body, its tail is more slender. It looks like a black snake swimming.

Even the F22 couldn't catch up with its speed. It broke through the encirclement easily, and the bullets had no time to aim. It flew towards the person who called it with unstoppable speed.

The machine gun bullets hit its scales without leaving even a trace. The flawless scales reflected the gleaming light under the searchlight.

The ferocious, terrifying and majestic black dragon spit out blue flames and landed in the ruins.

It stared at the young man, crawled on the ground with its long neck, and lay in front of the young man, like a well-behaved pet.

The boy smiled and stroked its head, saying softly: "Long time no see."

Then, the six people rode on the back of the giant dragon, flew high into the sky, and disappeared from everyone's sight.

This scene was broadcast around the world.

"In this way, we can be considered successful in escaping." Lu Mingfei said, sitting on the back of the black snake.

This is the fifth Dragon King, the twin of the King of Ocean and Water, the brother whom Loki regards as his enemy, Heimdall, nicknamed Black Snake.

Half a year ago it was sent to the Nibelungen by Lu Mingze for incubation. Now half a year has passed and the incubation has ended.

Lu Mingze said that he could call him first when he was in trouble. Sure enough, he couldn't wait to come over as soon as he heard the call.

The riding experience of the Black Snake is surprisingly comfortable. It is surrounded by an invisible realm that blocks the wind pressure, and its scales are retracted. It can carry six people on its back very smoothly. It seems to be very carrying. The human experience of flying.

"This kind of experience is probably the only one our family has in the world." Qiaovini pursed her lips and stuck her head out to look at the ice field below.

Lu Lincheng was silent. He didn't know what to say anymore. It seemed that nothing he said was necessary, but he still asked: "Where are we going now?"

"Where to go?" Lu Mingfei scratched his head: "I don't know where is better."

At this moment, Eliyi tugged at the corner of Lu Mingfei's clothes and pointed at her mobile phone screen for Lu Mingfei to look at.

Lu Mingfei's cell phone was destroyed while fighting Chu Tianjiao, so only Eli Yi still has her cell phone here.

The bell rang, and the caller, Su Enxi, was displayed on the screen.

Secretary Su is so capable that he called so quickly. Speaking of which, has he already flown to the signal area?

Lu Mingfei didn't care anymore and answered the phone.

"Hey, can you hear me?"

"Dear Boss Lu, it seems you are in big trouble in Siberia."

"Why are you in Siberia?"

"Don't you know, what's happening over there is being broadcast live around the world right now."

"Ah? Then people all over the world saw us flying away on dragons."


".So exciting."

"Although I really want to know what happened over there, as a secretary, I'd better help you solve the problem first. If there is any work, just give it directly, don't be polite."

"Can you come pick us up? We want to find a place to stay first."

"Long Legs just went to the United States to pick up a certain school girl of yours. I can only handle your reception in person."

"Then you set a location and we will find you there."

"That being said, it is still a bit difficult to meet you in Russia. You are still in the 'Black Snake', so you can let it take you home first."

"Take us home? Do you want to fly back directly from Russia?"

"Haven't you ever thought about why it appeared directly in Siberia? Its hatching location should be your hometown."

"It seems...yeah"

"The answer is the Nibelungs. As one of the most powerful ones among the kings of ocean and water, the 'Black Snake' can directly travel through the borders of the Nibelungs. Loki's Nibelungs are near the Arctic Ocean, although it cannot directly It’s easy to get into Loki’s Nibelungs but open a new door near the Arctic Ocean.”

"You mean, can we go back directly across the Nibelung border?"

"Correct answer, but I need to settle the big foodie first and deal with the other two dragon kings before I come to meet you. After you go back, find a place to hide first. Don't go back to the central villa area and Lugucheng's house. They have been occupied. People are watching.”

"Can't you hide in the Nibelungs?"

"Hiding in the Nibelungs, I won't be able to contact you by phone. After all, there is no service signal there."

"Okay, I understand, we will hide and wait for you to contact us."

"Then, bye, I can come over tonight. Before then, don't be exposed. Boss, you don't want to start a fight in your hometown."

"Don't worry, we can still hide it in one night."

At this time, Lu Mingfei had no idea that the class group at Shilan High School had exploded.

Liu Miaomiao: This is Lu Mingfei, right? This is definitely Lu Mingfei, right?

Attached is a photo she took at Lu Mingfei's wedding, as well as a picture she captured in the live broadcast room.

Liu Miaomiao: Look, even his wife is here! Who of you knows what's going on? ! ! Why did Boss Lu go to Siberia and ride on a dragon? Is the end of the world coming tomorrow?

Zhao Menghua: I don’t know, who knows?

Liu Miaomiao: @Chen Wenwen, Wenwen, you are the most familiar with Boss Lu in the class! ! !

Chen Wenwen: I don’t know anything=. =

Su Xiaoqiang, who had just come out of the hospital, looked at the scrolling chat box and looked up at the sky.

"Boss Lu, your NB is broken."

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