Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1164: Experience the temple

Ever since, Jiang Shenwu can only send Gu Xinyue back.

Then I went out after a while and brought her back.

"How, what have you observed?"

Jiang Shenwu asked with a smile.

"I can't see the entrance to this small world in the sky. I obviously lifted my hand when I came out, and I flew from the floor of the room to the palm of your hand."

Gu Xinyue is somewhat annoyed: "How can you be the inheritor of the power of the stars, you can control this small world of the stars, I will not do it."

"That is natural, because I first passed on the power of the stars to the peak of the royal family. I only spent three years from the beginning to the end, let me talk about how many years have you spent."

Jiang Shenwu said with a smile.

"What is three years?"

Gu Xinyue suddenly became a little depressed: "I seemed to have spent six or seven years at the time, is it that your talent for inheriting the power of the stars is more than double that of me?"

Jiang Shenwu smiled.

Obviously, the speed of engulfing the power of cultivating the starry sky is definitely more than doubled. Jiang Shenwu spent half of her time, because Jiang Shenwu’s talent is not as good as her.

If Jiang Shenwu and her talents are the same, or if Gu Xinyue has the power to swallow, it is possible to pass on the power of the stars to the peak of the imperial level in a shorter time than three years.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu does not think that this seems to be very weak. Anyway, now that he has the power to swallow, he is practicing faster than others.

In fact, even if there is no power to swallow, Jiang Shenwu can't reach the height of the present, and it will never be obscured. At most, he wants to upgrade to the present level, and it takes more time.

In order to be able to promote the power of the stars to the super-god level, Gu Xinyue even did not absorb the psychedelic star crystal, and followed Jiang Shenwu into the small world of the stars.

There are only five people in this small starry world.

Jiang Shenwu three of them, plus Chen Hao and Wei Shaoning.

The two of them encountered a lot of creatures that looked very bullied on this frontal plain. As a result, these creatures attacked them and made them suffer a lot. In the end, even the starry temple was completely could not find it.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu came in with two women, and found them directly based on the location of the two people they felt.

Obviously, this is only what Jiang Shenwu can do.

"Chen Chen, Wei Shaoning, we are here, let us act together."

Jiang Shenwu said straightforwardly.

When Gu Xinyue saw the two of them, he smiled directly and swayed: "You two are so embarrassed, how can you even break your clothes?"

They are really creatures that look good and bully, and they are extremely embarrassed to catch up.

This made both of them blush, and it was too shameful to be laughed at by the beautiful women, but they did not entangle this, but asked a question: "How come you come"

"Why, if you are looking for a breakthrough opportunity here, let us not come."

Gu Xinyue said with a chuckle.

"You are looking for the power of the stars to pass the opportunity to break through."

Chen Hao and Wei Shaoning finally shined.

The depression that has been going on for many days is finally wiped out at this time.

"Let me go with me, first find a starry temple and see if there is anything in the temple."

Jiang Shenwu greeted him directly, and took the four people in the direction of his feelings.

To say that he now has the greatest advantage of the entrance to the small world of stars, that is, you can feel the various temples and the location of the terrain in the small world of the stars, just like having a map in his mind, while others are small in the sky. The world can only be arbitrarily swayed.

Soon, Jiang Shenwu came to a starry temple with four people.

This starry temple is not a big glory. After all, this is only a temple built according to the human body. If it is scale, it can be much smaller than the palace where the dragons live.

But if you want to talk about modeling, then this starry temple is still very good, even more than most other ethnic palace buildings.

Countless stars circulate outside the temple, and the whole temple is hidden in the deepest part of the jungle. It is no wonder that Chen Hao and Wei Shaoning have not found a temple for so long.

"This is one of the twelve star temples."

Jiang Shenwu stood outside the temple and frowned. "There are no other differences in the temples except for some general information. Let's go in and see."

Before Jiang Shenwu had entered the temple, but the time was more urgent, so I did not look at it.

This time, I can go shopping.

The five people joined together in this starry temple. As for the method of entering, it is natural to condense the corresponding astronomical runes.

The Temple of Starry Sky is not the temple where the "key" pattern was displayed before Jiang Shenwu entered. This starry temple only records information, nothing else.

Jiang Shenwu did not look at it at the time. Now that the five people entered together, they together looked at the information.

"This Starry Temple is the historical temple from the fifth floor of the Imperial level to the ninth floor of the Imperial level."

"It seems that we are in the wrong place."

After everyone observed the information, they suddenly laughed and laughed.

Jiang Shenwu also had to leave the temple with everyone, and then went out to find it.

His temple is finally after a day

Jiang Shenwu walked into the seventh starry temple with four people~www.novelmtl.com~ This starry temple is the ninth floor of the Imperial level, and it is the experience temple that breaks through the super **** level.

"The so-called experience of the temple is the experience and content that we can publish through this temple to find the resources and methods to break through to the super god."

"In this experienced temple, it seems that we have issued a history to go to the marked location, and then look around, it seems to be looking for something."

"How can this be called experience?"

Some people don't quite understand.

But Chen Hao and Wei Shaoning are a little chilling look: "The location marked on this map seems to be very dangerous. We seem to have seen it far away. It seems to be a black cave. It keeps blowing black from the cave. The wind is coming, I don’t know what is inside."

"You are being bullied by creatures outside this small world."

Gu Xinyue grinned: "Reassured, this time we have five people together, and"

She looked at Jiang Shenwu with a quiet look. Obviously, it means that even if he is in danger, Jiang Shenwu can take them directly away from here.

Unfortunately, Chen Hao and Wei Shaoning don’t know.

Therefore, Chen Hao and Wei Shaoning suddenly smiled, but they know how difficult it is to find the native creatures that seem harmless to humans and animals.

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