Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1162: The strength of Jiang Shenwu

At the same time as Jiang Shenwu harvested the harvest, Chu Yuexi and Gu Xinyue naturally have the same.

For them, the biggest gain of this time is the inheritance of the power of the stars. In this respect, there is no paying for the demon gods.

However, the two women are not as rich as Jiang Shenwu, and they are directly divided into gold dragon coins. They can only use their own space to concentrate and pay for the division. The division of Chu Yueyu is slightly less. After all, she did not have them with Jiang Shenwu. A team, when finally dealing with giant statues, received more rewards than Jiang Shenwu and Gu Xinyue.

Both women took a part of the spoils to the demon gods, and the final harvest was also very expensive.

But even if they let them hand over all the spoils, they all feel that they are extremely cost-effective. All this is because of the inheritance of the power of the stars.

The inheritance of the power of the stars has added a new possibility to their path of life.

Originally, Gu Xinyue’s inheritance of the dragon was about to reach the bottleneck, and the inheritance of the power of the starry sky allowed her to continue to become stronger after the bottle of the dragon’s power reached the bottleneck, and it seemed that there was no talent requirement.

Of course, the actual talent requirements are still there. Otherwise, how can the speed of inheritance to the starry sky be slow and slow?

However, according to the specific talents of the inheritance of the power of the starry sky, Jiang Shenwu is not clear now.

In the middle of the night, Jiang Shenwu was lying alone in bed, thinking about the actions that need to be taken.

The trip to the intermediate ruins was extremely fruitful, but for him at this stage, there is still not much improvement in combat power.

"If you are on the side of Longwu mainland, the Dragon Group has their help to look after it. At present, there is nothing important to do. For the time being, you can not consider it. Of course, you still need to take the time to go back and see the situation."

The growth of the Dragon Group is not so fast. Now the members of the Dragon Group should be in the promotion stage, and it is impossible to send them to perform any tasks for the time being.

"The demon gods, Su night said that there will be time to find me in the next day, and said that they will come to me with Su Yiyi. Where can they come to find me? I can’t come to the Dragon Protoss world. Maybe I will send a message to me. Where do I go to meet them, the most likely is Longwu mainland."

This matter is not mentioned for the time being. The harvest of the night of Su night is also extremely huge, and it is impossible to digest it so quickly.

And Su Ye and Jiang Shenwu are now the same, the most important thing is to improve the realm of the demon gods and the dragons and gods.

Now Jiang Shenwu is the seventh floor of the Dragon Emperor. There are two grades from the Dragon Emperor Peak, and the repair is also the ninth peak of the reincarnation. From his true Dragon Protoss, there is still a big section. distance.

This distance, at least for half a year, is likely to increase, and it is still not how to consolidate.

"Now to sort out my strength composition."

Jiang Shenwu began to examine his strength components.

First of all, it is naturally the inheritance of the Dragon Protoss. He has the seventh level of the Dragon Emperor's inheritance of the essence of blood, and has the power to swallow, which is the fundamental source of all his strength.

No matter how the strength of other aspects changes, the power of engulfing is his fundamental and this is exactly what makes him feel inappropriate.

The power of this devour always feels a bit evil, and no one knows where the power of this devour will lead him.

This is followed by the inheritance of the demon gods.

The inheritance of the demon gods, he is the inheritance of the 16-winged demon god, can be transformed into the body of the 16-winged demon god, but the inheritance strength of this aspect is not too strong, now only the fourth layer of the demon The grade, and whether it is the magic martial arts or the magic soldiers, compared with the Dragon Protoss this aspect is worse.

Although he has three top-level demon slayers, such as the Devil's Blade, the Imperial Bead, and the Instant Ring, these three sacred demons have not been flamboyant, the real effect, compared to the virtual ghost book and The Great Sadness is printed, but it is still weak.

It should be noted that in the recent actions, the function of the third piece of stimulating material in the Great Sadness and the Hidden Ghosts has not been applied.

That is the real life-saving means of Jiang Shenwu. However, Jiang Shenwu has not encountered any situation that allows him to display this kind of means. Now his opponents are all royal, which can not cause too much threat to him. It is.

In general, Jiang Shenwu’s current cultivation of the demon and the gods is basically a matter of watching, and if there is to be promoted, there is currently no channel.

Unless you wait for Su’s night to see him with Su Yi, can you have any turning?

This is not to mention.

The next strength component of Jiang Shenwu is the inheritance of the ice-deficient dragon. This power is the ultimate force of ice and fire. Jiang Shenwu does not currently have much control. Jiang Shenwu can't steal too much time from his opponent for the time being. As for cultivation, it is too difficult for Jiang Shenwu.

Once upgraded to the level of super god, at this stage, Jiang Shenwu lacks the power of the ice fire dragon, and it is even more impossible to use it in combat. At most, he can only harass his opponent with the power of lack of strength.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu also wants to gain more power from the eternal lack of ice and fire dragons. All these opportunities lie in the remains of chaotic battlefields.

In other words, to deal with the underground creatures that swallow the seventh area, it is also possible to happen to encounter the inheritance power of the ice-deficient dragon.

In the end, Jiang Shenwu just got it, and the power of the starry sky passed down.

Said to be the power of the stars ~www.novelmtl.com~ In fact, this is a kind of spatial attribute of the virtual force inheritance, for Jiang Shenwu, this is currently his most optimistic

The power of inheritance, the first is extremely convenient to display, can fully display this means of inheritance in the form of the human body, the lethality is not weaker than the power of other inheritance.

Moreover, its prospects for improvement are also very broad. Now Jiang Shenwu has a small world of stars and stars, and the way to enhance the inheritance of the power of the stars and stars is all in the small world of the stars, and Jiang Shenwu can enter it for exploration at any time.

Therefore, the route of Jiang Shenwu is basically coming out now.

First, step by step to improve the strength of the Dragon Protoss; second, go to the seventh area of ​​the chaotic battlefield to try their luck; third, enter the small world of the stars to find ways and means to break through the starry power to pass the grade.

Jiang Shenwu now feels that the things he has cultivated are somewhat miscellaneous.

Although he is still good in every kind of inheritance, but the strongest strength is still only the peak of the imperial level, the real super-god level opponent, he has not tried to deal with it.

If you really want to compete against the super-god-level opponents, Jiang Shenwu is still lacking some effective means.

Therefore, the most important thing for Jiang Shenwu is to upgrade his strongest strength. How to do it is obvious. You must first go to the small world of the stars and try to make the power of the stars reach the level of super god.

This is Jiang Shenwu’s recent inheritance power from the super **** level.

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