Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1147: reward

When Jiang Shenwu saw Su’s night out and took out the gold, he was a little surprised: “Have you given five rewards for this five rewards?”

"That's not it."

Su night shook his head and said: "There have been two gold sheets before, and this time I got another one... I think you can give it directly to you if you need it."

She is also like Gu Xinyue, who wants to send Jiang Shenwu things.

However, Gu Xinyue, Jiang Shenwu gave a psychedelic star crystal, this psychedelic star crystal is indeed the most useful thing for Gu Xinyue, so Jiang Shenwu accepts her gold, subject to it Innocent.

But this Su night, Jiang Shenwu did not give her anything, rashly accepting what she sent is a bit strange...

"You don't have to change things with me. Just the way you used to give me the wings before you open it, you will be worth at least a hundred dollars... Oh no, a thousand, or even 10,000 sheets of gold can't be bought. Such a thing."

Su night grin said: "So, this is the gold I thank you, not only now, but if I get the gold, I will give it to you."

Is that so?

Jiang Shenwu listened to this, almost a few laughs and laughs, it turned out to be so.

The technique of the wing's opening is indeed very precious for her, even more important than the psychedelic star crystal to Gu Xinyue. After Jiang Shenwu handed it to Su night, she can pass it on to other devils. Ethnic group people.

This is not a little bit of a point, but a powerful means of changing the entire royal family.

In this case, Jiang Shenwu is well deserved.

So far, Jiang Shenwu has had five gold medals, and the distance from the beginning of ten gold is not so far away.

If there are some more gold... Or is there any gold in the hands of the cold and spring stars?

"Now I have two ordinary space crystals in my hand and a high-order space crystal."

"The two ordinary spaces are congeal, maybe you can directly exchange money with people?"

Jiang Shenwu thought of this, and then directly found the two people, the Yu Han and Quan Tianxing, although they did not rely too close, but still put forward their own ideas.

No one knows what rewards are given to the cold and spring stars. Everyone has their own secrets. What's more, Yu Han and Quan Tianxing are also hostile to Jiang Shenwu in terms of profound meaning.

I heard that Jiang Shenwu wanted to exchange the demand for sheet metal. The cold and the spring stars looked at each other and it was obviously tangled.

According to the truth, they do not need to exchange with Jiang Shenwu to meet the needs of Jiang Shenwu.

After all, they still have a competitive relationship with Jiang Shenwu. Although they are cooperative for the time being, the overall situation, at the racial level, is undoubtedly a relationship of competition.

Therefore, it is convenient to give Jiang Shenwu, this is equivalent to the behavior of the enemy, it is absolutely impossible to put it in peacetime.

But now, they are able to get so many rewards, and to be honest, Jiang Shenwu has made great contributions.

From a personal emotional point of view, Yu Han and Quan Tianxing are still very admired by Jiang Shenwu, and are very willing to exchange with him.

"You mean, take the space to crystallize and exchange gold with us?"

The cold whispered said: "After all, we are still in a competitive relationship... If you really want to pay for gold, you will be a space congeal, plus a space to smear material, how about exchanging one of our gold?"

In this way, their conscience will pass.

After all, they earned the cheapness of Jiang Shenwu!

It is not easy for sheet metal to buy in the outside market. After all, this grade of forging material will rarely be produced.

Even if Jiang Shenwu had more than 30,000 gold dragon coins, it would not be a big loss for him personally.

So Jiang Shenwu thought about it and nodded and said, "Yes."

In this case, the cold and spring stars are not too cheap, even from the total value, they have earned more, which is very good for both sides, and can not say who owes.

If it is exchanged in the same way as Jiang Shenwu said, it is equivalent to Jiang Shenwu owing them their feelings.

Therefore, the current trading method is really the most appropriate.

In this way, Jiang Shenwu used space condensate and space to smear the material, and exchanged two sheets of gold, so that he had a total of seven sheets of gold, the distance can create a truly stateless soldier, only three Share it.

If this trip to the intermediate ruins is really impossible to obtain the remaining sheet metal, it is still possible to go out and look for three sheets of sheet metal.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu did not worry, and directly traded with the cold and spring stars, and obtained two gold.

At the same time, they gave their own space condensation and space flared materials to each of them.

This exchange is very profitable for both parties!

At this time, the other two teams have finally been separated. This time, Jingluo and Huangyun have the skills to take the lead and break the white brilliance outside the giant statues, but Murong is only slow. Just dying.

The two sides almost broke the white brilliance at the same time, but it was the time of this interest that made Jinglu and Huangyun become the second, and Murong became the third.

This made the ten of their two teams a little indignant~www.novelmtl.com~ originally they should be the first and second, the result did not expect, turned out to be the second and third... looked at the team of Jiang Shenwu Everyone's expression, these ten people are extremely depressed.

In particular, Jingluo, the most talented genius of the Bone royalty, is increasingly interested in Jiang Shenwu.

The original Jinglu still doesn't feel like it, but after two consecutive times, Jiang Shenwu has shown super extraordinary combat experience, combat intuition and combat power, which makes Jinglu very interested.

Before entering this intermediate ruins, their Bone royal family reminded him to let him pay attention to this Jiang Shenwu, when he did not care too much.

But now, Jinglu feels that Jiang Shenwu has the qualification to let him care.

Those who have this qualification are rare!

Murong Yu and Huang Yun are barely, but now Jiang Shenwu is more interested in him, and he is curious. What kind of ability does Jiang Shenwu have?

It turned out to be such a powerful force!

For a while, the giant statues had nothing to move, it seemed to give them a certain amount of time to distribute the spoils.

After a fragrant time in the past, the giant statue in the center finally had a new movement. The giant statue got up straight, and all the mysterious patterns on the body lit up. Then, the three teams were separated. The space barrier is suddenly broken at this moment.

The whole huge space has become connected!

:. :

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