Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1144: White radiance

The three teams, a total of fifteen geniuses, were still divided into three parts by the giant human figure, and they stayed in three different areas and could not communicate with each other.

Even people who speak, can't hear people from other regions.

Jiang Shenwu and Murong Yu looked at each other and then Murong squinted at him and looked very lively.

Basically, there is only eye contact between people of all sizes and between people who know each other...

The people did not wait too long.

Just after the three small teams had broken three small statues, the central giant statue finally got another movement.

This giant statue also has countless mysterious patterns, which are suddenly shining at this time!

As these mysterious patterns illuminate, everyone feels that there has been some change in the surrounding space... Space vortex!

It was also the original space vortex, and at the same time it spread with the outward ripple of the space ripple. The diffusion direction of each space ripple was different, which made people's faces change slightly.

These attacks are still of the type that must be killed. Once they are affected, there is only one dead end.

So they have to avoid all these attacks!

If the light is a space vortex, or if the light is a spatial ripple, it is already handy for everyone to avoid it.

But now the two are combined!

When everyone relies on space to carry out the shuttle to avoid the sky, there are more concerns, not so smooth before, even if not all of the mind is placed on the perception of space power, it is likely to be affected by these attacks.

But...and when everyone started to dodge these attacks, a guy suddenly violently attacked, directly attacking the dodge attack and attacking the giant human figure in the center.

That is the super genius from the bone royal family!

This guy is alive and kick off a muscular man, but the power of the transformation of the bones is a condensed look of a giant bone image. The giant bones condense and instantly trample toward the central giant human figure, the giant elephant of terror. The double hooves swayed in the void, and there was a turbulence in the surface of the human figure.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw at the same time that on the surface of the giant human figure, there was a white radiance. This layer of white radiance energy changed with the giant bone image of Jinglu’s bones. It’s a bit lighter.

"The light is light! It's a very obvious change, but the light that is facing them is lighter..."

Jiang Shenwu saw it and immediately blinked.

"Maybe we should also try to attack."

The cold said immediately.

But then a space vortex appeared in his place, but fortunately he was prepared to fly directly to a safe place, avoiding the attack from the statue.

Undoubtedly, under the violent offensive of the giant human figure statue, it is very difficult for everyone to take the time to take the shot, and it is impossible to calculate the hand.

Jiang Shenwu seems to be a little more relaxed, and his perception and perception of space still has to go beyond many people in the field.

At this moment, directly following the offensive of Jinglu, an offensive broke out on the giant human figure statue... The nine-polar road dark dragon burst!

And when launching the attack, Jiang Shenwu released the attacking posture of the dragon and the body, and broke out all the attacking battles of the ghostly book.

After the bang, the white radiance of the giant statues facing the area of ​​Jiang Shenwu’s squad has become shallower, but it can be seen that Jiang Shenwu’s attack is obviously weaker than Jing’s attack. A grade.

After all, Jiang Shenwu’s current cultivation and inheritance of blood quality are still far from reaching the true peak level.

Therefore, his full blow is still a lot worse than that of Jingluo, even less than half of the other side...

This makes Jiang Shenwu somewhat puzzled, but there is no way. Who makes Jingluo a super genius of the bone royal family entering the intermediate relics this time?

Fortunately, after Jiang Shenwu, Gu Xinyue also broke out at this time. The inheritance power of the dream dragon was condensed into a multicolored beam, directly blasting to the giant statue in the center.

Followed by all the other attacks, including the other two teams of strong, all began to attack the giant statue the strongest offensive.

Of course, at the same time everyone is doing their best to avoid the space vortex and space ripple attack, once it is hit, it is the death of the dead, so you must attack in the case of ensuring your own life.

Therefore, at this time, the entire giant statue was divided into three areas, all of which radiated varying degrees of white brilliance. This white radiance became lighter and weakened with the attack of everyone~www.novelmtl.com ~ And the overall attack ability of each team is obviously different.

On the other side of Murong and Jingluo, the speed of white light is almost the same, and Jiang Shenwu is slower.

This means that in fact, the overall strength of the team of Jiang Shenwu is not as good as the other two teams... This is also a normal situation, after all, whether it is Jingluo or Huangyun, or Murong Yu, It is the top leader among the peaks of the royal family!

Unlike Jiang Shenwu and Su Ye, they are not the inheritance grade of the imperial peak. The real lethality here is Gu Xinyue and Yu Han and Quan Tianxing.

And Gu Xinyue's words, she is best at abilities such as illusions, it is really useless to deal with this giant statue.

She also tried it and found that she could not affect the repairers in other areas.

In other words, they can only rely on attacking giant statues to compete with each other, which makes Gu Xinyue very depressed. Her best strength is not useful in this situation. It is too wrong. It is.

It is Jiang Shenwu, who seems to be evading attacks and attacking giant statues step by step... However, he is brewing big tricks in faint!

The giant statues mobilized all the space swirls and space ripples that he launched. Although he escaped, he still spurred the power of engulfing and constantly swallowed these forces. Until now, he has swallowed up a lot of space attribute power. .

"If it is better than which side of the attack, and which side is the first to blast off the white glory... I think, I have won."

Ginger **** Wu mouth angle slightly upturned.

Although the situation in the eyes of everyone is not the case now, Jiang Shenwu has strong confidence in his next wave of total attack!

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