Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1137: 3 statues

The next test rule is still unclear. Quan Tianxing is not too worried. According to the analysis of the discussion just now, most of the follow-up is the test of the survival of the team or all cooperation.

Basically, there will be no casual play.

Murong Yu and Chu Yuexi, they came to the second team in this space. The third team that followed was not separated for too long. It was only a tea break that appeared in the other direction.

What appeared was Huang Yun, the top powerhouse of the Demon gods, along with him, the first genius of the Bone royalty!

"It is Jingluo."

When Yu Han saw the bone genius genius youth, the face changed slightly in the first time.

"Jingluo and Huangyun are actually in a group, and their group looks very strong."

Jiang Shenwu also raised his eyes.

Jinglu is the name he has heard before entering the intermediate ruins.

When he came to this intermediate ruins, he heard the name many times during the three days against the underground creatures. This is the top powerhouse among the peaks of the royal family. If you say combat power, you will never Worse than Huang Yun!

It is likely to be able to compete with Murong Yu, whose power is extremely terrifying, mainly because it has a piece of heaven and earth that has been unwrapped.

The heaven and earth sacred products have been very difficult to come by, not to mention that he was able to unravel one of the engravings... It is conceivable that this Jingluo has the strength of horror.

Of course, the heaven and earth sacred products cannot always be used, but even if they are only used at critical times, it is enough to reverse the situation.

Jiang Shenwu’s blood red rose fan is directly used by Xiao Bai, and the laughter flowers, so they are not used, not to mention his blood red rose fan has not been unlocked, even if brought, can not exert any strength, It is not as strong as the attack that he immediately broke out of the nine-pole polar bomb.

After all, Jiang Shenwu itself is already a powerful force with the peak of the royal family, and before the blood red rose fan is unwrapped, its peak power is only the peak of the royal family.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu does not have to consider that.

The arrival of Jingluo and Huangyun was to let some people in the field breathe a sigh of relief. The main team of Jingluo and Huangyun finally came to a strong star of the Polaris tribe, which made Quan Tianxing quite happy.

At this time, there were fifteen people in the field.

Among the fifteen people, there are three dragon warriors in total, namely Jiang Shenwu, Gu Xinyue and Chu Yuexi.

The demon gods have the largest number, except for Su Ye and Huang Yun. There are five in total.

There are three bone royals, namely the Yu Han, Jing Luo, and the bone genius who followed the Murong Yu team.

There are two members of the Polaris tribe, and the ancient phoenix is ​​also two.

In addition to Murong Yu, another Gu Feng genius is following Jinglu and Huang Yun.

In this case, it can be said that the Demon gods have the strongest strength, the Dragon Protoss and the Bone Royals are second, and the Polaris and Gufeng are the weakest... but this is not the case.

At this time, Murong Yu’s top-level existence is almost comparable to that of the other three. The ordinary genius Chu Yuejun is not the opponent of Murong Yu.

Therefore, to say that the overall strength is the strongest, it is not too accurate.

However, statistics does not make much sense, because with the five teams of 15 people being transferred to this giant crystal hall, the figure of three thousand feet in the entire space has finally moved!

The statue was originally sitting cross-legged in this space.

With the arrival of the three teams, this human figure statue began to stand up directly, just a random movement, the surrounding space will sway a wave of ripples, so that the surrounding five groups of fifteen people are slightly changed.

Everyone is starting to prepare!

No matter what happens next, it will be a battle of life and death, and a battle that will give them great benefits.

No matter what the fighting style is, as long as it can behave as much as possible, it is possible to get some gains later.

The previous award of the human figure and the weird statue twice gave the 15 people in the field a taste of sweetness. Although it was not too much, it was only good, but the statue only started...

At the moment, this giant statue of three thousand feet is the real highlight!

"The statue is moving, be careful of the space vortex!"

At the first time, Jiang Shenwu perceived the space around his own space, and began to appear the power of the space vortex, so that he was directly nervous.

Then everyone found that these space vortices were not directed at them.

When the figure of the human figure gradually stood up, the entire giant space was directly divided into three isolated spaces!

It was almost the same as before when we were surprised by the statue... and this time, it was three spaces, and the three teams that appeared here were isolated.

"We are separated."

Jiang Shenwu they looked at each other~www.novelmtl.com~ Then they nodded.

It seems to be similar to the previous guess, this should be a team survival test?

If the squad survives, the five of them must be taken care of each other. Once one of them dies, it is likely to mean failure... and what makes them puzzled is that if it is a small team survival test, why bother with the other two? Team together?

Is there some saying of this, and the existence of more rules?

The space vortex that Jiang Shenwu sensed directly appeared at the top of the three areas. In the whole large crystal hall, there are three space vortices in total. Each space vortex seems to contain strong energy. I don't know what is brewing.

Just when everyone was wondering, from the vortex of space above their heads, there was some light.

After these lights are lit up, they are swept out of the space vortex.

"It's a statue!"

"Three statues!"

Jiang Shenwu's face changed slightly. He looked up and found that the vortex from the overhead space turned out to be three human-shaped statues. Each human figure looks like a thousand feet.

And there are three statues in each area, a total of nine statues in the audience!

Each squad must face three statues at the same time. These three statues are similar to the humanoid statues they encountered before, and it can be seen that there are five places on the nine humanoid statues that emit light...

That represents their weaknesses!

Just like Jiang Shenwu's humanoid statues they had dealt with before, there is nothing special about it. However, there are three at the same time. This will be a huge test for their five-person team.

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