Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1131: Break the statue

With the words of Jiang Shenwu, he released the power of the space attribute he had just swallowed.

Of course, he will not take the power of devouring to others to test... Since it is to use the power of space attributes to attack the strange statues, then Jiang Shenwu uses the power of space attributes to familiarize the other four.

Soon, the four spatial attributes of Jiang Shenwu's release were all absorbed by Gu Xinyue. Then they avoided the space ripples and tried to mobilize this part of Jiang Shenwu's power to release the martial arts.

Whether it is Spring Star or the cold, or Su Ye and Gu Xinyue, they are now in a very tense state, because they are now not only avoiding the ripples of space, but also trying to use other people's strength to mobilize martial arts.

However, Jiang Shenwu is now a little idle. After all, if you avoid the ripples of space, it is hard to beat Jiang Shenwu.

Now Jiang Shenwu is basically avoiding the ripples of space while consuming the power of the ripples in the space. Whether it is from the level of the supreme level or the power of pure space, it has greatly improved Jiang Shenwu.

Of course, the improvement of his current combat power is not great. After all, he is mainly the identity of the Dragon Warrior.

Just... Now how does Jiang Shenwu feel that he has gone out of this intermediate relic, can he realize that the power of the virtual attribute of space is several times more than before?

If we absorb the power of space condensation, Jiang Shenwu's imaginary power inheritance grade may be more than the Dragon Warrior inheritance grade.

At this moment, the four of them in the field, Gu Xinyue, began to try. At the beginning, they used the power given by Jiang Shenwu. The martial arts displayed were simply incomparable, and they could not play at the level of one tenth of their own.

Because this does require training, and generally no one will use this ability.

Only the power that others are willing to give you, you can use it as a means to use your own to play, in the case of normal fighting, they simply can not seize the power of the opponent to use the means.

So, now all four of these abilities have not been tried.

However, as Jiang Shenwu gave them the power they were constantly consuming, their proficiency in this way was getting higher and higher.

"The next opportunity is coming soon, everyone is ready."

Jiang Shenwu reminded me, and then the other four were a little nervous, at least focused on the space attribute condensate of the later.

However, Su Ye left to remind him, "Don't be too big. When there is a space power condensate, the space ripple release speed will be faster, we will be attacked faster, be careful."

Her words are correct. Avoiding the ripples of space is the most important thing. It must not be hit by space ripples because of the distraction.

Once it is hit, the consequence is death!

And once one of them dies, it is likely that they will not be able to break the strange statue in front of them...

Therefore, there must be no one in any of the five of them.

Jiang Shenwu is now the most free one, so he is paying attention to the passage of time, until the moment of the moment is coming, directly speaking.

Sure enough, the time he remembered was very accurate. With his reminder, the space ripple of the strange statue suddenly became fierce, and the endless space ripples burst out!

Everyone began to emptied and evaded. The power of these space ripples directly hit the crystal wall of the surrounding crystal hall, and then condensed the power of five space attributes!

The power of the five spatial attributes broke out completely at this moment, and the five people almost swept around the condensate at the same time.

Then, they absorbed the power of one of the spatial attribute condensates, and then spread out at the fastest speed.

Until now, the cold and spring stars, they are not particularly trusting for the three people of Jiang Shenwu, so after they are close to each other, they are also quickly away.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu has no opinion. Anyway, as long as it does not prevent them from continuing to blast the statue.

Immediately afterwards, among the five people, except for Jiang Shenwu, they used the less skilled means to explode the power of this spatial attribute condensate. The power that broke out was basically only about 50% of its total strength.

The four are all first-class geniuses. Under this kind of attempt, the progress is almost the same... Then the power of the five people almost hit the strange statue at the same time!

Then everyone saw the statue of the strange statue, and it was so blasted!


Everyone mentioned the mind and was nervous.

But very quickly, they found that the weird statue was still recovering. The body of the shattered statue was constantly reorganized, and it seemed that it would soon be completely restored!

"It seems that power is not enough."

Jiang Shenwu’s face sank.

Gu Xinyue is also somewhat self-blaming. "I didn't play well. I only played the power of the 50% of the space."

"So are we."

Quan Tianxing is also sighing. "You can only continue to work hard. Next time, you should be able to break out 70% to 80% of the power to see if you can break this strange statue directly."

As the five people expected, they are now not enough power to join the attack, so they can't wipe out the weird statues.

In order to break the defense of this strange statue, the required attack intensity is still necessary. The five people in the field are the peaks of the royal family. If they can only play half of the strength, it is really impossible to break the statue.

Perhaps this surviving master needs them to reach a higher level, everyone must play a stronger strength~www.novelmtl.com~ According to the current situation, Jiang Shenwu feels that if they are not five However, it is replaced by other ordinary demon gods. I am afraid it is really difficult to break through this barrier. The defenders who have passed this level may not be among the 200 people who participated in the intermediate relics. Go to 20%?

It is quite good to have thirty or forty people who can pass this strange statue!

Of course, Jiang Shenwu does not know what other people are facing. Now everything is just speculation, so they must continue and advance before they can meet other practitioners.

Then everyone continues to train, and the hardest part is to avoid the ripples of space at the same time...

Until once again, after a scent of incense, finally another opportunity came, and each of them broke the power of space condensate!

This time, each of them broke out at least 70% of the power!

Of course, it is not impossible to break out stronger power, but it takes time... and the five people broke out at this moment, once again smashing the weird statue!

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