Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1114: Ancient phoenix

? Shangguan Butterfly, Tan Shouqi and Chu Yuexi, three people form a small team, constantly hunting those underground creatures.

They didn't use too much strength, and the trio killed the underground creatures, and they just warmed themselves up.

They watched Jiang Shenwu so hard to kill the underground creatures, and suddenly they were speechless, and they couldn’t figure out why Jiang Shenwu would be so desperate.

"This kid... I am afraid there are special places for these underground creatures that have some benefits for him."

Tan Shouqi looked at Jiang Shenwu’s actions and thought about it.

"It is definitely good, and it is the most unsatisfactory. It also allows him to resist the power of various attributes in the ruins."

Shangguan Butterfly is more familiar with Jiang Shenwu, and there is still a sentence she did not say, that is, Jiang Shenwu can devour her 巽影流霞之力, and enhance her own 巽影流霞闪The level of comprehension.

Now that you have swallowed these underground creatures, can you not have some similar effects?

Seeing that Jiang Shenwu is so keen to kill the underground creatures, I am afraid it is really like this.

However, this thing is only known to Shangguan Butterfly, at most, plus the Emperor Shenlong, and even Gu Xinyue does not know the special strength of Jiang Shenwu.

Gu Xinyue is alone in action. Her fighting power is much stronger than that of Shangguan Butterfly. Even one can beat them three. After all, Gu Xinyue is a sixth-class disciple of the Wuji Xuanbing Holy Land. The super dragon's level of combat power.

Her combat power may even be stronger than that of the Devil's family, that is, it is similar to the current Gufeng Murong! Of course, after Murong Yu’s gain in Nirvana, it is the power of Jiang Shenwu’s devouring. Maybe there are some changes in mystery that make her become strong and maybe...

All in all, when Murong Yu has not come, Gu Xinyue’s combat power is definitely among the top three among all the elites of the royal family.

Even if it is the same as the Bone Royal and the Polaris tribes, it is the true peak of the Imperial level. It has broken through the limits of the Imperial level and reached the level of Super Dragon!

Only such a strong person is the most terrifying existence among the intermediate relics.

Gu Xinyue is also lazy to kill those underground creatures, but she did not go to provoke the underground creatures of the super dragon level. After all, she did not want to expose her full strength before entering the intermediate relics.

And those super-dragon-level underground creatures, the fighting power is probably more than the first layer of the super dragon, Gu Xinyue even if the full force is not necessarily able to deal with one, or let the super devil of the demon gods to deal with it...

Gu Xinyue is also observing Jiang Shenwu, she is very interested in the situation of Jiang Shenwu.

After all, it is a girl who has some unique relationship with Jiang Shenwu. Gu Xinyue’s concern for Jiang Shenwu is better than other people around him. Now Jiang Shenwu constantly hunts the underground creatures, and Gu Xinyue has a lot of hearts. guess.

Fortunately, she is not the kind of person who wants to spy on other people's secrets. Otherwise, if she asks Jiang Shenwu about this matter, Jiang Shenwu really does not know how to answer her.

It’s not good to lie to her. If I tell the truth, I feel too sorry for myself...

Gu Xinyue’s character is very mature and will not bring troubles and choices to Jiang Shenwu.

In this way, everyone joined the resistance to underground creatures, or to Jiang Shenwu is to kill the underground creatures.

Two days later.

Another super-powerful person of the demon family has finally come to this intermediate relic with the five geniuses of the ancient phoenix!

Among the five places of the ancient Feng nationality, Jiang Shenwu naturally only knows one Murong.

In addition to Murong Yu, there are two men and two women, who seem to have a strong breath. They are all extremely powerful characters of the ancient phoenix. Among them, there is a man and a woman, and even participated in the battle of Longwu. They are almost at the same level as Chu Yuexi, Tan Shouqi and Shangguan Butterfly.

When the Gufeng people came, everyone focused their attention on them, especially Murong.

After all, everyone has heard that the ancient phoenix has a genius girl Nirvana, and has gained far more power than the current realm, that is Murong Yu!

Murong Yanmei hangs around in the field, and once sees Jiang Shenwu, who is killing the underground creatures, flies directly toward Jiang Shenwu.

This gave Gu Xinyue a sense of crisis. She knew that Murong Yu had gained a stronger strength because of her relationship with Jiang Shenwu. This is also considered to have some unique relationship with Jiang Shenwu!

Now seeing Murong Yu near Jiang Shenwu, Gu Xinyue has narrowed his eyes, but he wants to see what Murong Yu wants to say.

"Jiang Shenwu, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Murong Yu’s graceful posture came to the point where Jiang Shenwu was fighting, and he said hello: “Would you like me to help?”

She would like to help Jiang Shenwu, but Jiang Shenwu is not simply against the underground creatures, so he took a look at Murong 涟漪~www.novelmtl.com~ only smiled and said: "No, here, give it to me." Just fine."

Murong sighed and ate a smile, then blinked at Jiang Shenwu: "Then I went to other places, this time, let's cooperate."

After saying this, she turned and left, and did not say anything with Jiang Shenwu.

It seems that the relationship between the two is just like ordinary friends. There is no such thing as a cross-border move, which makes Gu Xinyue relieved. However, this kind of mentality makes Gu Xinyue laugh and laugh. What happened to him?

Jiang Shenwu is such an excellent man, there will definitely be many people who like it. This Murong is the ancient phoenix. How can it be related to Jiang Shenwu? What are you worried about?

However, it seems that throughout the ages, there have been some marriages between ethnic groups, or no marriage, but only the combination of men and women of various ethnic groups. This is not uncommon.

After all, to be honest, the various ethnic groups are now only practicing different power systems that have been passed down from ancient times. In essence, most of them are only human beings.

Since they are all human beings, there is nothing wrong with the combination of each other.

It is not so much a major race, it is better to say that the major countries are more suitable, but each race feels that the "national" unit is too small, so it is not very appropriate.

Gu Xinyue squinted and suddenly looked up and returned to Murong.

Unexpectedly... The eyes of the two women looked at each other and they sparked a spark of hostility and competition!

It seems that both sides seem to know the situation between them and Jiang Shenwu!

:. :

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