Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1062: Fight for battle

Jiang Shenwu did not guess which downstage Su Ye had seen. No matter what, he took a fancy to the downfall and he had to take it down!

This is his first chance to improve.

Therefore, in order to prevent Su night from seeing the same platform, he recalled the appearance of Su’s night directly into his own platform.

At that time, Jiang Shenwu did not find anyone close to his own collapse. When he reacted, Su night was already on his platform. It can be seen that Su night has some means of hiding his body, or he owns it. Extremely horrible speed, even this speed is no less than his empty shuttle.

Because Jiang Shenwu did not notice her close at first! So her speed is absolutely terrifying.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu must now guard against this hand.

He glanced at the body of the 16-winged demon **** who was approaching the 16-seat area in the distance, and then his mouth was slightly tilted. He suddenly ran through the void and appeared in front of the body of the 16-winged demon!

"Su night, which platform did you see?"

Jiang Shen armed and asked inadvertently.

Su night did not seem to think that Jiang Shenwu actually went straight to her in front of her, so it was too rude, is it too rude?

However, Su night still grinned: "You, which one do you see? We should not look at the same place?"

When the voice just fell, the two acted almost simultaneously.

Because at this time, on the top of the platform that Jiang Shenwu saw, the virtual **** totem summoned by the imaginary strongman directly trapped the strong man of the ancient phoenix into the void, and then blasted it from the void. Downfall!

The virtual human strong has thus consumed a lot of power, but this also means that the strong man of the ancient phoenix was defeated. This imaginary strongman has temporarily become the lord of this downfall...

Next, other cultivators around you can climb the ring and challenge this imaginary strongman!

Obviously, Jiang Shenwu and Su night look at this downfall, the same platform! After all, among the sixteen downfalls, the two sides will be exhausted, and the only one that is about to end the battle is this downfall.

Since the two sides are starting at the same time, then the big probability of seeing it is the same collapse.

The two sides act almost simultaneously!

Jiang Shenwu acted directly with the power of the control of the void, and at the same time, he realized that the body of the 16-winged demon in front of him also used the means of shuttle empty, and wanted to appear directly on the platform.

"Sure enough, it is also a strong understanding of the power of the void!"

Jiang Shenwu has a little more understanding of Su night!

This time, he is definitely better, because...

He had just been in the void, and when it flashed in front of Su night, it didn't actually appear directly. It was once in the middle of the edge of the ring. He had shuttled twice in the void!

There was almost no interval between the two shuttles, so Su was not noticed.

This, let Jiang Shenwu have left a position on the edge of the ring, and once again, the speed of the shuttle to the point, his speed will be many times faster.

Ever since, when the night of the sixteen-winged demon gods of Su’s night shuttled the space, almost instantly appeared next to the ring, Jiang Shenwu had already stepped into the ring and became the next opponent to challenge this virtual human strong. !

"What? You..."

Su night looked shocked, she really did not expect that she had not robbed Jiang Shenwu... She knew that Jiang Shenwu’s understanding of the power of the virtual power was already quite high, but I did not expect it to be so high!

She now understands what Jiang Shenwu has done, pretending to be in front of her to say hello, but actually left a mark on the edge of the ring!

This is too hearty, right?

"shame on you!"

Su night couldn’t believe it, how passionate and sturdy Jiang Jiangwu seemed to have come up with such a tricky way to **** the downfall...

Simply... let the night of the night be a little dumbfounding.

"Hey! Isn't that a downfall? Let me give it to you first, even if this guy gives you hands to practice, you can't surpass me."

Su night snorted and didn't tangled too much. He floated directly outside the ring and began to observe the battle on the ring.


In fact, Jiang Shenwu has not paid attention to Su night since he came to the ring.

Because he came to the top of the ring, it means that his battle has begun, and he does not need the supreme level to order, he is likely to face each other's offensive!

However, the virtual human strong has just smashed the defenders of the ancient Feng dynasty. Now that the power is not sustainable, this guy is still resting.

When the opponent appeared, the imaginary strongman changed his face, but when he found out that his opponent was Jiang Shenwu, he was finally relieved.

He is the ninth floor of the Imperial level. What is terrible when he meets Jiang Shenwu, the sixth floor of this royal level?

His eyes were wide open, and he almost got into the night of Sutai. He still felt quite lucky, because in his eyes, Su night threatened himself much more than Jiang Shenwu.

Well, the seventh floor of a demon emperor, the sixth floor of a dragon emperor, this inheritance of the blood grade is a layer of difference, the combat power is definitely a lot different!

Is it much easier to deal with Jiang Shenwu than to deal with Su night?

Of course, even if it is the night of Su, he is also the kind of relaxed and relaxed. After all, Su Ye said that the seventh layer of the Emperor~www.novelmtl.com~ is two layers away from the ninth floor... But great, the most important thing is that the two sides are different.

This virtual human strong, it looks like a middle-aged man, there is a black cockroach under the nose, looks quite honest and honest.

According to the breath he showed, this middle-aged man is probably nearly a hundred years old.

At such an age, his use and comprehension of various warfare and martial arts is definitely far more than the repairers of the younger generation.

Even if it is a genius, what?

Therefore, this imaginary strong man with a beard, smiled at Jiang Shenwu in front of his eyes: "Gui Shenwu brother from the Dragon Protoss, you choose this seat as an opponent, meaning you feel that this seat is not as good as you? Or Do you think this seat is a good bully?"

"No, you just had a battle with the predecessors of the ancient phoenix. It seems that the power has consumed a lot, so I chose you."

Jiang Shenwu was more polite and said with a smile.

At this moment, the middle-aged man of the virtual human race has a shroud of a virtual **** totem. This virtual **** totem is like a translucent figure, covering his blue robe figure. This virtual **** totem is as high as a thousand feet. There are also a lot of light blue emptiness tentacles, shaking in the surrounding void.

This is the appearance of the universal virtual totem.

And Jiang Shenwu, is the body of a dark dragon, suspended in the ring, the same length of a thousand feet, it seems that it is not lost to the virtual **** totem, but ... Jiang Shenwu's momentum is obviously weaker than the other side!

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