Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1052: Ice Dragon Tower is fully suppressed

The sixteen-winged demon **** is just a move, defeating Liang Shu.

Then she looked at Jiang Shenwu on the side of the battle table and apparently was very interested in Jiang Shenwu.

This made Jiang Shenwu blink his eyes.

"I don't know who this guy is. It doesn't look like Su Yiyi. Anyway, if you encounter this person, you must be careful."

Jiang Shenwu felt the threat from the 16-winged demon god.

Obviously, this 16-winged demon **** has the power to compete with Jiang Shenwu.

The blood of the demon gods in her body is very strong, and the blood of the 16-winged demon **** seems to be fully exerted by her. Otherwise, it is impossible for a magical martial art to explode Liang Shuo.

This is like Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu is now also bringing his own blood power to the extreme, whether it is a Nirvana robbery or a reincarnation, it is concise to the extreme.

"This 16-winged demon **** is the ninth peak of reincarnation!"

"She must have condensed the power of reincarnation every time she broke, and they defeated the two reincarnation behemoths."

"This is why she is so strong now. Under the same level of inheritance and blood quality, her fighting power naturally crushes everyone else!"

"Even if it is me, I have to be careful now."

There are very few cultivators who are condensed in reincarnation, and it is not bad to have one in 10,000.

To know the genius of Gu Xinyue, and to have enough cultivation resources, she did not fully consolidate the power of reincarnation. This is extremely difficult, that is, Jiang Shenwu can feel that there is not much pressure.

However, even if it is Xiaobai, of course, they are not necessarily able to conquer every two rounds of behemoths.

It can be seen that the 16-winged demon **** is absolutely the pride of the sky!

This also proves that the other party is absolutely impossible to Su Yi, because Su Yiyi can not grow so fast, before she was the devil level, too far from the devil.

The top four decided!

Ginger Shenwu won, the 16-winged Demon god's demon **** genius girl won, and a demon **** strongman won, and finally the white-faced pair of the ancient Feng family strong.

The battle between Xiaobai and the ancient Feng nationality is undoubtedly a concern for most people around.

Because once Xiaobai wins, it means that the Dragon Protoss will enter the semi-finals!

The reward is not to say, the influence is even greater. Everyone knows what this battle means.

As long as you enter the top ten, it means that the strongmen of the fourth level of the Imperial level have the ability to be unique in the primary relics. Once they enter the top four, they can basically say that they have decisive power in a primary relic.

The previous white, not too strong in the primary relics, but now the white, has grown to a more horrible level.

Although Shenlong's inheritance of blood quality has not improved, but other aspects have been promoted, the most important thing is her high-level holy spirit dragon martial arts, ice dragon Wanta town Shanhe!

No one knows who she has cultivated at this level.

The flaming dragons of the linguistic flower have been cultivated to eight hundred feet, and the sacred dragons of Jiang Shenwu have been cultivated to eightfold...

And Xiaobai, as a **** of the gods and the gods of the dragon, has gained enough cultivation resources, she is also a disciple of the five-pole black ice holy land.

So her cultivation resources are more than laughter.

Her current ice dragon Wanta town Shanhe has been able to gather 1400 ice dragon towers!

In the previous battles in the ring, she directly condensed one or two hundred dragon towers, and she was able to suppress all the opponents.

However, in the face of this ancient Fengfeng strong opponent, she even condensed thousands of ice dragon towers in one time, numerous ice dragon towers were formed on the ring, and then pressed toward the flame Phoenix of the ancient Feng nationality. Go on.

The horrible ice of the atmosphere enveloped the audience!

The strongman of the ancient phoenix was bursting into flames, and he even wanted to hit hard with Xiaobai!

There are several flame circles on her body. These are the top soldiers of the ancient phoenix family, and they have the most horrible tyrannical flame power. Then she also released a top-level ancient phoenix martial art, flame. Climbing into the sky, condensed into a phoenix form, ushered in the thousands of ice dragon towers and broke out!

Two different forces of ice and fire collided in the field, and then released a burst of power ripples, slamming toward the surrounding.

"Ice Dragon Tower, suppression!"

Such a blow seems to have reached a tie, but then Xiaobai has condensed more ice dragon towers, a total of 1,400 ice dragon towers crashed down and suppressed!

This time, the ancient Fengfeng strong can not resist.

This is Xiaobai's all-out shot, the power of 1,400 ice dragon towers, completely unstoppable!

The phoenix body of the ancient phoenix was severely crushed on the top of the ring, and the atmosphere of the ice condensed, so that the body of the phoenix was frozen directly into an ice sculpture.

"Trust in."

At this time, the top-ranking strongman on the other side of the ancient phoenix fainted, and there was a force that shattered the ice sculpture and took the ancient phoenix strongman away from the ring.

Although the Gufeng strongman is in a coma, it will not be any life-threatening if the treatment is timely, and the injury is definitely certain.

Of course, if the top-ranking strongman shot slower, let the ancient Feng family strong continue to be frozen by the white, even if it is only a little frozen, it is possible to completely lose the vitality of the ancient Feng nationality strong.

If you are exploring in the primary ruins, the two sides will play against each other. At this moment, the ancient phoenix strong may be dead.

This is the power of the ruling level!

Although Xiaobai has a lot of room for improvement, the opponent is the same.

At this age, there are very few cultivators who can reach the level of the ancient phoenix strong, and want to be stronger. It is almost impossible to reach the level of the 16-winged demon **** and Jiang Shenwu~www.novelmtl.com~.

This battle, Xiaobai won!

The list of the top four came out, and the Dragon Warrior camp has two seats!

This result is almost unbelievable to everyone around me.

This Longwu mainland can cultivate so many powerful existences?

There are six in the top 16, four in the quarter, and two in the top four... Is this too horrible?

In contrast, it seems that the geniuses of other races are weak, but in fact, whether it is the level of the demon snake, or the former Gufeng strong, their combat power is very strong.

At least it has reached the level of Princess Bilian, Bai Feng and Wei Mengtian that Jiang Shenwu had seen before, and even stronger than these few people.

It is a pity that this is the strongest of the top four layers of the top ten races.

And although the regulations are not over 50 years old, in fact, most of the participants are young geniuses, before the age of 30.

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