Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1047: 16 wing demon god

Jiang Shenwu did not fight against the suspected Suezu.

He thought for a moment, and the possibility that the sixteen-winged demon **** is Su Yiyi is still there.

Therefore, there is no need to hard-hitting with the other side. Anyway, Jiang Shenwu will give up the opportunity once he even gives up the downfall.

So he gave up the downfall directly, and then shuttled the void, and the next moment appeared on the other platform that just ended the battle.

On the top of the ring, it was the genius of the demon gods who defeated the opponent.

Before he had time to rest, he saw a black dragon flying across the void, appearing from the void outside the ring, and flew directly to the ring!

Jiang Shenwu's speed is too fast.

As soon as the various ethnic groups who were ready to rush to rush to the ring were not responding, they were robbed by Jiang Shenwu.

Now it is the last half of the musk time. If you just come to a repairer to challenge the genius of this demon god, once you can't tell the winner, then the demon **** genius wins. After all, he is the guardian.

But when Jiang Shenwu appeared in front of him, the genius of this demon **** was directly dropped to the bottom.

Originally, he had the opportunity to defend his success and become one of the final 16 teams.

But now...

What appeared in front of him turned out to be Jiang Shenwu!

Jiang Shenwu, that is the only strong presence that can crush everyone else now. If Jiang Shenwu appears, let alone the time of half a musk, even if there is still a moment, it may be ginger. Shenwu gave defeat.

How did this Jiang Shenwu suddenly come to this ring?

The demon-like genius turned to the distance, and the original seat of Jiang Shenwu looked at it, but saw the top of the ring, the body of a 16-winged demon god, and it seemed to look like a slap in the face. I did not expect that Jiang Shenwu would run away directly.

"How is this going?"

This demon **** genius is the blood of a deep sea shark. The demon gods who possess this kind of blood are mainly defended by the flesh. Their demon defensive ability is extremely powerful and there is a desperate defense. strength.

But he did not feel that he could withstand the attack of Jiang Shenwu.

Of course, he couldn't directly admit Jiang Shenwu. When Jiang Shenwu appeared, he couldn't recover from the last battle. He could only roll over to Jiang Shenwu at the fastest speed. He was the deep sea shark. The power of blood talent, condensed into a horrible endless whirlwind, covering his entire deep sea shark's demon body.

The blood of the deep sea sharks is to use this endless whirlwind force to temper their own demon body. At this moment, this person has already erupted all the strength, and the endless whirlwind wraps the demon of the deep sea shark. Came to Jiang Shenwu.

Under the bang, this guy is on the top of the black dragon of Jiang Shenwu!

This is the most powerful attack of the demon **** genius, but then, the deep sea mad shark blood heritage inheritor has some desperate discoveries, Jiang Shenwu's black dragon body, under his full attack, there is no slight wavering.

In good condition!

Jiang Shenwu released the guardian posture of the dragon and the body, and the defensive ability has reached a super-strong degree, not the guy who can be broken in front of him.

Then, Jiang Shenwu’s seven-fold dark dragon bursts swept out and exploded around the other’s deep sea shark.

The power of terror will directly bombard the genius of this demon god, and there will be successive dark dragon explosions appearing around each other, bombing again and again, and stunned the genius of the demon gods who are known for their defense. The scorpion, the demon of the deep sea shark, also began to seep out blood.

He was injured!

Jiang Shenwu’s attack is terrible.

At the time of launching the offensive, Jiang Shenwu directly switched the posture of the dragon to the strong attack posture, and also used the snow dragon stone.

The snow-snow dragon stone is just a prefecture-level holy spirit dragon soldier, but in the hands of Jiang Shenwu, the increase in the lethality is shocking, mainly because Jiang Shenwu’s own offensive is too strong, although the dragon’s quality is generally But still let his overall attack intensity reach the peak of others.

And under the continuous bombardment of Jiang Shenwu, the demon and genius genius has no room for dodge and counterattack.

Just in the last half of the musk time, Jiang Shenwu directly blasted the demon **** genius to this downfall!

The demon-like genius of this deep sea shark has defeated two opponents on this platform, and it is the top genius who finally came to power to win the victory. It can be seen that its physical strength has reached a certain level. of.

Unfortunately, under the attack of Jiang Shenwu, this guy has no room to resist, and he was directly blasted off the court...

The final moment is coming.

Jiang Shenwu hangs on this platform and looks toward the platform where he is still there. He sees the magic body of the 16-winged demon god, and is looking at his side. The two gods The beautiful scorpion above the body seems to have some curiosity.

"This goods don't look like Su Yiyi..."

Jiang Shenwu has some headaches.

Although from the strategic point of view, there is no loss in his direct exit from the downfall, but such a move will still make people somewhat doubtful.

Why is it equivalent to admitting a defender of a demon god?

For the Dragon Protoss and other families, this is a point worth studying. There is no doubt that Jiang Shenwu has no reason to admit defeat to the Demon sect.

Some people speculate that Jiang Shenwu will not have any secret deals with the demon gods?

So ~www.novelmtl.com~ it is possible for Jiang Shenwu to give the position of the lord to the defender of the demon family at the last moment.

However, it was soon discovered that the 16-winged demon **** had extremely terrifying power!

When Jiang Shenwu withdrew from the ring, some of the genius cultivators who could not find opportunities in other platforms, flew directly toward the ring, and directly challenged the 16-winged demon **** of the demon god!

Just as Jiang Shenwu defeated the demon-like genius who passed down the deep sea shark, the 16-winged demon **** has defeated two opponents who dared to challenge her, from the Fushui and the Qianyi snakes.

Moreover, they are all solved by her!

This makes all the surrounding people all face shocked. The demon gods who have passed down the 16-winged demon **** seem to have extremely terrifying combat power, much stronger than the demon snake king, and even far from Jiang Shenwu!

This is the top level of the top level!

Is it because Jiang Shenwu saw her strength, so she did not entangle her, and directly quit the platform?

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