Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1045: Each magical power

Liang Shuming’s operation has stunned the geniuses of all ethnic groups who want to robbery around.

How can this guy be so shameless?

This cargo has long been a good time!

And in fact it is.

In terms of time, the next battle should be the last battle. After this battle, the final moment will come. The defenders who remain in the ring are the final 16 in the final battle.

Liang Shu has been planning since the injury.

He knew that once he was injured, the next opponent in the battle would try his best to delay the time. As long as he was dragged to a fragrant time, he would be sentenced to a negative.

Liang Shuming does not think this is a bad thing. Instead, it is suitable for him to win the final victory.

At the last moment, he directly condensed a avatar with the power of dragon blood.

The dragon's body is separated, and the genius who is the virtual human being is chased and killed on the field, confusing the geniuses who want to rob the people around.

When a musk time is coming, the geniuses of the various geniuses who want to robbery are meditation in their hearts and calculate the time.

But just before the time of their calculation, Liang Shu took the initiative to withdraw from the downfall.

It is the body of the dragon that he hides that has withdrawn from the ring, and then the avatar of the fierce battle in the ring has directly dissipated.

This scene makes the people around you look awkward.

They didn't know what the situation was, and thought that Liang Shu was hidden... But then, Liang Shuo's body of the dragon's body appeared from the surroundings, and then rushed back directly toward the ring.

He used a chance to attack a few days ago and just used it again, so there is still a chance for the last attack.

This time flipped, so that the geniuses of the various ethnic groups around did not even think of it.

Then, Liang Shu returned to the field, this time, his state has recovered quite well.

He launched an offensive directly toward the genius of the virtual human race!

I have to say that the current comprehensive strength of Liang Shu has become very horrible. Among the geniuses on the fourth floor of the Imperial level, although his combat power is not comparable to that of Jiang Shenwu, he is still able to compete with the class of the snake demon. Compared.

Therefore, Liang Shu uses all his strength, and then he will deal with the genius of the virtual human race!

The power of the horrible dragon blood broke out in the audience. The genius of the imaginary people can hide and evade, and they can't escape Liang's offensive!

The genius genius of the imaginary people even displayed the dragon martial arts of the emptiness of the black hole, to fight against Liang Shu, while defending Liang Han’s dragon blood blasting offensive.

However, Liang Shu’s offensive was too fierce. He did not even care where the genius of the virtual human being was. He attacked the entire platform directly. The power of the dragon blood talent exploded in the audience, and it broke out continuously, letting the virtual human family The genius of the strong is inevitable!

Of course, this imaginary genius has some means of killing, such as the entire body hiding in the void, no matter how Liang Shu attack, can not hurt him.

But... the ability of this guy to hide into the void is naturally not comparable to that of Jiang Shenwu. Even Jiang Shenwu can only hide in the void for a while, not to mention the genius of the virtual human.

He can only hide for a moment.

After a while, he can only come out of the void, and then use the defensive sacred martial arts to resist the indiscriminate bombing from Liang Shuming.

He wants to counterattack, but Liang Shu does not give him such an opportunity.

What is the nine-day Huanglong blood blasting technique, the dragon blood blasting technique, the blood blasting blasting beads... and the god-level holy spirit dragon soldier that Jiang Shenwu recently prepared for him, all of which he exerted all the power, the strongest dragon blood burst Power, released from the field.

In order to prevent himself from being injured, Liang Shuming did not use these means of self-harm.

But this time, in the face of the genius of the virtual human, this is the last battle.

Therefore, he will be able to explode all his power to fight with each other.

On the platform where Liang Shuming is located, it is already full of the power of the dragon's blood talent, so that the surrounding dragon warriors are a little shocked. This dragon warrior is completely deadly.

Under such crazy indiscriminate bombing, Liang Shuo took the lead in hurting himself. However, the genius of the virtual human being was also inevitable. Soon the defense was broken and was completely injured by Liang Shuo!


Liang Shuo’s side is relatively stable. In the end, the repairers left on the 16-seat platform should be a place where Liang Shuming has a place.

And Xiaobai, of course, and laughing and spending three women, is not so crazy.

Although the defense and recovery ability is very strong, her style of play has been steady and steady, and has repeatedly defeated several opponents. The whole person's physical condition is still in a state of full prosperity. She is fully committed to dealing with every opponent. Anyway, a musk time comes. At the time, her injury was always much lighter than the other.

The sacred dragon scorpion of the Holy Eccentric is simply too powerful.

No matter what level of dragon martial arts, as long as it is cultivated into the holy world, it will have a quite anti-sky effect. Of course, the higher the grade of the dragon martial arts, the more difficult it is to cultivate to the holy pole.

For example, Jiang Shenwu’s nine-pole road is a dark dragon burst. If you want to practice in the Holy Spirit, it’s not a one-night event, and it may not be possible even in a few years.

With the sacred dragon 秽 秽 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In contrast, the battle between Xiaobai and Xiaohua spent two women is full of more artistry.

Xiaobai’s talent is the nature of the ice, and her practice of the Ice Dragon Vantaa Mountain River is able to control the opponent’s time beyond a musk.

So ~www.novelmtl.com~ As long as she finds the opportunity to control the opponent with the ice dragon Wanta town Shanhe, she can completely ensure her victory. She relies on the means of control, so that the other party does not resist when facing herself. Power.

Of course, occasionally I can meet the kind of opponent who can break through her control. She uses the heavenly spirit of the Dragon Spirit, and once again erupts the power of the ice river and the town of the river, and suppresses the other side.

Her ice dragon Wanta town Shanhe, once stronger than once, makes people wonder where her limits are.

At first she condensed thirty-three ice dragon towers to suppress opponents, but as the battle progressed, her condensed ice dragon tower changed from thirty-three to forty-five, then sixty, then seven. Seventeen...and ninety-nine!

The more the number of condensed ice dragon towers, the stronger the pressure on her town, so that the other party can not rush out from the suppression of the ice dragon tower.

Many people think that the ninety-nine ice dragon towers are her limit, but soon she has gathered 120 ice dragon towers, even one hundred and forty-five...so terrible!

Her ability seems to have no limit, the ice dragon Wanta town Shanhe this high-level holy spirit dragon martial arts, broke out in her hands the most terrible combat power, every battle seems to be in her calculations!

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