Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1027: breakthrough

However, Jiang Shenwu is not very worried.

Anyway, he does not have to get the first place in the battle of the Dragon Emperor level. It is not good, so just take a walk.

"What I am missing now is time."

"As long as the time is enough, I can upgrade the realm and the dragon to inherit the essence of the blood..."

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

But at this time, the ancestor consciousness of the demon **** suddenly reminded: "Perhaps, in the process of the battle of the Taiwanese, you can try to practice! Use the means of the lack of ice and fire dragons, swallow the opponent's time, and improve yourself while playing."

"Although the means of devour the time of the ice fire demon dragon is quite different, it will be perceived by the presence of the supreme level, but I feel that even if they know it, it does not matter. After all, this means, there are other similar forms. less."

This method proposed by the ancestors of the demon **** is feasible.

If you can directly devour your opponent's time in the field, use these time to take the opportunity to grasp the cultivation, then Jiang Shenwu is likely to take a step before the battle of the Dragon Emperor level, or in the middle of the battle.

The key is to make full use of time!

"You can try it when you see it, and see how it takes to devour time to cultivate."

Jiang Shenwu can only plan like this.

He and Shangguan Butterfly's discussion, soon came to the end, because he could not beat Shangguan Butterfly, and Shangguan Butterfly also let him, did not take out the heavenly Holy Spirit Dragon, if she used the heavenly Holy Spirit In the words of Dragon Soldier, Jiang Shenwu could not be her opponent.

Now Shangguan Butterfly has two heavenly spirits, one is her own, and the other is Jiang Shenwu.

She is also embarrassed to take Jiang Tianwu to her heavenly Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier to discuss with Jiang Shenwu, strange embarrassed.

The two sides fought fiercely for about half an hour, and almost all the means that could be taken out have already been displayed.

The power of Jiang Shenwu’s display is somewhat amazed by the Emperor Shenlong: “Ginger Shenwu, your combat power has gone far beyond the level of your cultivation and inheritance, even spanning several weights... Your nirvana power, but have you condensed all the times?"

"Reporter respect, yes."

Jiang Shenwu said with respect and respect.

His nirvana power has been concise since the fourth place of the Nirvana robbery. Every time he raises one, he will concise more. Compared with ordinary people, his basic strength will be at least 30% stronger.

And now his reincarnation is completely concise, directly strengthening the strength of his talent to swallow.

No matter what kind of dragon martial arts are used, its power will become stronger, so this is the problem of the strength of the basic strength, which is the most fundamental reason for Jiang Shenwu to be able to overcome the challenge.

Generally, why do the dragon warriors or other ethnic practitioners improve and inherit the grade, and the strength will become stronger?

That is, each time the promotion is cultivated or passed down to the grade, their basic strength will be nearly doubled. This is why the cultivation of the realm is very important, and the inheritance of the grade is the same.

Jiang Shenwu is not strong enough to be cultivated as a realm and inheritance grade. This is his weakness.

However, he has many other means. The key is two pieces of the heavenly-level Holy Spirit dragon who have been blasted three times, and the nine-polar road dark dragon burst that has been well cultivated.

"Ginger Shenwu, I heard that you can devour the dragon martial arts of other people and use it to improve your dragon martial arts practice progress?"

When the two men finished the discussion, the Emperor Shenlong came up and asked.

"Is such that."

Jiang Shenwu replied.

"In this case, I can let your Jiuzhongjidao dark dragon burst up quickly... Of course, I can't help you with the dragon's hegemony. As for the shadows, I believe that your level is not bad now. No need."

The Emperor Shenlong said with a smile.

Shenlong hegemonic body, this is the refining body dragon martial arts, and only the high-level source dragon martial arts, in addition to Jiang Shenwu few people practice, not to mention the cultivation of this thing also requires a lot of resources of the wild animal.

So now Jiang Shenwu can't make any further improvements.

The next step is the holy world, not so easy to break through.

As for the shadow of the stream, now Jiang Shenwu is also at the level of the holy level. The next step is not so easy. It is not a breakthrough that can be achieved in a short time. Even if it devours the essence of other people’s cultivation, it is unlikely to be short. Break through in a short time.

It’s the nine-pole road, the dark dragon burst...

This is a move to the advanced Holy Spirit Dragon martial arts!

It is the strongest dragon martial arts that can be cultivated in the Dragon Emperor stage. It seems that the Emperor Shenlong has cultivated this Zhaolong martial arts, which is a great good news for Jiang Shenwu.

However, the Emperor Shenlong first gave the Shangguan Butterfly a little bit and told her that in the process of some dragon martial arts exhibitions, there are still some places that can be improved and upgraded, according to what the Emperor Shenlong said to train to practice, After the start of the battle of the Dragon Emperor level, Shangguan Butterfly's combat power can be increased by at least 30%!

This is the importance of a mentor.

The Emperor Shenlong is the person who cultivated on the road of the Dragon Emperor. It can be said that many of the dragon martial arts of the Emperor Longwu Academy are actually cultivated by the Emperor Huanglong, and they have been cultivated to the peak. She is instructed by Jiang Shenwu and Shangguan. Butterfly, naturally let them improve quickly.

As for Jiang Shenwu's side, it is mainly a breakthrough in the Jiuzhongjidao dark dragon explosion.

The Emperor Shenlong’s hand-to-hand display is the nine-dark dark dragon’s blast, which is the means of cultivation to the peak level~www.novelmtl.com~ For Jiang Shenwu, as long as the power of her explosion is swallowed, this can be more A lot of insights.

So, Jiang Shenwu began to concentrate on comprehending cultivation.

The Emperor Shenlong does not turn the dragon, and directly displays the Jiuzhongjidao dark dragon burst in the form of human beings. In the training ground, the left side suddenly bursts into a burst of nine, and the right side suddenly bursts out again... Jiang Shenwu can only devour these explosions back and forth. The power of the nine-polar road dark dragon burst out.

The Emperor Shenlong’s understanding of this trick is beyond the two levels of the full play of the nine explosive powers!

If you can fully display the nine-fold dark dragon explosion is the peak, then now the Emperor Shenlong's understanding of this dragon martial art is two layers higher than the peak.

The nine-fold dark dragon burst has already erupted a very strong force, but if the power of each explosion is strengthened even if it is 10%, the superimposed power of the last nine-dark bomb explosion is extremely terrifying.

Therefore, after reaching the peak, you still need to cultivate to the holy level, and even the holy world!

Now, Jiang Shenwu is constantly consuming the power of the nine-polar road dark dragon burst that understands the level of the Holy Spirit!

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