Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1025: Pro-pass

Yu Yaji’s residence is in the courtyard.

The Emperor Shenlong walked slowly, with a smile on his face: "Jiang Shenwu, I have been paying attention to you since I saw you in the Nether Monster experience. I can’t think of your performance. The more surprised, even more amazing than I was."

"This... don't dare to act, don't dare to be."

Ginger God Wu was a little embarrassed, and the Emperor Shenlong was a superb dragon. He even had such a high evaluation of him. It was simply too rare.

"What can't you dare to be?"

The Emperor Shenlong smiled and sat down at a stone table in the courtyard: "Yaji, you can sit down too. But you can't sit in Jiang Shenwu, you have to go to the teacher first."


Jiang Shenwu is somewhat aggressive.

"Well, according to the truth, if the super-level dragon is to recruit pro-disciples, the disciples need to be polite."

Yu Yaji sat down next to the Emperor Shenlong, and also smirked and said: "The teacher's ceremony is a gimmick. You can do it with three heads."

"However, the gift of heaven and earth that you brought out this time with a nine-point mark is a best gift for the teacher. This can be avoided."

The Emperor Shenlong suddenly turned around and smiled and waved his hand.

That is what she said, but she did not take out the piece of heaven and earth to show it... After all, it belongs to the precious property of the entire Dragon Protoss. To solve the nine-mark engraving, the whole work of the Dragon Protoss is possible, and no one knows. How much resources are consumed.

Now the power of the Emperor Dragon must be soaring!

Therefore, the Emperor Shenlong, the feeling of Jiang Shenwu is definitely very favorite.

"Right, Jiang Shenwu, I heard that you are planning to participate in both battles this time?"

The Emperor Shenlong asked again.

"Well... the disciple has this plan."

Jiang Shenwu sees that the Emperor Dragon has no shelf at all, just like the teacher of the usual Master, very intimate, just let go of his heart.

"Then your opponent has a butterfly, do you have a look first?"

The Emperor Dragon was suddenly bright and a bit eager.

This made Jiang Shenwu stunned and let him play with Shangguan Butterfly. At this stage, it is basically impossible for him to defeat Shangguan Butterfly. After all, he has not broken through to the fifth floor of the Dragon Emperor. It has not been upgraded to a higher level. It is basically impossible to defeat Shangguan Butterfly.


Seeing the Emperor Shenlong seeing Jiang Shenwu seems to be somewhat unwilling, suddenly pretending to be serious, coughing and saying: "Since you are a pro-disciple for the teacher, then the teacher must bear the task of pointing you. You are not a teacher. In front of playing with someone, how can the teacher give pointers on your current problems?"

"So, let's play with the butterfly first. Let's see if there is any problem in your battle. Even if you can't play it, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I heard that you are very resistant, very resistant, and you can't fight."

Jiang Shenwu heard this and simply wanted to cry without tears.

Originally, he also felt that the Emperor Shenlong was a goddess-level figure who was high above. He did not expect that it would look so black now, and he could say such a rich "philosophy".

"The fox, now the ninth floor of the Dragon Emperor, reincarnation of the peak of the robbery, the power of reincarnation has also been condensed three times, is the strongest person in the recent years of the Emperor Longwu College."

The Emperor Shenlong squinted and said: "Jiang Shenwu, you fight with her, you can be careful."


What a ghost fight, shouldn’t this be a discussion?

Jiang Shenwu was also unable to vomit, and at this time, Yu Yaji had already called Shangguan Butterfly.

Like Jiang Shenwu, Shangguan Butterfly did not seem to understand the Emperor Shenlong, and he was somewhat cautious and respectful when he came in.

However, the Emperor Shenlong seems to be completely eclectic in the face of his own people. There is absolutely no shelf at all, and even the Erlang legs are raised on the stone bench.

She said to Shangguan Butterfly: "Die, you first fight with Jiang Shenwu, let me see what he lacks now. By the way, you have to participate in this battle, I can help you see if you can I will mention something in the short term."

Shangguan Butterfly did not expect that the Emperor Shenlong would look like this.

She looked at the scorpion of the scorpion, and quickly wiped her eyes, thinking that she was wrong, but soon she found that she did not read it wrong... !

"Right, tell you a good news before you start playing."

The Emperor Shenlong seemed to think of something. Suddenly he felt very funny and laughed: "What, the dragon of the catastrophe, and I studied with you Jiang Jiangwu... Finally I found out that you are from the East Emperor Longwu College was rushed out. Hehehe is too funny. So what is left to laugh at the wind, I am afraid I have to be arrested and returned to their holy places to close, for at least ten years... Oh no, at least twenty years Don't think about it."

"I will say to the robbery dragon, let him shut him for twenty years, the district is too little for ten years!"

This is said to make the face of Jiang Shenwu slightly different.

Unexpectedly, this matter eventually reached the ear of the dragon in the catastrophe, and the key to all this was that he got the nine-sentence of the heaven and earth sacred products, and was therefore accepted as a disciple by the Emperor.

So talented, capable Longwu practitioners, have you left the laughter to drive people away?

It’s just that!

I can imagine how angry the current dragons are!

This glory appeared in the sacred ice of the five poles, so the nine-spotted sacred sacred product will fall into the hands of Yu Yaji, otherwise, the dragon of his catastrophe is also competitive!

This left laughter is for him to lose a nine-fold engraved heaven and earth sacred goods!

Too angry!

Simply hateful!

The dragon of the blue sky, I am afraid that this left laughter will be depressed, and this left laughter will finally be closed for ten years... Oh no, twenty years of closure, this news is really true for Jiang Shenwu. A big good news.

In this way, ~www.novelmtl.com~ Donghuang Longwu College has no left-handedness, and Jiang Shenwu does not have to worry about the threat from Donghuang Longwu College.

The key point is that he is not hostile to Donghuang Longwu College, and many old friends of Donghuang Longwu College, as well as Chu Yueqi Tan Shouqi tutors, can be bright and straightforward!

"I have done it."

The Emperor Shenlong waved his hand and first revealed this matter: "You must fight one first, and I will give you some advice. In the two battles, I see that both of you are very hopeful and cannot be lost at a critical moment. chain."

There is a dragon **** dragon to personally check, Shangguan Butterfly and Jiang Shenwu face this battle, the grasp is even bigger!

Shangguan Butterfly's goal this time is that the Dragon Emperor level is the top ten in the battle against Taiwan.

I want to know that this time, the top ten races are fighting in the same stage. Even if she ranks first in the Dragon Warrior, she will not be able to enter the top ten, let alone the strength of Shangguan Butterfly, in the ninth floor of the Dragon King. Among them, it is not the first at all, at best, the top five.

The battle of the dragon emperor level will be extremely intense!

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