Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1018: boast

Chapter 1018 Bragging

In addition to the dragon's inheritance of the blood, the dragon warrior is also crucial to the realm.

The key point is that Li Xin and Yu Ba Dao's level are relatively low. They are also the time to lay the foundation. Therefore, the cultivation of the realm is still very impressive for them. Unlike Jiang Shenwu, they are now at the level of Shenlong. The blood grade determines most of the combat power.

Therefore, although Li Xin has become a holy dragon, compared with the strength of Yu Ba Dao, there is really not much advantage.

So Yu Badao wants to try it.

He said to his father Yuchengzhu: "Hey, the baby is hard to die today. If today, if the child can't beat Li Xin, it is the biggest devil in life! If it is not fighting, I am afraid that it will be difficult to improve in the future..."

This is true.

Today's events have a great impact on Yuba, but the most important thing is that he is not willing to give up Wang Haoer. He likes this pure talented girl too...

So he has to seize any chance anyway.

He wants to challenge Li Xin!

A few days ago, Li Xin was definitely his defeat. If Li Xin came to the military city with the dragon warriors of the Li tribe, he would not even look at him.

But now, he seems to only look up?

He is not willing to accept such a reality, he wants to prove that he can still crush Li Xin!

Therefore, he must fight this game!

"Hey, go."

Yu Chengzhu also knows his son. Since the other party has opened the conditions, he does not need to stop it.

Since this fight is only a matter of learning, he believes that his son will not be defeated by Li Xin, nor will he be killed by Li Xin, so there is no plan to stop without worrying.

Yu Chengzhuo waved his hand, and the main thought was placed on the observation of Jiang Shenwu.

His years of experience tell him that Jiang Shenwu is the main one among the pedestrians, because Jiang Shenwu has basically said nothing.

On the other hand, Liang Shuming has been communicating with Li Xin, and it seems that it is not the head.

"This boy, it looks too young! Can he really have the power to crush our city? Or, is it just relying on a dragon soldier given by Yan Longhuang?"

"Just as he raised his hand, he took the Wang Xier away from the air, which shows that he is very strong, or that the means is very strong."

"Can't be an enemy!"

Yu Chengzhu reached a conclusion.

In the field, his son Yu Badao has become a black dragon, flying up and squatting in front of Li Xin, it seems that the form of the two sides is not a level, but the atmosphere of Yuba is obviously much stronger than Li Xin.

This is the difference between the first and fourth weight of the real world.

After the overbearing of the dragon, there was no hesitation at all, and it was directly swept toward Li Xin. The violent dragon martial arts turned into a black whirlwind and shrouded toward Li Xin.

Li Xin still consolidates his strength relatively quickly, but after he became a dragon, he suddenly became several times bigger. This is not very accustomed to it.

The main reason is that the overbearing attack came. He wanted to dodge. The dragon's body, which is several times larger than before, made him unable to escape. The whole dragon's body was enveloped by the black whirlwind!

However, Li Xin seems to have cultivated the dragon martial arts of the refining body. This makes Jiang Shenwu quite eye-catching. This year, there are not many martial arts dragon martial arts. This Li Xin seems to have been on the refining dragon martial arts. It has become a small one.

He faced the overbearing offensive on the front, and he did not suffer the slightest injury. It is really not the power of the overbearing power. Although the dragon martial arts he cultivated is stronger than Li Xin’s, it is not much stronger.

"Returning to teach him some dragon martial arts, his combat power will rise directly."

"However, the main thing is to start directly from the original dragon martial arts. Under the dragon martial arts of the original source, there is no need to cultivate."

"And the original dragon martial arts, at least have to reach the level of the dragon king, in order to comprehend faster..."

The Holy Spirit Dragon martial arts is the dragon martial arts practiced at the Dragon Emperor level, while the original Dragon martial arts is the dragon martial arts practiced in the Dragon King stage.

It’s not that you can’t cultivate the Holy Spirit Dragon martial arts without reaching the Dragon King. It’s not that you can’t cultivate the original dragon martial arts without reaching the Dragon King. But before you reach the corresponding stage, the efficiency of cultivation will be extremely low. You want to understand these dragon martial arts. The power will be more difficult.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu does not intend to teach them dragon martial arts in the early stage, and after they reach the Dragon King, they will uniformly impart dragon martial arts to them!

As for now, Li Xin’s battle can only rely on the dragon martial arts he had originally cultivated. Although it is very primitive, the body of the dragon that he has achieved so far will not be weaker than the general comprehensions of the same age.

At least in the territory of the Yanlong Dynasty, among the dragons of the same age, Li Xin’s combat power is definitely the strongest, and at most, the word “one” is added.

Looking at Li Xin turned out to be a holy dragon, Wang Haoer also became a bright spot.

She did not expect that Li Xin had such a terrible breakthrough in this short period of time, but she was somewhat worried. She once heard that some evil means can make the strength of the Dragon Warrior soar in a short time.

This dragon group, it will not be used some evil means to make their strength soaring?

Those evil means, I heard that they are all harmful to the Dragon Warrior. If it has been practiced for a long time, will it let them finish directly in the future?

It seems that I saw Wang's look. Jiang Shenwu smiled and said: "Was Wang Yuer? You don't need to worry about our Dragon Group. The area you are in is really too small, and we are consuming. The stage of the Dragon Group is not even in the Yanlong Dynasty, so the cultivation resources that can be obtained are far beyond your imagination."

"Yanlong Emperor, not long ago broke through the dragon on the fifth floor of the Dragon Emperor. This is because of my help, as long as you know this, you will not have doubts about our Dragon Group."

All that Jiang Shenwu said is naturally true.

Yan Longhuang can break through to the fifth floor of the Dragon Emperor. A large part of the reason is because the power of Jiang Shenwu's precession has broken through the bottleneck of the Dragon King, so it can be easily achieved, otherwise it will take several years. It is possible to achieve it.

But now ~www.novelmtl.com~ Yan Longhuang directly breaks through, this is the credit attributed to Jiang Shenwu, Jiang Shenwu does not feel that he is very great, but used to make Wang Yuer feel at ease, can still say the last one.

When I heard the words that Jiang Shenwu said, Wang Haoer suddenly screamed.

Yan Longhuang breakthrough is relying on the black teenager in front of you?

Is this too bragging?

Anyway, Wang Haoer does not believe it now. If he really wants to have such ability, would he have already flew out of Longwu mainland? For Longwu mainland, Wang Haoer, born in a remote area, has no specific concept.

For her, Longwu Mainland is the whole world of her own life, and this whole world is composed of the major dragon kingdoms.

If Jiang Shenwu can make the Yanlong Emperor break through, isn't that level above all Dragon Kings?

This is the idea of ​​Wang Yuer! However, this does not prevent her from thinking that Jiang Shenwu is very strong.

Absolutely very strong, and very mysterious, or how could Li Xin become able to compete with Yuba in a short period of time?

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