Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 1016: Trust him 1 time

"So let's say that?"

Yucheng Lord laughed and said: "If she is willing to marry my son, then you have no right to take her, right?"

He is still an old tycoon, kicking the ball directly to Wang Haoer.

For Yucheng, this is the best solution today, mainly because he is not allowed to identify the two teenagers behind Li Xin. The key is that he can't perceive the strength of the two teenagers... This has already explained These two teenagers definitely have some to come.

Although there is nothing that may come from the center of the Yanlong Dynasty, even if it is only a nobleman from the nearby big city, it is not something that the Yucheng Lord can provoke.

Therefore, he directly pointed at the other party without indicating his identity, so that Wang Haoer made a choice.

Once the identity of the other party is really clear, it is much easier for Wang Haoer to make a choice, but now...

Wang Hao's face has become a little hesitant.

Of course, she does not want to marry Yu Ba Dao, but she can't say it. If she says it, she will offend the Yucheng Lord and Yu Ba Dao and let the Wang clan suffer.

She glanced at Li Xin and others in the sky...

Finally, she shook her head and said, "I don't want to marry Yuba."

"That's good, can we take Wang Haoer away?"

Liang Shuo made a snap, and said that he was condescending.

"Hey, you!"

Yu Badao couldn't believe it. Immediately, the whole man rushed toward Wang Haoer.

Wang Haoer was prepared early, so it was the inheritance of the genius of the Tianlong class. She had already prepared for avoiding it, and she disappeared at once, avoiding the flying hegemony of Yuba.

Suddenly, the banquet in the field became chaotic.

Wang Haoer made such a choice, and it was completely obeying the heart. She did not want to confess in her life for the rest of her life.

Since Li Xin brought someone, then she... would like to believe in Li Xin!

She knows the character of Li Xin. Although this kid is somewhat impulsive, she will never die without a brain. Since it is here today, it must be sure.

Just believe him once!

Wang Yuer evaded the Yuba Road and flew directly, and went straight to the heavenly dragon to fly.

There are also tribes of the Wang tribe in the field, and at this moment they are completely shocked.

Wang's parents, who were somewhat sad, are now completely shocked on the spot, watching their daughter fly into the sky, and for a time they don't know what to say.

"Want to run?"

at this time!

Yu Chengzhuo sneered, and as soon as he raised his hand, there was a layer of dark clouds appearing in the sky above the Bingyu City, followed by a flash of thunder, forming a thunder cage, and shrouded the body of the Baizhangchang Shenlong, incarnation of Wang Xier!

The power of terror directly tied Wang Yuer to it, but after all, Yuchengzhu wanted to make her a daughter-in-law, so she did not hurt her, but trapped her.


Li Xin and some people around him were shocked and screamed, for fear that she was injured by Yucheng.

But in the next moment, everyone is shocked!

After seeing that Wang Yuer was bound by the Thunder cage, the entire body of the Dragon and the Dragon Dragon, disappeared from the Thunder cage, and then appeared behind Li Xin, the three of them, suspended in the air. It seems that it has not suffered any offensive.


Everyone did not realize what had just happened. Wang Haoer had already left the shackles of the Yucheng Lord and was instantly passed into the sky.

"This, what is going on?"

Wang Haoer did not expect that such a thing would happen, and the entire fairy dragon dragon's scorpion had an incredible look.

Everyone is completely shocked at this moment.

The means of space transfer is naturally exhibited by Jiang Shenwu. In this remote area, how could anyone have seen it?

No one can imagine this means at all!

"Yanlong Dynasty, set up a dragon group, and train elite dragons."

Jiang Shenwu finally stood up and looked around at the bottom, then said faintly: "Wang Yuer, Li Xin, is now a member of the Dragon Group. Li's and Wang's tribes will start today. Will be sheltered, once someone persecutes these two tribes, the punishment from the Dragon King will come!"

This remark came out, and all the people in the field that had been completely shocked were completely numb.

The Yanlong Dynasty officially formed the Dragon Dragon Group, and it is necessary to make Wang Haoer and Li Xin income one of the members!

It turns out that it is so!

It’s no wonder that it’s from the center of the Yanlong Dynasty... it’s so powerful!

This time, who still dares to force Wang Haoer to marry Yu Badao?

No one dares to do this!

"Dragon Dragon Group?"

Wang Yuer is now incarnate as a fairy dragon, suspended behind the Jiang Shenwu three, is also somewhat aggressive.

She really did not expect that Li Xin could really call for such a powerful existence.

Of course, she felt that the two young people were not called by Li Xin. Should it be a coincidence that they came to the vicinity?

As for what the Dragon Group wants to recruit members to cultivate, she believes. After all, this can explain why the people of the Yanlong Dynasty will come to such a remote area, but they have never been before.

And she and Li Xin's talent, she also knows, is definitely a very good level.

Otherwise, it is impossible to wake up to the Dragon Dragon's blood dragon inheritor.

"Right, Li Xincai became a member of our Dragon Dragon Group and was trained for a month."

Liang Shu suddenly thought of a thing ~www.novelmtl.com~ did not leave, but the following Yuba Road hooked his finger: "Yu hegemon, I heard that you are very powerful? So, you and Li Xin came to a single Pick, if you can beat Li Xin, let him leave Wang Haoer to you, how?"

"Hey, you... how can you do this?"

When Wang Xiaoer heard this, he suddenly looked at Liang Shu.

This guy actually took her as a bet, this is not a human!

Li Xin is also somewhat embarrassed: "Liang Wei, the instructor, I will learn from each other and learn to take a bet, isn't it?"

"Who told you that it is inappropriate?"

Liang Shu suddenly yelled: "As a person who is a dragon group, you will deal with a possession of this kind of goods. You will have no confidence? Even the konjac old demon is not completely suppressed by you? You are afraid Ball!"

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