Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 999: Dragon Warrior

Choosing the Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier is a lot more stressful than choosing a resource before.

Because the effects of the Holy Spirit Dragons are different, the types of warfare types that are engraved are different, and must be carefully selected.

Until now, Jiang Shenwu did not even know what attributes he should use for the Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier. It is reasonable to say that it is a dark attribute, but in fact, what kind of attributes Jiang Shenwu uses.

Anyway, the power of engulfing does not seem to belong to any attribute, but is somewhat biased towards dark attributes, but not dark attributes.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu is quite entangled in what kind of top-level Holy Spirit dragons he should use.

This is not like the celestial demon warrior that was obtained before, nor the trophy of the sinister gods that he got. These are the things that he has no choice but to get what he can get.

But now that he is buying it himself, there are conditions for selection.

"No matter what, let's give laughter and then they pick a set first."

The so-called set is a heavenly-level Holy Spirit dragon who attacks a defense.

The laughter flower is the flame attribute, but it is the pure dark attribute, while Liang Shu is the blood attribute. As for the white ice attribute, it is a relatively clear attribute, which is relatively simple to select.

"Give Liang Shuming a heavenly spirit dragon soldier with a full attack battle pattern? This kid has always been so violent! Yes, this one, eight hundred attack battle lines! He definitely likes this."

Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai began to discuss.

"Of course, the defense of the dragon soldiers, pick this dark attribute of the pure defense dragon soldiers, 800 defense battle lines, all activated, can be said to be impregnable!"

"Laughter flower defensive dragon soldiers, she chose this one, half-defense and half-back counterattack, four hundred defensive battle lines, and four hundred flames counterattack warfare. When attacked, they can also let the other side suffer from the flame. Burning is very suitable for her fighting style."

It is easier to select the soldiers including Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai himself was present, Jiang Shenwu did not help her make a decision.

Soon, Xiaobai, Xiaohuahua, and Liang Shuo’s four-day Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier, one person and two, have been selected and added up to eight!

Then Jiang Shenwu began to choose from other people, mainly six people, namely Yu Yaji, Linghu Butterfly, Tan Shouqi, Chu Yuexi, Yanlonghuang and Daliang Longhuang.

These six people have helped a lot to Jiang Shenwu, so he has to give back to each other.

Now Jiang Shenwu is the most important thing is the Golden Dragon Coin, and the things that the Golden Dragon Coin can buy are not good for Jiang Shenwu.

In the end, Jiang Shenwu began to choose the heavenly spirit of the dragon.

This is the top dragon soldier that can be used in the Dragon Emperor stage. The value is extremely expensive. The average price is 5,000 gold dragon coins. Even many young dragons of the family have no such level of the Holy Spirit.

Gu Qinglian and Gu Xinyue naturally have one, but they are not purchased by the resources of the family, but they have been hard-working to exchange the contribution value of the five-pole black ice.

Looking at the present, Jiang Shenwu once purchased so many heavenly spirits, and Gu Xinyue and Gu Qinglian were envious.

This is too cool, gold dragon coins are not money!

Followed by Yu Sisi is simply envious of death, she is still only using the local level of the Holy Spirit dragon soldiers, from the heavenly Holy Spirit dragon soldiers two levels ... If she relies on her own accumulation of holy places, I am afraid It took two or three years to get together.

Jiang Shenwu saw this scene in his eyes, but there was no embarrassment. He directly asked Sisi to choose a heavenly spirit.

Although Jiang Shenwu also cherishes his own golden dragon coin, he is a younger generation who has experienced the supreme ruins with him, and he will tend to bring her from Gu Qinglian and Gu Xinyue. Sisi is likely to get a focus on training.

In this case, it is not too much to buy her a heavenly spirit.

Next, Jiang Shenwu himself selected the heavenly Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier, which made Jiang Shenwu more entangled.

Fortunately, Gu Xinyue gave Jiang Shenwu an idea: "It is better to entangle the kind of the Holy Spirit Dragon Soldiers than to entangle the singularity of the Holy Spirit Dragons. How about the Yaohua material?"

The so-called glory is the transformation of the dragon soldiers.

For the Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier, it is not the heavenly-level Holy Spirit dragon soldier that is the strongest form. For the heavenly-level Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier, it is also possible to carry out the transformation of “Yaohua”.

For example, Jiang Shenwu now has ten six-sided flame crystals and ten six cold ice crystals. This is the material that can be used to sculpt the Holy Spirit.

According to different materials of the Holy Spirit, the number of acceptable flares varies.

Generally speaking, the more times the masculinity is confirmed, the stronger the power of this dragon soldier.

Jiang Shenwu nodded, and according to Gu Xinyue’s suggestion, he first went to see some materials that could be used to blast the dragon.

These flared materials are even less than the number of heavenly spirits!

And the value is extremely expensive, such as the six-corner flame crystal of Jiang Shenwu, this gemstone pavilion has not appeared yet, but at least it can also sell the price of 3,000 gold dragon coins.

The six-pointed flame crystal, if used to blend into the heavenly spirit of the dragon, can make the heavenly spirit of the dragon have a stronger flame power, if it is the fire-class heavenly spirit of the dragon, the power can at least increase by 30%.

This is already a great improvement. After all, for many dragon emperors, it is only through this method that they want to improve themselves.

This time, the goddess Bilian, the **** of the thousand-winged snake, met with a top-level warrior. However, her own endurance is not as good as Jiang Shenwu~www.novelmtl.com~ so she was killed by Jiang Shenwu. Actually, In the same stage, in addition to the evil spirits such as the evil spirits and Jiang Shenwu, Princess Bilian has already had the top fighting power.

Jiang Shenwu chose to go back and forth for a long time in order to select his own soldiers.

Gu Xinyue and other people are not impatient, just follow him and give him advice.

Especially Xiaobai and Gu Xinyue, these two women are gentle on Jiang Shenwu.

Yu Sisi and Mr. Gu Qinglian whispered in the side: "I feel that Missy and Jiang Shenwu are walking together, like being a person, so gentle!"

Gu Qinglian said, "You haven't known yet? My cousin and Jiang Shenwu have been...hey!"


Yu Sisi, this girl looked blank and couldn’t help but think: No? When is this happening, how can it be so fast?

It’s a day!

Yu Sisi did not expect this to be the case!

Originally, she also had some adoration and gratitude to Jiang Shenwu. After all, Jiang Shenwu sent her a heavenly Holy Spirit dragon soldier today, saving her two years of hard work... But now, I can’t think of Missy’s first step.

This is because Sisi has to give up, but she does not like Jiang Shenwu, but she is somewhat admired.

As long as Jiang Shenwu is standing in the camp of Gu, it is not necessary to really have something to do with him... Yu Sisi thinks.

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