Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 985: intuition

Jiang Shenwu came out from the dinner hall, and he still had some embarrassment.

Gu Xinyue actually kissed him in public?

This is also incredible... This goddess-like character has revealed his heart to him.

At this time, Gu Qinglian caught up with Jiang Shenwu from behind and patted him on the shoulder: "Ginger brother, it is very powerful. My cousin has always been like a goddess, no one can enter her eyes... now I know, It turned out that the men have always been too bad, no wonder she can't!"

"Ginger brother, don't think too much, my cousin, I know her very well. If she only looks at your talents, your property, she will not be better with any man until now. The more hurricane's life experience You also know that my cousin didn't mean anything to him at all. And in addition to the more hurricane, there are many other five-pole black ice holy land that pursued her, she dismissed."

Jiang Shenwu nodded and held Gu Qinglian's shoulder: "I know what Gu brother said, just..."

Let him accept Gu Xinyue now, this is impossible. In short, the woman’s intention to him, Jiang Shenwu is very clear, but unable to respond.

For example, in the case of the Yanlong Dynasty, Xi Yuyue and Xi Yutong were both interested in Jiang Shenwu, but Jiang Shenwu deliberately avoided talking. The two sisters are also the kind of character that hides and squats. What does Shenwu mean?

But this does not mean that Jiang Shenwu does not understand their minds.

Even the laughter flowers and Xiaobai, which were later encountered at Longwu College, are all the same, except that they are more like Jiang Shenwu as a teammate, and the idea of ​​coming together with Jiang Shenwu has been produced, but Not strong.

The fact that the demon **** princess Su Yiyi made Jiang Shenwu quite helpless, he did not want to happen like this, but he could not control himself.

"Follow your inner choices. This kind of thing is not counted by others."

Gu Qinglian said quite seriously: "If you like Xinyue cousin, you can ask me to convey it. Anyway, don't regret it later, you think about it, if you give up the Xinyue cousin, you don't I can't bear to be lonely after I am lonely? But if she looks for other men, you will not be sad?"

Jiang Shenwu thought about it and didn't know what to say.

Gu Qinglian patted him on the shoulder: "Don't say more, the man's mind, I can't understand it. Sometimes you want to go all the way, but if other women who like you are with other people, you will also Unacceptable! Oh, I am deeply touched by this and I am saddened."

Jiang Shenwu imagined what he said... If Xiaobai walked with other men in the future, then he seems to be really uncomfortable in his heart?

This Gu Xinyue seems to be the same...

So, man.

Jiang Shenwu and Gu Qinglian, respectively, returned to their courtyard room arranged at the stronghold.

"Kid, tell you a truth."

At this moment, the ancestor consciousness of the demon **** rang from the mind of Jiang Shenwu, saying in an old-aged voice: "The more women you have, the more trouble you will bring, but for you later. The development is also more favorable. So, there is no need to entangle, you think about it."

Jiang Shenwu thought for a moment, and this ancestor of the demon **** did have some truth.

Just like Su Yiyi, her identity is a little princess of the demon god. Now there is an inseparable relationship between Jiang Shenwu and her, which means that Jiang Shenwu and the demon **** have an inseparable relationship, and the future is likely And get something.

For another example, if he can get the enthusiasm of more women, he might be able to control the power of several races in the future?

Of course, this is just an analogy.

If you don't say anything else like Gu Xinyue, Jiang Shenwu will come with her, it means that he will get the full support of Gu Jia, and Gu Xinyue is also a genius in genius, not only is he strong now, Future strength will be stronger.

Such girls, in general, rarely find men, unless they really meet a man who makes them feel excited.

Just like the Emperor Dragon, it is said that this invincible existence is always a single person, because there has never been a man who can make her tempted.

Although Gu Xinyue does not have the horrible top talent of the Emperor Dragon, but among the Dragon Protoss, she is also considered to be the top leader, second only to some peaks.

Her future achievements are limitless. If there are some opportunities, it is possible to achieve the highest level of achievement.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu does not want to consider emotions because of these external interests, but for Gu Xinyue, he has to say that it must be somewhat appreciated and liked... After all, such a talented girl is in front of outsiders. The existence of the goddess level.

Only by revealing a lovely side in front of him, Jiang Shenwu is hard to be indifferent.

It’s just that he is still a bit entangled and can’t respond now.

He returned to the courtyard room, and soon Xiaobai found it.

She came to discuss with Jiang Shenwu about the development of Longwu mainland, but this gimmick, it is a bit strange when it comes up.

"I heard that at the dinner, Gu Xinyue kissed you?"

Xiaobai looks a little nervous.

"Amount, that is her self-assertion."

Jiang Shenwu shook his head and said.

"You still care about my thoughts and show that you have me in your heart."

Tonight's little white seems to be very calm, the state is very clear and somewhat bold, she came forward: "Ginger Shenwu, what kind of girl do you like? I always feel that I am just being with you, but ...but I can't help but want to approach you, hoping to come with you~www.novelmtl.com~ It's weird, what is going on tonight?

Jiang Shenwu feels that he can't stand it anymore. This is not a way to live.

"In any case, compared with Gu Xinyue, I definitely have more advantages?"

Xiaobai got together, accompanied by a gust of incense, and her mouth was slightly tilted and said: "Is it right?"

"That must be."

Jiang Shenwu thought nothing to answer.

But I am a bit confused, what is this answering myself? What advantage does not have the advantage, he never thought about how to white!

However, if he said that it was wrong, wouldn’t he say that Xiao Bai could not compare with Gu Xinyue in his mind?

How do you say that Xiaobai has known him for so long, and Gu Xinyue only came to know the world of the Dragon Protoss, and Jiang Shenwu could not confess such words...

"That's good……"

Xiaobai sighed: "Ginger brother, in fact, I know that you have someone you like in your heart. You can't put it down. It's certainly not true. I know, is it the one who privately whispered... the demon family Little princess?"

Jiang Shenwu suddenly stunned, did not expect Xiaobai to have long guessed it, it seems that women's intuition must not be underestimated.


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