Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 981: Demon dragon keel

Jiang Shenwu did not expect that the consciousness of the inheritor who lacked the ice fire dragon could still wake up and try to **** his body.

Fortunately, there is a sacred ancestor consciousness in Jiang Shenwu’s mind, and there is a more mysterious black dragon consciousness.

The lack of ice fire dragons on this day is very strong, but deep into the mind of Jiang Shenwu, still found that he was completely unable to stand on the ground, was jointly suppressed by the demon ancestor consciousness and the black dragon consciousness, completely smouldering!

After all, there are two consciousnesses in Jiang Shenwu’s mind, which have made these two senses feel crowded. How can they let the third party get in?

Therefore, the lack of awareness of the ice fire dragon on this day is directly tragedy!

The crystal dragon in the central part of the palace space is obviously not only the body of the dragon that lacks the ice fire dragon, but also the consciousness of the ice-deficient dragon. The dragon consciousness wants to rob the body of Jiang Shenwu. It is sure to let the crystal dragonfly melt.

At this time, the keel of the demon dragon that lacked the ice fire dragon on that day was displayed in front of Jiang Shenwu.

"You can start to eat."

Jiang Shenwu feels like he is going to enjoy a big meal.

In the field, the keel lacking the ice fire dragon on that day is filled with three kinds of forces, the power of the lack of heaven, and the power of ice and fire. These three forces are extremely powerful.

Jiang Shenwu did not hesitate, flew directly to the front, and the power of devouring continued to erupt. A burst of black and devour power shrouded the keel of the ice-deficient dragon that day, and then began to swallow!

An hour...

Two hours...

Jiang Shenwu continued to swallow, and he did not have any anxious thoughts. After all, there is only one person left in the entire remnant.

Everyone else has already gone out, and the dragon protos strong should wait nearby.

Although it is quite embarrassing to let so many people wait, Jiang Shenwu must devour all the keels of the ice-deficient dragons, and the power and inheritance contained therein make Jiang Shenwu very concerned.

Now his body's power of engulfing has already had extremely terrifying power.

As he swallowed up the keel of the ice-deficient dragon, he directly possessed the inheritance ability of the ice-deficient dragon, and all those powers were stored in his engulfing space.

For the time being, in a short period of time, he is considered to be the inheritance of the lack of ice and fire dragons. The power of the ice-deficient dragons that can be used is not very strong, but he stores all the inheritance forces in the engulfing space. You can slowly improve yourself with these strengths.

These forces are extremely mysterious. For a time, Jiang Shenwu can't digest and comprehend, so he can only store it first.

After about six hours, the outside world may have passed a dark night. Jiang Shenwu finally swallowed up the keel of the ice-deficient dragon, and stored its complete inheritance power in the swallowing space!

It is a pity that these inheritance forces should only allow Jiang Shenwu to inherit the inheritance of the ice-deficient dragon and the level of the super-dragon.

Originally, this day's lack of ice fire demon dragon has the supreme level of inheritance, but after countless years, many of his powers have been dissipated, so it is quite good to be able to make Jiang Shenwu cultivate to the level of super dragon.

As for the current situation, Jiang Shenwu is just the inheritance of the lack of ice and fire dragons, and it is only an auxiliary cultivation. He is only equivalent to having the inheritance of the Tianlong class.

"At least you have to reach the Dragon King, you can show it and fight."

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

On the same day, the keel lacking the ice fire dragon was completely swallowed by him, and the inheritance power was stored in the swallowing space. He was planning to leave this supreme relic.

In fact, when the keel was completely swallowed up by Jiang Shenwu, he felt that the entire remains of the ruins seemed to have begun to collapse, but it began to collapse from the periphery and gradually collapsed into the palace of his central palace.

So he is not in a hurry.

He has thoroughly cleaned up the battlefield in the field to ensure that there are no trophies missing. This is the way to find the legal regiment that left the palace space. After triggering it, the law enforcement agency sent him away from the entire seat. On the ruins.


Jiang Shenwu shines brightly.

This is another day, and he came out of the ruins and went straight to the entrance to the ruins.

He looked around and found that the other races had not left, and seemed to be waiting for the collapse of the remains.

In the end, only Jiang Shenwu came out.

The faces of the Poseidon and the demon gods in the field finally sank, and with the complete collapse of the remains, they can finally be completely determined. The genius demon of the demon gods, the genius of the sea gods Heaven, all died in the supreme remains!

They had heard some rumors, but they still didn’t believe it, but now the facts are in front of them, and they can’t believe them.

The demon son, although no one saw it with his own eyes, it was absolutely killed by the dragon **** genius Jiang Shenwu!

As for Wei Mengtian, there was no witness witness, but Bai Feng, who escaped from the ancient phoenix family, said that he and Wei Mengtian, Jiang Shenwu and others stayed in a space. Finally, they only saw Jiang Shenwu, and they were beaten by Jiang Shenwu. The wolf fled, but Wei Mengtian did not see it at all.

What is this Jiang Shenwu's head, so tyrannical? In the ruins of the ruins, the demon and the tyrants were killed. If Bai Feng runs fast, I am afraid it is difficult to escape the poison!

However, there is no fatal conflict between the Princess of the Thousand-winged Snakes, www.novelmtl.com~ and Jiang Shenwu, but in the final battle of the match, Jiang Weiwu’s incomparable and powerful offensive forced the defeat. quit.

After she quit, she waited outside. The result was that she was waiting for the death of the demon son... She really didn't expect Jiang Shenwu to kill the evil spirits.

In this case, the blood red rose fan must have been taken away by Jiang Shenwu?

This is undoubted. Some people in the place are almost clear, but it is impossible for the demon gods to force the Jiang Shenwu to hand over the blood-red roses. In the ruins, life and death, what is their own, There is no doubt about this. It has long been a customary rule.

Therefore, this blood red rose fan is almost the default for Jiang Shenwu!

And this is the triple-marked heaven and earth sacred product, the dragon protoss official will certainly not take away, or it will be too stingy compared with the demon sect.

Anyway, this time, the dragon and the protoss got the nine-sentence of the heaven and earth sacred goods, and the harvest is huge, it is all because of Jiang Shenwu!

Moreover, before Jiang Shenwu came out, the strong dragons of the Dragon Protoss had already negotiated, and they had to give the merits of Jiang Shenwu Jiucheng, and the rest of the merits were distributed to other dragon gods and disciples such as Luo Wei and Yu Jing.

There is no doubt that this is a fairly fair distribution for Jiang Shenwu!


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