Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 979: Nine stamps

The dust settled.

Although there is still a mess in the field, but for Jiang Shenwu, the demon son is dead, then everything has been determined, and the final result, he must be the winning side.

Three special rings flew back and were guarded around their Dragon Protoss camp.

There is even one on Sisi's side, and one of the original Yujing's leading forces, adding up to a total of five special rings.

As long as they attack Jiang Shenwu and their dragons, they will have the power of five special rings to defend themselves at the same time.

Everything has been fixed.

The people of the Dragon Gods are almost like being trapped in a dream. Is this too horrible?

It is very clear that Jiang Shenwu’s team is acting.

Originally, they thought that Jiang Shenwu would only test the evil spirits, but did not think that Jiang Shenwu actually killed the evil spirits directly?

This is too horrible!

In addition to Jiang Shenwu himself, no one knows what is going on, including Xiaobai... Now even Xiaobai does not know that Jiang Shenwu has other inheritances. Jiang Shenwu did not intend to marry her.

However, this level of things, let her know but not good for her, the future is likely to bring some danger to her, insurance should not let her know.

At this moment, Xiao Bai’s heart must have some opinions. After all, Jiang Shenwu even even squatted with her.

But when Jiang Shenwu came back, she explained something to her... Because time is too late, he has to display the ultimate killer, and he can't let other people know, so he can only be shielded with Xiaobai.

Although Xiao Bai’s heart was somewhat low, Jiang Shenwu explained it to her after all. Even if he explained that he did not explain it, he still could see that Jiang Shenwu still attached great importance to her.

The demon evil son died, and the remaining five people in the demon gods were almost already timid, and they did not dare to confront Jiang Shenwu.

Since they died one person and the number of people became smaller, they continued to act.

But they have no intention at all, they are going to give up!

The two special rings belonging to the demon gods and the evil spirits were directly taken back into the hole of the crystal dragon's ring, and then the five demon **** disciples gave up and left.

They also have a lot of six-pointed flame crystals and six-sided ice crystals, so now they are not losing, but losing a demon son is a major blow to the demon gods.

No one knows how the evil spirits died!

Immediately afterwards, the six thousand-winged snakes were repaired. Their leader, Princess Bilian, has left this supreme relic, so they have six people plus a special ring, and it is impossible to contact them with Jiang Shenwu. Counterbalanced.

After the five demon gods gave up, the six people of the Thunder snakes also gave up directly.

They also have a lot of hexagonal crystals on their bodies. These are not small gains. Although the final treasures are to be obtained by the dragons and gods, the supreme remains are the first to be discovered by the dragons. The dragons and gods sent 100 people out. It is more normal to get ten more people than all other races. It is normal to get the final treasure.

This kind of situation is quite common in the past when it comes to exploring the remains, and there are always some advantages to discovering the races that have no trace.

However, the most shocking and unexpected thing is that the powerful geniuses such as the evil spirits died.

Moreover, the demon gods also lost a blood red rose fan!

It is a pity that when the demon gods left, they took away the other treasures of the demon son and took them away. A fragrant time is enough for them to finish this thing.

But Jiang Shenwu got a blood red rose fan, this harvest is already horrible!

This heaven and earth sacred product can be used by anyone, Jiang Shenwu can also use it naturally, just wait for him to go back and slowly discover the ability of the red rose fan.

Regarding this blood red rose fan, it is possible to let Xiaobai know, but other people, Jiang Shenwu still do not intend to tell.

With the withdrawal of six people from the Thousand-Winged Snake family, only Jiang Shenwu and their Dragon Protoss were left in the field.

Jiang Shenwu has three special rings!

There is also a team in Sisi, and the Yujing team has one. At this moment, everyone is unassuming, and directly throws a special ring into one of the sixteen ring holes in the center of the crystal dragon.

As the last five special rings were taken back by the crystal dragon, all the dragons in the field caught their breath and observed the situation in the field!

They found that the time they were swallowed was still being swallowed up, they were still unable to move, but the central crystal dragonfly appeared a burst of sixteen different colors of radiance.

This ray of light appeared, but the sixteen special rings were merged together, and finally, they gathered into a gemstone ring that exudes sixteen brilliances.

Among the gemstone rings, half is the force of the flame, and half is the force of the ice.

The two colors are interlaced, and the gemstone ring is full of dazzling brilliance. This is a complete heaven and earth sacred product!

Then, Jiang Shenwu found that he could move.

And the other people around him are still unable to move, which makes him have a clear understanding.

He flew to the fastest speed and directly charged the gemstone ring!

Then, he couldn't wait to ask in the mind to the ancestors of the demon gods: "How many reprints of heaven and earth are there?"

Heaven and earth sacred products, for the ancestors of the demon **** ~www.novelmtl.com~ are some old things.

Because in the era of the ancestors of the demon god, there were not many sacred objects in the heavens and the earth, and the era of this chaotic battlefield occurred before the existence of the ancestors of the devil.

It can be seen how precious these heavenly and holy things are.

However, the ancestors of the Devil God certainly understand the heaven and earth sacred products. After all, he has had many sacred objects in the heavens and the earth. Even according to himself, he has the existence of a super-strong heaven and earth sacred product with sixteen engravings.

"This is the heavenly sacred product of the nine-inscription."

Soon the ancestors of the demon gods gave Jiang Shenwu the answer: "Every time you unlock a mark, you can use a flame and a kind of ice power. Including the dead spirits that you have used before, the blue flames Rings, gold cymbals, and so on, these forces are all used to unlock the mark, and the intensity is much stronger than when you use it."

"If the nine-point engraving is completely solved, it is possible to cast a large array of ice and fire, refining all the existence of it, and even the existence of the supreme level may fall in it. Of course, it is not difficult to unravel the nine engravings. With the ability of your kid, it is impossible to do it, even if you can't even unlock it with a single mark."

"This thing, I suggest you give it to the Dragon Protoss, let them go to trouble, as for you, or the lack of ice in the crystal dragon dragonfly, it is more useful to you."


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