Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 977: Best opportunity

However, the demon son can not release the power of the bleeding red rose fan at will.

This heaven and earth sacred product, once it appears, must kill!

Especially when it is very precious, it can't be wasted.

Of course, he hates Jiang Shenwu more, so the goal has been secretly locked in Luo Wei.

The power of the blood red rose fan finally appeared. A bright red rose fan bloomed on the top of the evil spirited son. A force of evil evil spread toward the surrounding area. It seems that some kind of power is quietly condensing.

Luo Wei and the ancient Feng women were all cautious.

The evil spirits suddenly violently erupted toward the ancient phoenix woman, and the power of the blood red rose fan was still condensed and not released.

At this moment, the two must always be careful, and they will die in the hands of the evil spirits!

Although they are only responsible for consuming the power of the sacred sacred priests, they are also facing great danger. Once they have not escaped the attack of the evil spirits, they must have only one dead end.

No one knows when the demon son will shoot.

The power of Luo Xing's starry sky violently bursts into an infinite eternal star at this moment, and the most horrible force erupts. Not only does it not retreat, but it is more and more brave. It seems that there is a tendency to fight with the evil spirits.

Everyone outside the independent space is nervous and looks at the field. Everyone hopes that they can successfully consume the blood-red rose fan power of the evil spirits, and they do not want them to be killed by the evil spirits.

Suddenly, the ancient phoenix woman made a mistake, and the whole body’s flaming phoenix body was hit by the evil spirits of the evil spirits. It seemed a bit embarrassing, and the internal strength was somewhat unsustainable.

At this time, the power of the blood red rose fan broke out!

A demon and horrible force appeared directly in the independent space, condensed into a **** red demon rose, shrouded in the place where Luo Wei is!

The demon son did not shoot the ancient phoenix woman, but wanted to kill Luo.

But Luo Wei’s reaction is extremely fast!

This guy is extremely cautious, just in the opponent's shot, when the blood red demon rose has not even condensed out, Luo Wei has decided to give up and admit defeat!

When the blood red rose power enveloped, Luo Wei's figure has gradually disappeared!

As he admits to defeat, the void blue flame ring as a mortgage is directly recovered into the sixteen ring holes of the crystal dragon.

There are fewer and fewer special rings in the field, and it will not be too long since the emergence of the final treasure.

With the admittance of Luo Wei, the ancient phoenix woman also directly admitted.

The power of the blood-red rose fan broke out directly from the field. This power is like a demonic method. If Luo Wei does not run, it must be unstoppable. Even Jiang Shenwu can't resist it.

"I don't know, how much power did he exert on the blood red rose fan?"

Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes.

But no matter what, the problem is not big.

How much power is left in the blood red rose fan, which will not affect his plan, because he intends to kill the evil spirits directly in the course of the next action!

Obviously, I want to kill the other side when fighting. It is very difficult, just like the demon evil son has the power to crush the level, but as long as Luo Hao concedes defeat, it will be sent out of the entire remnant space, the evil spirits son It is basically impossible to kill him.

Even if the demon evil son made an early attack on the Gufeng woman, he wanted to let Luo Wei relax his vigilance. As a result, Luo Wei was still very alert and slipped away.

This makes the devil's son extremely uncomfortable, just want to hit people!

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu did not even think about killing the evil spirits when fighting.

He wants to kill the evil spirits when the demon son can't act!

And the killer he possesses is quite a lot, provided that he needs the cooperation of the Golden Ring, and can not let people know some of his ultimate secrets.

The demon son wins and returns.

Then, the independent space above the central crystal dragonfly disappeared!

In the next moment, I returned to the moment when each party’s independent actions were taken. Obviously, it was still the least-running ancient phoenix camp, but they had lost their special ring, and the rest of the three would stay in the field and there would be nothing to do. .

When they acted, the three of them were in the direction of the six-winged snakes, and then decided to withdraw from the competition, so their three women were directly transferred to the supreme remains.

There were three fewer people in the field, and the number seemed to be empty!

When the three Gufeng women withdrew from the competition, the next five forces, the least number of them were Jiang Shenwu, and Luo Yi withdrew a total of four people.

There are other four forces, but there are still six people left. I don’t know who will do it first...

Anyway, Jiang Shenwu has decided that he will shoot at this time!

The demon sons, their six demon **** disciples, are now all still in place, even if they are to be killed, and they are extremely violently attacked, they can not withdraw from this space.

This is the best time to kill them!

When Jiang Shenwu acted, all the faces in the field were dignified, including the evil spirits.

Because, Jiang Shenwu, they are the party with the most special ring, and now have three special rings!

This means that they have a way to kill.

Now everyone else is unable to move because of time, so there is only a special ring to resist.

However, after the first round of contests, many rules have been understood.

For example, when the demon son, when he just returned, he directly displayed a powerful defensive demon martial arts, and also let his five people display the defensive demon martial arts... When the six defensive demon martial arts directly condensed These defensive forces have been left together in place and will help them resist the attack!

The six-man team defense ~www.novelmtl.com~ that is still very powerful.

As long as they hold a musk time, they will live!

However, they will know the power of Jiang Shenwu? This kind of defense means that for Jiang Shenwu, although it takes some time to process it, it does not take much time. The key is to keep the strength of their two special rings!

When the three Gufeng women withdrew from the competition, Jiang Shenwu almost immediately acted.

The static power of time around him was taken away, and then he and Xiaobai could act.


Golden skeleton ring!

At this time, Jiang Shenwu directly displayed the power of the golden ring, and the endless golden flame was burned in front of everyone in the field!

Because this is an auxiliary force, there is no substantial harm to people, so the special ring of the audience has not resisted. After all, this is the power of a special ring, and it is certain that there will be no real damage to people.

What Jiang’s martial arts want is this effect, and his actions can not be seen by anyone!

Even the perception of the five senses of Xiao Bai and the two descendants of the family was burned at this moment, so that they could not see everything around them.

Everyone is in a state of blindness!


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