Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 962: Demon fire

This is a common sense.

Many of the cultivators have limited strength, especially in the fierce battles, the strength can not be recovered as fast.

Now Jiang Shenwu has used the 巽影流霞flash several times, which is a means of consuming his own strength. Although it is very strong, but the pressure is great, the five people in the field guessed that Jiang Shenwu should soon consume all the power. No more fighting power.

As they expected, Jiang Shenwu now has a lot of body power, but he has the ability to swallow!

The power he consumed, when he just sneaked into the body of the blue-eyed **** demon, has completely swallowed it back. That is to say, Jiang Shenwu is now in a state of full prosperity, and he wants to fight with Jiang Shenwu. A naive idea is absolutely impossible.

Jiang Shenwu even welcomes people to fight with him for a long time, because that will be his absolute home...

At this moment, Jiang Shenwu continued to hide with Luo Wei and Xiao Bai. The other party could not detect their position for the time being. They could only gather together first.

However, due to mutual suspicion, the two gods of the sea gods and the demon gods are all gathered together. They belong to different races after all. Who knows if the key moments will turn the other side down?

This kind of thing is hard to say, so it is better to separate.

So, the three and the two gathered together, each with a back-to-back formation, and they were always alert to the surroundings.

Moreover, the genius of the demon **** of the night wolf demon, immediately began to use some means of exploration, intending to find out where Jiang Shenwu and their three are now.

Obviously, the means of finding someone that day is still very strong. As long as it takes a certain amount of time, Jiang Shenwu’s invisible means will be invisible in front of the other side.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu can not give the other party such time, or else his body shape will be exposed, and now three dozens of five will still fall into a disadvantage.

At the fastest speed, Jiang Shenwu broke out the power of the dead spirits, and suddenly the white flame of Qi Daosen was directly wrapped around the three demon **** disciples!

The flame of the dead spirit's fire ring is the ability to burn the soul and have different levels of damage to anyone's soul. At this moment, although attacking three people at the same time, they did not disappoint Jiang Shenwu, successfully entangled the souls of their three demon **** disciples, and broke out a powerful effect!

The three demon **** disciples suddenly felt that their souls were burning. The whole person was in pain, and this means could not be defended. They used their means to block the erosion of the white flame of the forest. Unfortunately. It has little effect.

Of course, the three-time attack on three people at the same time, the effect of the dead spirits of the fire ring is not so strong, can not completely kill their three demon **** disciples.

However, Jiang Shenwu wants the effect of the present, not to kill them, but to delay the time, by the way, to confuse the attention of the two disciples of the Poseidon.

Sure enough, when the dead spirits slammed out the white-white dead spirits and stalked the three demon **** disciples, the two Poseidon disciples immediately wanted to support the past.

In their view, Jiang Shenwu's current strategy is to concentrate on one, to kill one is one, and to weaken their joint strength as much as possible.

Therefore, since the dead spirit demon fire ring attacked three demon **** disciples, it is likely that Jiang Shenwu is about to target their three demon **** disciples.

Therefore, they want to support the past as fast as possible, trying to stop the killing of Jiang Shenwu against the three disciples of the demon gods.

But unfortunately, they guessed the intention of Jiang Shenwu!

Jiang Shenwu took the shape of Xiaobai and Luo Wei, and the next moment appeared halfway. It was actually cold and intercepted in front of two Poseidon disciples, and the three demon **** disciples were still being deceived by the dead spirits. At the same time as the entanglement, the two sea **** disciples directly launched an attack!

The power of terror broke out directly at this moment.

Even Jiang Shenwu waved, so that the alienation space not far away was directly broken, and the two descendants of the family also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Looking at this situation, where did the two Gu family members still do not understand the meaning of Jiang Shenwu?

They quickly launched the strongest offensive against the two Poseidon disciples!

The result of the five men besieging two people is obvious. Moreover, the lethality of Jiang Shenwu, Xiaobai and Luo Wei was not weak. At this time, the two Poseidon disciples were suddenly injured and their defenses failed to fully develop. Caused them to suffer unexpected damage.

Their Poseidon totems were each damaged, and they were scarred by violent bombardment almost instantly. The two men each stepped back and their faces became extremely ugly.

They were injured and they were not hurt. It was too difficult to continue fighting. It was definitely not the opponent of Jiang Shenwu.


The disciples of the two sea gods did not want to fight, and their life was still the most important, so they went back and flew directly to the bottom, and the one who was seriously injured at the beginning of the sea gods was helped. www.novelmtl.com ~ Then fly together toward the exit of the channel.

It stands to reason that if they want to run, Jiang Shenwu will not go to find them again.

But Jiang Shenwu is not at ease. Who knows if these guys will suddenly kill a carbine and re-kill it when they fight against the demon gods?

Therefore, now the three disciples of the demon gods are still being entangled in the demon spirits. Jiang Shenwu intends to kill all the three injured Poseidon disciples and not give them a chance!

Of course, although the three Poseidon disciples were injured, their warriors of the Poseidon have now completely erupted, and various defensive measures have been launched around them to completely protect their respective Poseidon totems.

Jiang Shenwu took the four people directly to catch up with him, and by means of the shadows and flashes, he flew to the path where the three sea gods' disciples fled.

"Tear too much!"

The three sea **** disciples did not expect to escape, Jiang Shenwu actually did not let go, even chased over.

All three of them suddenly became very incompetent. They are not unprepared. Although they are seriously injured, they are more vigilant and more secure. They are all the power of the sea gods and the defensive barriers. Around them!

They believe that in this state, Jiang Shenwu can never quickly break through their defense.

In fact, it is true, but that is the general case... and now, Jiang Shenwu does not have to break the defense of the other side!

"Death Rings!"

Mori white's dead spirits bloomed out like a terrible horror, and like the bones of the bones, the three injured Poseidon disciples!

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