Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 959: Ice

Jiang Shenwu’s expectation for this supreme remains is even higher.

The lack of ice and fire dragons is a kind of inheritance of a system. The ancient days lacked the ice fire dragon. According to the consciousness of the ancestors of the demon god, it is the ability to devour the existence of others.

This kind of ability sounds very bad, but now the death ring of the dead spirit that Jiang Shenwu is exposed to should be one of its flame power.

This kind of flame power can burn the opponent's soul, and the lethality is extremely powerful. For Jiang Shenwu, it just makes up for the weakness of his attack.

Now his nine-pole polar dragon explosion has not yet been cultivated to high weight, so the power is far from reaching its peak. It is necessary to break through to the peak stage of high and heavy numbers, at least for a long time, and it requires a lot of cultivation resources. .

Of course, if anyone has cultivated the peak of the Jiuzhongdao dark dragon burst, Jiang Shenwu can try to devour its power and let it "teach" himself.

However, for this method of "cultivation and promotion", Jiang Shenwu does not want to be well known, so he is not so obvious in the Dragon Protoss world to find someone to let himself swallow the power of dragon martial arts.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu’s dragon martial arts promotion cannot be as fast as before.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Shenwu's strength and treasures left by the lack of ice fire dragons may be able to make up for what he lacks now.

The first is time, and the second is destructive power.

The power of engulfing is very strong, but because it belongs to engulfing, when confronting opponents in the same realm, after all, there is a lack of some hegemonic destructive power. The power of directness is slightly weaker. The most important thing is that there is no supporting dragon martial arts. Show.

It seems that for Chaos to swallow Tianlong, its most important means is to directly devour, even if there are some dragon martial arts, it is not the current Jiang Shenwu can cultivate.

Now this stage of strength of Jiang Shenwu is still too low for Chaos to swallow Tianlong. Many things, Jiang Shenwu can not get its inheritance.

What's more, Jiang Shenwu still has some doubts about the existence of chaotic swallowing dragons. There is no intention to explore more about this strength, for fear of bringing more danger to himself...

Although there is a restriction on the consciousness of the ancestors of the demon god, Jiang Shenwu still does not dare to fully trust the black dragon consciousness.

Jiang Shenwu will collect the dead spirits.

The power of this dead spirit demon fire ring is definitely a killer for him. Its power can be more powerful and hegemony than the cultivation of the fourth heavy nine-deep road dragon explosion. !

Then, he took Xiaobai and Luo Wei together and marched toward the next space.

They opened the stone door and then entered the passage behind the stone gate. This passage, like the previous one, was slightly narrower for the Dragon Warrior's dragon form and could only fly in human form.

They didn't meet any other race opponents along the way until they came to the next space!

This is a space full of ice power. When I first came to this space, Jiang Shenwu felt a cold and incomparable breath, which flowed from the front.

Five people rushed straight ahead, and were always alert to the dangers that might arise around them, and then broke into a vast underground space.

This is a space with ice treasures!

However, the competition here is much smaller than the first space they arrived, because there are only two other aspects that appear in front of them.

Just entering this ice space, Jiang Shenwu felt the atmosphere of the demon and the sea gods.

The demon gods have come in a total of 30 people, and the sea gods are 20 people. These two aspects have opponents here, which was very early for Jiang Shenwu.

Feel the atmosphere of the demon gods, Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes and quickly looked into the field to observe.

Still no demon!

The demon son was not present, which made Jiang Shenwu breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time he was somewhat disappointed. After all, he wanted to solve the evil spirits, and eventually it was once and for all.

But the other party is not there, there is no way.

At this moment, the demon and the sea gods, each with four repairers, confront each other in the center of the ice space.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Shenwu and their five people arrived.

In the middle of this ice space, there is an ice sculpture, and there seems to be a ring in the center of the ice sculpture.

"That is one of the rings left by the ice fire dragon."

Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes and guessed that there should be many kinds of rings left by the ice fire dragon.

The Necromancer Ring is one of them. If you get other kinds of rings, there may be some special effects, but Jiang Shenwu is not sure how many rings are in total.

Among the supreme relics, there are many treasures. This special ring treasure is one of them, and it should be an extremely important one in Jiang Shenwu’s guess. ~www.novelmtl.com~The central ice sculpture has The symbol is similar to the symbol of the previous demon fire ring, presumably symbolizing the ring in the center of the ice sculpture. ”

Luo Wei said, lowering the voice and guessing.

Different symbols symbolize different kinds of power.

The arrival of Jiang Shenwu, the five of them, allowed the four demon **** disciples and the four sea **** disciples in the field to be extremely nervous and full of vigilance to look at them.

At this moment, the Poseidon and the demon **** disciples are completely fighting postures, and the demon and the Protoss are all turned into the demon form. After the Poseidon disciples, there is a cohesive appearance of the Poseidon totem, which seems to be arrogant.

The arrival of Jiang Shenwu, the five of them, slightly eased the tension.

The trip is so complicated, that thing is much more complicated!

The strength that can reach this level of space should not be too weak. Jiang Shenwu did not become blind because of the death of the dead spirit, he still maintains enough vigilance and began to observe the situation in the field. .

Before the sea gods, the genius of the sea gods, if you are singled out with Luo, you can certainly suppress Luo.

In the field of the demon and the sea gods, although there is no demon and son, the mighty level of the strong, but each has the same level of existence as Luo Wei, that is to say, the strength of the three parties is not weak!

Really fight, if the other side join hands, Jiang Shenwu they may not be able to stop each other, after all, the other party has eight people, and Jiang Shenwu they only have five.

In addition to Jiang Shenwu and Luo Wei, Xiao Bai, the remaining two of the family's younger dragons, I am afraid that the two can only barely block one of them.

After all, I am able to come here with a strong strength!

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