Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 40 Chapter 942: Kill all

The black snake demon **** genius, he is good at hiding means, at this moment quietly want to escape, no one found.

Fortunately, Jiang Shenwu combined the ability of the ink beast, and it was easy to find his trace.


Jiang Shenwu took Xiaobai, and the two did not hesitate to shuttle to the passage of the passage, blocking the exit of the passage.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu found that the dead spirit demon fire ring that floated around him, almost has become pure white, and it should be the only thing that kills one person at a time, and can completely become his own thing.

So his goal is this black snake demon genius!

As Jiang Shenwu took Xiaobai to stop at the exit of the passage, the genius of the black snake demon **** was suddenly stunned and suddenly stopped.

He still hides his body shape, but he does not know that he has been exposed. He is now completely hidden, but his strongest talent. It is reasonable to say that the same practitioners can not see his existence.

And mainly Jiang Shenwu with Xiaobai, but also went straight to the exit of the channel, and did not mean the genius of the black snake demon.

Therefore, this black snake demon genius, still do not know that Jiang Shenwu has found that he wants to escape, so this guy stopped near the exit of the channel, intends to see how the situation continues...

This guy is extremely confident in his hiding ability. Unfortunately, Jiang Shenwu and Xiao Bai did not hesitate any more, and launched a violent storm attack directly toward his hidden hiding place!

The power of Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai seems to be inexhaustible, and the strongest force is constantly erupting. Even in the heyday, there is no sign of weakness.

Ninety-nine ice dragon towers came to the crackdown in an instant, followed by four black dragons exploding, and blasted around the black snake demon gods...

Luo Wei and his younger brother, together with the three descendants of the Gu family, this time is the three opponents against the Thousand-winged Snakes, already occupying the advantage!

Before Luo Yi resisted very hard, if not he is a fourth-class disciple level, this combat has really been killed by the Thousand-winged Snake trio, but now, he turned over!

With Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai killing other Haishen and Demon Protoss opponents, Luo Wei also got a helper. His younger brother vacated his hands and helped the three descendants of the Gu family to directly suppress the three thousand. The genius of the Winged Serpent.

The genius of the three thousand-winged snakes, at this moment, is already cracked in the liver and gallbladder, especially when Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai once again started to hide the black snake demon genius genius, they felt a deeper Deep fear.

"We admit defeat!"

They are very clear that today's general trend has gone: "We have left a hexagonal flame crystal, please let us leave the ruins!"

The geniuses of the three thousand-winged snakes also knew that the situation was not good, so they offered to hand over some of the harvest to save their lives.

"Either leave all the crystals or die here."

Luo Wei said a faint sentence, simply do not give the other party the opportunity to bargain!

The geniuses of the three thousand-winged snakes were suddenly annoyed: "Do not be too much! If it is really urgent, we really think that we have no killers? We just don't want to waste!"

If this is said, there is still some credibility.

For Luo Wei, it is really not enough threat.

Luo Yan said calmly: "Leave all the crystals, otherwise it is impossible for you to leave."

Let them leave, they have to expose what happened here, it is not necessary, so since they have the ability to kill their opponents, why bother to let go of each other?

Luo Wei did not intend to let go of the other party.

At this time, his younger brother came to an assist: "Or, brother, let each of them hand over two, and it is impossible to give them all."

"What you said, there is also a point."

Luo Wei made a look of consideration.

The three thousand-winged snake geniuses finally breathed a sigh of relief, but they still want to argue again: "We each leave one, and another one, a total of four crystals! This allows us leave?"

"Too little, leaving five, barely let you go."

Luo Wei said very firmly.

When you come to me, you want to get a more hexagonal flame crystal. However, at this time, they did not notice Jiang Shenwu and Xiaobai. These two people have seriously injured the black demon genius!

Although it is seriously injured, it still takes a while to kill it, so the three geniuses of the Qianyi snakes are not prepared for defense.

At this time, Jiang Shenwu directly abandoned the black demon **** genius, and moved to the side to make a glimpse of the streamer!

The power of terror has begun to erupt.

At the same time, Luo Wei and his younger brother did not miss this opportunity at all. The power of the stars attribute followed closely, as the stars burst, bringing terror and turbulent star fluctuations. The three geniuses of the Winged Snakes are directly bombarded!

"you guys!"

The geniuses of the Qianyi snakes did not expect to talk well, and the other party actually shot.

The key is that they also expected that Jiang Shenwu killed the last demon **** genius to shoot them~www.novelmtl.com~ But...the demon **** genius is still not dead, just serious injury, Jiang Shenwu actually abandoned Now!

They didn't grasp the time well, and although they were prepared, they were still caught off guard.

The terrorist forces broke out in an instant, and the three thousand-winged snakes were seriously injured in an instant. Fortunately, their Qianyi snakes also cultivated martial arts and martial arts. Their defensive capabilities are still quite strong. The scales of the long snake body have strong protection. .

"Swallowing, coming!"

At this time, Jiang Shenwu broke out directly!

After the dark dragon explosion of the Jiuzhongji Road, it was the original attack of the power of phagocytosis. The tyrannical and strange phagocytic ability directly fell on the body of the three thousand-winged snake geniuses!

They have just been seriously injured and they have been seriously injured. At this time, they can't use all their strength to resist. Everyone can only play less than half of the strength. How can this less than half of the strength resist the devour of Jiang Shenwu?

Jiang Shenwu swallowed the power very fast, even for a moment, the power of their respective defenses was swallowed up by Jiang Shenwu.

Immediately after the roaring out of the strongest offensive, the stars of the audience flashed at this moment, condensing a beam of stars, from all directions to the genius of the three thousand-winged snakes!

The defense power of the three thousand-winged snakes has been swallowed up by Jiang Shenwu.

So Luo Hao broke out the most cool attack he had in his life. One stroke of the star beam concentrated on the offensive, and actually killed the genius of the three thousand-winged snakes!

Horror, shock!

Luo Hao himself was shocked by his own strength, but he knows very well that all this is because of the support of Jiang Shenwu!

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