Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 792: Disguise of the virtual human

This point, Jiang Shenwu knew it before.

I just didn't expect to see the Kaitian Dragon here. I have to know that Longwu Fortress has never been a monster.

What is going on now?

When Jiang Shenwu arrived, Kaitian Yaolong was completely smashing the two virtual spirits, and the two virtual spirits were not too strong. Under the hands of the Kaitian demon dragon, there was no resilience.

Kaitian Yaolong apparently also found Jiang Shenwu three people, but he just looked back at them, and the demon dragon's eyes showed an intriguing expression, then turned and flew away in the distance.

He is the Kaitian demon dragon, this identity Jiang Shenwu can be sure, but now...

Looking at the Kaitian demon dragon turned and flew away, Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes, suddenly thought of a point.

When he used the magical sorcerer's ring from the demon gods to shuttle back to Xiaobai, there was an idea to confuse the evil spirits. Perhaps the sorcerer would think of the blood-red rose seal because of the breath of the imperial ring. It was broken by the people of the demon family.

So, isn’t it the same as his thoughts now?

The monsters from Longwu mainland, including the Kaitian demon dragon, will be found if they do things in the eight major races other than the demon and theocratic domain, or in several ethnic areas. Clue.

It doesn't need to be too obvious, because it is too obvious, but it will lead to suspicion, and this must be step by step, in order to make the suspicions of the eight major races deeper and deeper, and eventually erupt, let the eight races join hands to remove the demon gods first.

"It seems that the strong people of our Longwu mainland are not without a brain."

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

Looking at the Kaitian demon dragon to leave, Jiang Shenwu naturally cannot recognize him in this place. After all, no one knows whether there is a strong existence of the virtual human being nearby.

Now, the mission of Kaitian Yaolong is quite important. Moreover, Jiang Shenwu guesses that the identity of Qitian Yaolong is sensitive. After all, he is not a pure demon slave. As everyone knows, Longwu mainland is full of demon slaves. Will there be pure blood of this demon god?

The breath of the Kaitian Dragon can largely entice the enemy to think about the demon and the Protoss.

Jiang Shenwu wants to say hello now, and if it is exposed, it will break the big thing.

Liang Shuhe and Ran apparently did not say anything. Although Liang Shu did not want to understand what was going on for a while, but on the battlefield of these nine races, he would not talk casually, just like Jiang Shenwu pretended to promise evil spirits. When the son wants to go back and hunt the dragon warrior, he did not stand up and blame.

At this time, it is not only the contest of strength, but the plan in the dark is also very important.

"Let's go."

Jiang Shenwu pretended to be very jealous of the Kaitian demon dragon, and quickly flew in the opposite direction with Liang Shu.

In the void, they flew quickly, and often encountered some thoughts of placing orders along the way. The virtual beast was discovered by Jiang Shenwu, and then raided and killed.

Unconsciously, two days passed.

Jiang Shenwu, the three of them in the field of the virtual human race, have already harvested a total of seven "virtual spirits" of the virtual beasts. The level of these seven virtual spirits is not too high, but together they are comparable. The value of the ninth heavy ice bat demon dan of a reincarnation.

Although the three people are equally divided, although not many, this harvest is quite good compared to other dragon warrior groups.

Jiang Shenwu three people are now more cautious.

When walking in the void, they are always ready to display their defenses, whether it is still Liang Shu, after all, they have seen the hidden ability of the evil spirits.

Now the virtual people are good at concealing, and they should pay more attention to them than the evil spirits.

In this field, you won't see other racial powers other than the virtual human race, but this is only the current stage. Who knows if there will be any races that come up with any weird means to sneak around on the battlefield. .

"The two imaginary beasts are the seventh most reincarnation of the robbery, ready to shoot."

After killing seven imaginary beasts, Jiang Shenwu also had some experience in killing the virtual beasts, and they learned more about the main weaknesses of the virtual beasts.

Suddenly I saw two imaginary beasts gathered together. Jiang Shenwu first pretended not to find out, and then after approaching some, suddenly took Liang Shu and then launched an attack toward each other!

"Virtual Dragons are breaking!"

"Dragon blood blasting!"

The reincarnation of the seventh most vain beast, the combat power is still very strong, so Liang Shuo did not hesitate at all, and directly broke the power of the blood-burning bead.

His whole body of dragons and blood burned, and there was an extremely terrifying force that shrouded one of the virtual spirits!

The two imaginary beasts did not seem to realize that they were discovered.

Until Jiang Shenwu, the three of them attacked, they were a little panicked, turned and wanted to escape, but they were still swallowed up by the three men’s offensive in the first time, and they were so powerful that they completely shrouded their two virtual creatures. Inside!

Two screams came from the whirlpool of dragon blood that broke out.

But after hearing these two screams, Jiang Shenwu was a face: "Nothing, be careful!"

These two screams are indeed the screams of the virtual beast, and there is no problem.

But the key is... Jiang Shenwu, they have dealt with weaker beasts than this, and most of them are still acting alone. Even those virtual beasts, with their keen perception, can make certain before the attack. Revolt.

Although the resistance is futile, it is better than the two evil spirits in front of them. It seems to be normal.

Business Trading. casting squad, this is not so professional.

Jiang Shenwu barely hesitated, and turned around and broke out the power of the blood-red rose seal that was swallowed up in the body!

The power of the seven-seal seal broke out at this time~www.novelmtl.com~ The large space where the two virtual beasts are located is shrouded, and then the force of the blood-red rose is tightened, and the space is completely shrouded and closed. !


At this time, the whirlpool of the attacking power of the crowd broke out, and after the dissipating, an incredible voice came out of it.

Jiang Shenwu, they stared at it, and surely saw the power of the blood-red rose seal, where are the two virtual beasts?

It is a two-person virtual man with a somewhat translucent body!

The imaginary people have the same appearance as the human race, but their bodies are born with a kind of power called “virtual”. This kind of power makes them good at spiritual power and concealment, and they also have unique advantages in perceptual exploration. .

Therefore, this virtual human being is actually a branch of the human race, but it is only the power of "virtual".

Jiang Shenwu three people saw it at this time, there are two translucent virtual human figures, appeared in the center of the seal of blood red roses, has been trapped in it!

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