Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 776: The war will start

Longwu Fortress, the office of Emperor Longwu College.

Jiang Shenwu came with four people and found that many students in the office were gathering.

"It seems that the situation is really tense now."

Jiang Shenwu brows slightly wrinkled.

He saw in the crowd, there are Gu Jiongzi and Liang Gongzi from the family of the hidden world, who are squinting and looking at nothing.

The two of them, now repaired as the realm, are the second most important in the reincarnation. As for the dragon and blood, they did not reach the Dragon Emperor. They still stuck in the ninth floor of the Dragon King and could not break through.

This makes them very uncomfortable.

Originally they came from the hidden family of the Dragon Warrior. There are many kinds of cultivation resources in the family. But after they came to the Emperor Longwu College, they did not fight on the battlefield of the Void, which made their progress worse than other those who were desperately hunting the monsters. Ordinary students are fast.

Their family resources are many, but where is the last two years, the above-mentioned Shenlong's investment in Longwu mainland?

Therefore, Gu Jiuzi and Liang Gongzi are quite uncomfortable now.

They did not reach the Dragon King, and their combat power was low. The current nine race battlefields are simply looking for death. There is only one way to think about it. It is to form a battlefield with nine other races with other students.

It is a pity that the battles of these nine races are numerous and it is even more difficult to hunt opponents and earn guard points.

Based on their strength, they can basically be declared to be brushed down. Unless there are strong dragons cast by the strong in the family, they can save their lives and they will be qualified for the battlefield.

Moreover, even if they can save their lives, it is difficult for them to hunt down the opponents of the nine major races, even if they are only slaves, they have a much stronger existence than them.

It can be said that if they meet opponents in the nine race battlefields, 90% of them will not be able to beat them.

Then there is no need to go up...

This is the status quo of the majority of the students in Yuheng District among the four Longwu colleges.

In the Tianquan District above Yuheng District, it is slightly better. The strength level is much stronger than that of the Yuheng District students. At least they have reached the Dragon King level of inheritance and blood. When they form a group, they are in the nine race battlefields. You can mix it up.

Some are good at special means, but also can specifically convey some messages to earn guard points.

It is not only the hunted opponents that can earn guardian points. If you can find some important information of the nine races and pass them back, it is also very valuable.

This kind of "scout" and "patrol" is still quite popular in the current Longwu mainland. This has led many people to begin to cultivate the original dragon martial arts of the body and the hidden class, no matter how they are now. After this dragon martial arts practice, there will be no harm.

"Gu Jiuzi, Liang Gongzi, I remember they still have an idea?"

Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes. When he saw these two guys, his brows were slightly picked up, apparently not planning to give them any good looks.

"The hidden world of the Longwu family, recently sent a number of middle-level strongmen to the Longwu Fortress, a total of sixteen hidden world of the Dragon Warrior family, the strong combination of the family is not weak."

The laughter flower reminded after the body of Jiang Shenwu: "These six hidden family of dragon warriors, many strong people in the family, and even once had the ancestors of the super dragons, the rich heritage... nowadays the clan of the clan At least the strongest of the fifth layer of the Dragon Emperor, and even the living super dragon."

"The current Dragon Emperor's List does not include these sixteen hidden dragon warrior families."

"But now these 16 hidden family strongmen have come to Longwu Fortress, I am afraid that a large part of the Dragon Emperor will soon have to change faces."

Laughter said this, but still reminded Jiang Shenwu not to easily provoke Gu Jiuzi and Liang Gongzi.

These two, but Gu Jia and Liang Jia's talented descendants of this generation are quite valued.

Before the hidden family of the Dragon Warriors, they had already advised the two guys to let them fight on the battlefield of the void. As a result, they didn’t listen and missed the best time to improve themselves... They were really afraid of death, but now, the whole The Longwu mainland has reached a critical moment in life and death. They are so afraid of death and have to stand up.

Only the strength of oneself is the most fundamental thing.

Other than that, everything is vain!

"I have heard that some of the strong people of the hidden family have participated in the hunting of the void monsters, but they rarely deal with other people. They have their own circles, and even seem to keep some between them and the Supreme Dragon. contact."

Jiang Shenwu blinked his eyes: "When it is, now that the dragons are united, I am too lazy to find them in trouble."

After saying this, he took the laughter and spent four people walking directly to the office corridor, intending to go to the rear to find the fox.

Linghu Butterfly, is the dragon emperor who Jiang Shenwu met at the Emperor Longwu Academy, and his relationship with him is not bad. Besides that is the dean Yu Yaji... Other dragon emperors, Jiang Shenwu are not familiar with I didn't even know when I saw it.

Along the way, many Longwu practitioners saw Jiang Shenwu bring people over and gave them a way to go.

Gu Jiongzi and Liang Gongzi, who were originally in this class, now see Jiang Shenwu and come over, suddenly his face changed and changed.

If they are the original ones, now maybe they have to stand up and taunt a bit of Jiang Shenwu, and then say something good.

Unfortunately, in the face of life and death, Jiang Shenwu does not look so odious in their eyes, but instead makes them feel a little intimate... The nine races that invaded are really hateful, and it is really necessary to bring them to Longwu mainland. The rebels kill the light and want to enslave the entire Longwu mainland!

In contrast, they looked at Jiang Shenwu and felt that they were eye-catching, so they were the same members of Longwu mainland...

Therefore, watching Jiang Shenwu and others waited, Gu Jiongzi and Liang Gongzi did not say anything, they can now panic and do not dare to offend anyone, just change the kind when they first arrived at the Emperor Longwu College嚣张跋扈's look ~www.novelmtl.com~羲皇龙武学院办公, the overall atmosphere is better than the outside Longwu Fortress, not so heavy atmosphere, but can also feel a very nervous atmosphere.

"The big battle will start."

Deep in the corridor of the office, a crisp female voice came out of a room, which was a fox.

She felt the arrival of Jiang Shenwu, and the voice came directly from the room: "Jiang Shenwu, let's come in together. Yesterday, the first ten groups that went out to test were coming back. As a result, all three groups were killed, four The dragon warriors of the group were seriously injured. Only your group, and two other groups killed the opponent and returned safely..."

"This time, a total of seven people died!"

"This is only three days, so now the situation of Longwu Fortress is very critical."

Jiang Shenwu turned their corners and saw them in the room. The fox is not a single person, but there are several other powerful dragons who seem to discuss things together.

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