Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 770: Old dragon

Chapter 770 Old Dragon King

After listening to the reminder of Jiang Shenwu, Qin Xiaoyue gave a slight glimpse, but turned to react, and solemnly nodded: "Well, thank you for reminding. Mobile phone"

If there is no reminder of Jiang Shenwu, Qin Xiaoyue, who has a smooth road, may indeed regard the invasion of the nine races as the same as the invasion of the previous magic objects.

Under the circumstance, it is very likely that you will encounter an accident.

But even if it was due to Jiang Shenwu, she was obviously not too concerned.

The key point is that in her opinion, Jiang Shenwu's strength is similar to her, and her team, there is a invincible and she resisted together, since Jiang Shenwu can come back alive, then they can come back alive.

Of course, after Jiang Shenwu reminded her, she became cautious and some were facts.

Jiang Shenwu also clearly saw that she reminded him of his heart, but not too much in mind.

This made Jiang Shenwu secretly sigh, but it is not easy to say.

If you say it again, Qin Xiaoyue will probably feel that he is annoying and unnecessary.

Although as a friend of acquaintance, Jiang Shenwu does not want to see them encounter accidents, but it is true that dealing with girls is not too temperate.

Therefore, Jiang Shenwu hopes to be invincible: "It is invincible. Why don't we go to learn now? I have been studying for a year in Longwu mainland. I don't know what level I am now. I don't know if the geniuses of Longwu College are now. To what extent."

Invincible to hear this, there are some accidents: "I heard that the power of Jiang Shenwu's great talent is the power to swallow and counterattack. At the same time, the talent of these two characteristics is rare. I have long ago I want to see it."

In the words of both sides, there are some arrogant tastes, but this kind of friendship has not been put in the mind.

"Haha, please, please."

Jiang Shenwu haha ​​smiled, this meal is almost over.

Jiang Shenwu wants to be invincible and learn from others. Naturally, other people must also observe it.

As everyone knows, Jiang Shenwu did not want to look at the invincible strength before proposing to discuss, just want a chance to be alone and invincible, and then remind him seriously, be careful when going out.

After all, this time, the nine races invaded the Longwu continent together, and the danger is difficult to estimate.

What's more, Qin Xiaoyue also took a friend of Jiang Shenwu, whether it was Luo Wei, Xu Qin, or Liang Liang, the son of the Dragon King of Daliang Longguo, Jiang Shenwu did not want them to have an accident.


This time, the discussion will be held at the Wuwu Square in Longwu Fortress.

The number of dragon warriors in Longwu Fortress is quite small, but compared with some cities on Longwu mainland, it is still much less. After all, it is not weak to have the strength to come to Longwu Fortress.

This martial arts square is built for the dragons of all parties, and is dedicated to let the dragon martial arts learn and discuss the place of dragon martial arts.

Both Jiang Shenwu and Qin Xiaoyue came to this square, and found that there were not many people on the square. There were only a few people who had just finished watching the last duel and had not left.

Obviously, there are not many people coming to this Wuwu Square.

Only the strongest of the Dragon Emperor class is eligible to take some dragon kings from their own dragon country to the Longwu Fortress.

Except for some dragon emperors of the Dragon King Kingdom who have hatred, few people will discuss in the Wuwu Square. However, many Dragon Kings or students from different Longwu colleges like to come to this place.

For the students of the major Longwu colleges, the discussion of the venue has always been a very serious issue.

After all, the students from different Longwu colleges do not want to go to the opponent's home to discuss, so that the impact on themselves is a bit large.

And to your own home... the opponent is not willing.

Therefore, in the meantime, this square is a place for the students to learn from.

When Jiang Shenwu and their group of ten people came to the entrance of this Wuwu Square, there was a dragon emperor who reached the fourth floor of the Dragon Emperor. He squinted at the entrance: "You young Lang, but you want to enter the Wufang Square. Learn some time? Charge, one person ten points guard points, or hunting devil points!"

This dragon emperor, who looks old, has a white-haired white beard, and his long hair is wrapped around his waist, and he does not know how many years have been left.

"Is there a charge for this Wuwu Square? Why haven’t you heard of it before?"

Qin Xiaoyue stunned and began to look at each other.

"I didn't have it before, but I have it today."

The white-and-white-bearded old dragon emperor smiled and said: "After all, the construction of the Wuwu Square has also invested a lot of resources, but now, it has become a venue shared by the big guys. We are not a big loss in investing in the construction of the Wuwu Square. ?"

"And, starting yesterday, there are more and more dragons who come to talk about Wu Square. After all, the battle against the nine races will soon start, so the charges will be queued, that is, you will come late, otherwise it will be inside. Someone can line up and learn from each other."

After listening to these words, everyone has some doubts about their doubts.

After all, they have never heard of this before.

"Ten points of hunting devils, not much, I will give you."

The people haven't said anything yet, Jiang Shenwu has already made a sound. For him, the 10 points of hunting devils are really not much ~www.novelmtl.com~ This is equivalent to killing a middle-level demon on the battlefield... Of course, it’s just that the mid-level demon has not been found on the battlefield of the Void.

Ten points of hunting demon points, how to say can also be exchanged for some cultivation resources.

"The little brother is good, honest people."

The white-haired white beard old man smiled and said: "However, I said that the ten-point hunting devil score is not a ten-point, but that both sides must give it. Which two of you want to learn?"

"I go."

I am invincible to listen to this words and want to beat people: "Older generation, are you not a pit person? Now where are we going to earn the hunting devil's points? As for the guardian points, there are not many people now! You are simply a strong man!"

Where else does he still have the hunter points?

There are hunting devil points that have long been spent!

The students of the major Longwu Academy are basically the same. There are hunting devil points directly converted into useful things for themselves, things that can enhance their strength, and where they will stay, unless they want to exchange some important things.

For example, the Holy Spirit Dragon martial arts, the Holy Spirit Dragon Soldier and the like.

There is nothing left in the invincible body.

This is the status quo of the average student... It is extremely rare for Jiang Shenwu to be as "rich and rich".

Therefore, this invincible directly indicates that he does not.

The white dragon-bearded old dragon emperor looked like a rogue: "You can't afford the points, then you can find somewhere else to go, don't enter our martial arts square, young lang, understand?"

Jiang Shenwu does not care about this ten points of hunting demon points.

But he thinks that the old man seems to be a bit too much. Although he can help the invincible to pay, but the old man is charging this, is it really reasonable?

Or is it that this old guy is here?

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