Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 753: Return

Now, Jiang Shenwu has a cracked emptiness magic blade, a prisoner's magic bead and a momentary magic ring. These three wild gods are equal to the level of the Holy Spirit.

As for the wild magic skills and the blood resources of the devil, it is necessary to bring the magic road behind.

Jiang Shenwu accompanied Su Yiyi for three days and three nights near the void.

The two are more greasy, but after all, they are still in the time of separation.

"Let's go first. If the people of the demon kings come over to see you, I am afraid it is not so easy to let you go."

Su Yiyi finally can only let Jiang Shenwu leave.

"Well, take care of yourself."

Jiang Shenwu nodded.

"If the Magic Road is coming, your Instant Ring will receive a message. When you come out to meet him, he will give you something."

Su Yiyi finally explained one sentence.

Then, Jiang Shenwu took out the Instant Ring, and used the blood of the 16-winged demon gods in his body to motivate the void array. This moment of the ring is required to unlock the different layers according to the distance of the shuttle. .

Before Su Yiyi untied the three-layer array method, now Jiang Shenwu untied the three-layer array method... If you don’t walk with Su Yiyi, those empty magic monsters without wisdom will kill Jiang Shenwu.

Jiang Shenwu can resist the cull of those empty monsters.

Therefore, he can only use the Instant Ring to shuttle to the place near Longwu Fortress.

With the unraveling of the void array, Jiang Shenwu deeply stared at Su Yiyi, this girl has a special meaning for him.

In the past, there were still many dragon warriors who were interesting to him, but he never accepted it, even Su Yiyi, just because of an accident... and because of the black dragon consciousness in his body, they can be combined.

In any case, Jiang Shenwu will never give up Su Yiyi, and one day he will go to the Demon God to find her.

The power of the Instant Ring is inspired.

Then, Jiang Shenwu was alone and sent to a space far from the void crack!

Tens of thousands of miles away.

Jiang Shenwu appeared in the void, and he collected the Instant Ring... He looked back and saw the crack in the void so that it would not change.

"I hope she is well."

"Now she is going back safely. I wonder if the demon gods will not pay much attention to Longwu mainland?"

Jiang Shenwu thought in his heart.

He did not stay in place for a long time.

He quickly flew in the direction of Longwu Fortress. Now his most important thing is to see how the Longwu Fortress is now, and what happened to those friends.

This year’s college college is almost just finished.

Jiang Shenwu still needs to know what they are.


Longwu Fortress.

When Jiang Shenwu returned, he felt that this Longwu Fortress seemed to have some confusion, which sounded like a dead person.

Chu Qingyun, and the bodies of his three dragon warriors, were found in the void leading to the void cracks. It seemed to be shredded by the void monsters, and even the news of the help was not sent out.

Their bodies have been brought back.

After all, it has been three days since Jiang Shenwu killed them... But until now, everyone thought they were dead in the void, after all, their death is obvious.

Moreover, in the Longwu Fortress, in addition to the Nether Monster, who would be so rude to them?

After Jiang Shenwu returned to the Longwu Fortress, he listened to the news of the people around him, and his face did not show his slightest expression.

The one-time murder of four Donghuang Longwu college students is a major event at the Longwu Fortress. Even the four people are not the students of the East Emperor Longwu Academy. As long as they are the strongest of the Dragon Emperor level, it is a big event.

Generally speaking, the situation is now stable, and the vanity and monsters will not be attacked by the Longwu Fortress. In this case, there will be very few dragon emperors who are killed. Even if there is, it is very rare.

Once I was killed by four dragon emperors, I am afraid that the strong ones in the void monsters, only the level of the devil, can easily kill the four Chu Qingyun.

This matter is very big.

In the case of the East Emperor Longwu College, many Longwu people were heart-wrenching. For a time, they did not dare to leave the Longwu Fortress to hunt the Nether Monster.

Jiang Shenwu did not pay attention to this matter, but went to the office of the Emperor Longwu College. He soon saw it, laughter, Xiaobai and Liang Shu.

"Jiang Shenwu."

When I saw Jiang Shenwu, there was a surprise on the face of the laughter, and I rushed to meet.

Liang Shuo gave Jiang Shenwu a hug.

The four people finally met again, and the laughter took him to the place where she bought the Longwu Fortress.

It is a courtyard-style courtyard. It is built around the office of the Emperor Longwu College. There are many students from the Emperor Longwu College who have purchased other hospitals here. They can rest and cultivate here, as well as the protection of the law. Security is guaranteed, and it is not necessary to go back to the headquarters of Huanglongwu College every time.

The four returned to the other hospital where the laughter flower was purchased, and a dragon guardian array method rose from the surrounding of the other hospital.

This is the guardian array method built by the Super Shenlong Dean level. It is impossible for the ordinary dragon to pass through. The Longwu Fortress can be said to be absolutely safe.

Into the other hospital, Xiaohuahua first personally made tea for everyone, and then began to talk.

"Jiang Shenwu, where did you go this year? If you say that you are practicing in Longwu, what is the result?"

Liang Shuo asked with some excitement and excitement.

In the past year, his progress has been great!

Originally, he broke through to the eighth floor of the Dragon King and reached the first place in the reincarnation of the robbery. But now, he has reached the dragon and dragon level of the Dragon King, and the cultivation of the realm has reached the third place in the reincarnation!

Moreover, he also exchanged a dragon's pulp, and he trained the dragon's blood to the holy level.

He also exchanged a Holy Spirit dragon, but he still can't exert all his power, but he has already doubled his combat power.

These are all because of the magical handsome, the magical demon, and the redemption of the hunting demon points that Jiang Shenwu sent them.

"My results, okay."

Jiang Shenwu smiled slightly: "This time ~www.novelmtl.com~ is considered to have made some progress, Nirvana is the ninth heavy, and the blood grade has reached the eighth floor of the Dragon King. Compared with you, it seems that progress is also Just average."

"Of course."

Some laughter said: "The hunting resources can be exchanged for more resources. You are alone in the Longwu mainland, and there are no personal shadows. How can you improve? But we, because you sent it. Those demons have improved a lot."

"There are still a lot of hunting demon points for you to keep, you can redeem a Holy Spirit Dragon."

Xiao Bai said with a chuckle.


Jiang Shenwu heard it, but it was a bit gratifying. It seems that they still think about their own.

The demon loyalty points, even left a lot, can be exchanged for a Holy Spirit dragon soldier, just happened to his accidents some time ago, so that many things on his body have been destroyed, including the dragon marks blood, and the wild Swing the sword.

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