Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 749: Longwu Fortress

Longwu Fortress.

This is a defensive fortress built on the Longwu mainland, where the barrier of the Tianzhu barrier is blown out.

There are mainly four offices of Longwu College and the headquarters of the Dragon King Alliance.

The Dragon Emperor Alliance is a brand new organization that all the dragon emperors of Longwu mainland can join. It was only established this year. The powerful dragon emperors such as Yanlonghuang and Dalianglonghuang basically joined the Dragon Emperor. allied.

The Dragon King Alliance is behind the shadow of the Dean of the four Longwu Academy. It can be said that to some extent, certain policies are from the arrangements of the four Longwu Institutes.

Of course, the Dragon Emperor of Longwu mainland also has a lot of discourse power in the Dragon Emperor League. This organization is not the four major Longwu colleges.

The Dragon King Alliance is also responsible for winning more benefits for the Dragon Emperors, mainly about the intermediate and advanced primary dragon martial arts that can be exchanged, and even the Holy Spirit Dragon martial arts.

The dragon martial arts that can be exchanged by the original Dragon Emperor are basically some of the weak edge martial arts. They are empty and of good quality, but their power is not strong. The actual combat can have little effect, and it is not much higher than the primary source dragon martial arts. .

However, under the constant struggle of the Dragon Emperor Alliance, some practical martial arts, which are still practical, have been circulated from the four Longwu Institutes and can be used by the folk dragon emperors.

This is a big step forward for the folk dragon emperor.

Including the current Yan Longhuang, Daliang Longhuang, the strength is much stronger than before.

The members of the Dragon King Alliance are winning a large number of players, and their overall strength is very strong. Although they are not young, it is because of this that they have more right to speak.

And the four Longwu Academy, basically the four super dragons and deans are pressing.

Except for the directors of the four super dragons, the dragon emperors of the major Longwu colleges are also very strong, but the number is too small. The dragon emperor of each Longwu Academy is a total of twenty or thirty.

Together, it is only about one hundred.

Compared with thousands of folk dragons, the number is still too small.


"This is the Dragon Fortress!"

Jiang Shenwu took Su Yiyi and followed the Dragon King to the Longwu Fortress.

The place where they appeared was the fortress square of Longwu Fortress.

Looking out from the fortress square, you can see a vast starry sky, the starry sky is facing a void crack, which is the crack that appears in the void monster.

On both sides of the fortress square, there are countless magnificent buildings built around the dragon wall fortress of the iron wall. Each of these buildings is very imposing. Among them are the headquarters of the Dragon Emperor Alliance and the offices of the four Longwu Institutes. There are also some commercial organizations that emerged after the opening of the Longwu Fortress.

For example, the stag will be.

The squad will not only have a lot of clubs in Longwu, but it is a giant in the whole dragon.

At this moment, on the Longwu Fortress, the squad will also establish a headquarters to deal with the related matters of the squad. Of course, the current Longwu Fortress is rarely related to the monster, or related to the demon. things happen.

But the squad will seem to be preparing for the future, making some arrangements... Many of these things are not understood.

The Longwu Fortress was built to fight against the Nether Monster. What kind of fun will the enchantress come to?

But Jiang Shenwu now understands that the void crack is the battlefield of chaos. Now this channel seems to be held by the demon gods. Once this channel is discovered by other races, it is likely that there will be strong demon gods and the like. Attack Longwu mainland.

At this time, the role of the stag will be highlighted.

"This Longwu Fortress is really magnificent."

Jiang Shenwu looked around and glanced at it, and he felt a little emotional.

Undoubtedly, this is more magnificent than the four Longwu Academy, and even more similar to the four Longwu Institutes, and the dragons are among the strongest of the Dragon King.

At the four Longwu colleges, only students who have reached the Tianzhu District will come to this place.

Otherwise, once you leave the Longwu Fortress, you may encounter an accidental death.

Although the emptiness monsters have been cleared all over the place, for the demon gods, these emptiness monsters have no status like livestock, and the number of deaths is not enough, so more and more emptiness monsters are dispatched.

Every month, there are a large number of Nether Monsters coming through the void cracks, trying to penetrate the Dragon Skull barrier of Longwu, and find the whereabouts of the demon **** princess.

Jiang Shenwu suddenly saw that there were some tracing notices on some bulletin boards and building walls.

The main search is the demon **** princess.

It is a pity that these people have no portraits at all, just to find the demon **** princess... Just say, who knows what the demon **** princess looks like?

Su Yiyi is now a fortress of Longwu, but he hides the blood of his own demon god. Others simply do not know her identity.

Even if she saw her, she did not know that she was a demon princess.

"That chick is really watery, hey! It seems that it is the junior brought up by the Yanlong dynasty, we are not convenient to start."

"This kind of junior who has been brought to the Longwu Fortress by the Dragon Emperor is too much, but what is the use of this? If its own strength does not come up, it is impossible to stand firm in the Longwu Fortress!"

"This is not necessarily the case, this little girl, in case of the Longwu College students, is it better to jump into the gantry?"

There are some dragon emperors, or the descendants of the Dragon Emperor, who have been talking about this after seeing Su Yiyi.

These people are similar to the Yanlong ambassadors. They all follow their respective dragon emperors and come to Longwu Fortress to gain experience and hunter points. But there are always some people who are not so strict in restraining themselves. I feel that this Longwu Fortress It’s just like playing.

Su Yiyi is certainly too lazy to pay attention to them.

"哼~www.novelmtl.com~ Now your site, this princess can only endure!"

Su Yiyi clasped a small fist, and his face rose a little rosy.

"I remember the looks of those few people. If there is a chance, I will teach you a lesson."

Jiang Shenwu glanced at the place where the argument came, with a firm look in his eyes.

Su Yiyi suddenly smiled and said: "You don't want to talk big words. When you can't beat others, it's a shame."

"Don't say that it's just a few of the descendants of the Dragon Kingdom. Even if the Dragon King of their country comes, it is not necessarily my opponent."

Jiang Shenwu is still very confident about his strength, and he snorted.

"Jiang Shenwu, this has not been seen for a long time, I have always heard that you are submerging, it seems that the results of your latent training in the last year are good."

Yan Longhuang listened to Jiang Shenwu’s words and suddenly smiled and said.

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