Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 743: Su 11's insistence

Eight demon emperors, I did not expect this to happen.

They came to the half of the mountain below the cliff and watched the place where the "Dragon Dragon God" disappeared. Somehow it was inexplicable.

"How did they run?"

The demon stone emperor's face is extremely ugly, originally wanted to take this opportunity to kill the demon dragon god, the result is still let people run.

"It is a dragon soldier."

The only thing left in the field is the breath of the dragon.

"What kind of dragon soldier is that that can shield my perception?"

A tree demon lord took a sip of coolness, but its power could not be stopped even by the heavenly dragons, but now its tracking power is directly ruined by the dragon soldiers.

Losing the whereabouts of the "Dragon and Dragon God", they want to kill again.

"However, the demon dragon **** is in a coma, and I don't know what it is. As for his companion, we have been hit by a joint attack. It will definitely not be good. It is already her last strength to launch the dragon soldier to escape. It is."

A fierce tiger demon said fiercely: "I am very sensitive to the breath of life. The guy has suffered a blow from us. Even if there are ten lives, I have already removed nine, and there is still one left." Even if it is not dead, it is seriously injured, at least I have to recover from injuries for several years!"

Eight demons joined forces to attack and attack a dragon king together... The Dragon King did not die on the spot, and it was indeed a miracle.

Although Su Yiyi held Jiang Shenwu down the cliff, avoiding a small part of the attack, but the remaining attacks are all on her body!

Now, the eight demon emperors have lost the traces of Jiang Shenwu, obviously it is impossible to track again, but they did not leave like this, but intend to look around in a circle.

In their guess, if the "Dragon Dragon God" did not run far, then they are still likely to find it out and completely kill it.

This depends on Jiang Shenwu who went to the place with the "Dragon Soldier".


What the eight demons don't know is that they are not only chasing dragons, but also a little princess of the demon god.

Only this little princess displayed the camouflage of the phantom gods, so they did not reveal the slightest magic, and the escaping ring that they fled was not the dragon soldier, but the **** of the gods.

Miles away.

Before the urgency, Su Yiyi set a distance, and launched the transmission function of the Instant Ring.

At this moment, they fell from the void and rolled directly into a snowy mountain.

"Occasionally, is it a snowy mountain?"

Su Yiyi resisted the endless pain from the whole body and felt that the black dragon he was holding became more and more hot. She knew that she had to find the dragon's edge soon.

Her figure is looming between the 16-winged demon **** and the black dragon, constantly transforming each other, and sometimes even two images exist at the same time... This is the disguise of the magical **** shadow has already disappeared.

It can be seen that the **** body of her 16-winged demon **** has been covered with blood.

Her blood is very strong, and she can be cultivated as a realm that has not yet grown up.

The body of the sixteen-winged demon gods, who suffered from the attack of eight demons, could not survive. If she had pulled Jiang Shenwu down the cliff and avoided some of the attacks, she was already dead.

However, even now, she is already seriously injured and dying.

The body of the 16-winged demon god, of which eleven wings have been torn by the terrorist forces, the shoulders of the devil's body have been smashed, and there is a huge blood hole in the abdomen, constantly flowing the blood of the ancient demon.

The blood of these ancient demon gods, flowing on the snowy mountains, will leave traces of magic.

Even in this case, Su Yiyi still thought of this point, she took out the black dagger that originally guarded the magic wind... This dagger magic soldier is a wild magic soldier, who has swallowed all the blood. the power of.

"Magic, you helped me again."

The black dagger was held in her hand.

All the blood of the ancient demon that flowed from her was swallowed up by the black dagger, making the vampire array on the black dagger more and more vivid.

From the blood of the demon **** princess, the blood of the 16-winged demon god, this is the power of extremely violent blood!

If the magic wind is still alive, then use this black dagger, I am afraid that it will not be so miserable to lose to the chaos swallowing dragons, at least can withstand a moment.

Dragging the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu, Su Yiyi climbed hard in a certain direction toward the snowy mountain.

In the midair in front of her, the Void Holy Magic Ball rotates with the lead. The sacred object of this demon **** can feel the direction of the dragon's abundance, but unfortunately, it has no other effect.

Even if consciousness is awakened, there is no way to help Su Yiyi.

Pointing to her is already the limit.

"The dragon of the dragon, there are more than one hundred miles... The moment of the ring, it is quite good to shuttle."

I still have to climb over 100 miles with the dragon body of Jiang Shenwu. This is an extremely difficult task for Su Yiyi. After all, if she is not holding a strong breath, she may even die. !

However, under the support of her willpower, she persisted, even though the blood of the 16-winged demon **** was about to run out, she did not give up... for nearly a year in Longwu, although she said Very boring, but in fact, she enjoyed this time.

Otherwise, she has long tried to get rid of Jiang Shenwu's control... But she has always been willing to listen to Jiang Shenwu's words, on this Longwu mainland, to contact those things that are very fresh to her.

Those things have made her see a more exciting world.

She does not want such a world to be destroyed...even, she knows very well that if the chaos swallows the dragon and completely wakes up, it is not only the Longwu continent, but also the demon **** world, the dragon protoss world...and even all other universes and the world. Will be destroyed, swallowed by the chaos swallowing dragons.

She does not want to see such a situation.

Therefore, she will definitely stick to it and bring Jiang Shenwu to the dragon's land!

As for what happened after the dragon's sacredness, she couldn't think of it now. She even said that now she has lost her ability to think, and she is dragging the black dragon's body of Jiang Shenwu with one breath.


Jiang Shenwu suddenly fell into the dark!

In his memory, ~www.novelmtl.com~ He is still being chased by the Eight Emperors. Suddenly, his dragon marks are broken.

He is thinking, why is this dragon mark blood cracking broken?

The next moment, he suddenly fell into the dark.

This is a space of incomparable darkness, without any light, and Jiang Shenwu does not even feel his existence. Where is this?

He looked around and couldn't see anything.

This is a void space.

Suddenly, a huge inky black dragon appeared in the sky above his head, and a pair of dragons and pupils in the darkness, such as through the dark moon, stared at Jiang Shenwu.

"This is... Black Dragon consciousness?"

Jiang Shenwu's face changed slightly.

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