Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 737: Black phoenix heart

However, the advanced dragon martial arts that are cultivated are the dragon martial arts suitable for women's cultivation.

In the Emperor Longwu College, the number of such dragon martial arts is the majority.

This high-level original dragon martial art is called Black Phoenix Heart. Although it is a dragon martial art, it can summon several black phoenixes, and it has the power of darkness and the power of the heart, and has the most penetrating penetration and lethality!

She turned into a black jade dragon, and the speed of the heavenly wind smashed into a horrible speed, almost immediately before the other side!

The Dragon King, who was the seventh-largest in the reincarnation, saw his face change.

He didn't know it before, but now he saw the body of the dragon martial arts, and already felt the horror of her body!

"It's a hard battle, you go around, I will block her!"

The Dragon King, who was the seventh-largest in the reincarnation, told him directly.

He let his men circumvent it directly, and then went to disturb the breakthrough of Jiang Shenwu, as he himself resisted the attack.

Under such circumstances, as long as his men can go around, then he will win, but he will not dare to attack them with sin and will surely surrender treasures.

At this time, this Dragon King is thinking, this sister has such a horrible atmosphere, obviously a genius who can be challenged by level, such a genius definitely has some good things!

This time, should you be able to harvest a lot of things?

It’s rare to see someone else break through Nirvana’s robbery. Be sure to make good use of it!

However, soon the Dragon King turned black.

Because he found out that he had commanded to bypass all the men who had been disturbing Jiang Shenwu’s breakthrough, and even when they were halfway in the air, they were blown back by a tornado!

The wind and the dragon are broken, and the dragon martial arts has been cultivated to the heavenly level. At this moment, it has already broken out, and it is now free to control dozens of tornadoes!

If it is not that her cultivation is not high enough, and she does not reach the high level of reincarnation, she can even control all the hurricanes around her with the help of the wind and the dragon, and control the whereabouts of everything.

The little dragon warriors were all blown back by the wind and the dragon.

As for the Dragon King who is the seventh most important in the reincarnation, it is...

"Black Phoenix Heart!"

The high-level dragon martial arts that were cultivated to the human level broke out from the black dragon that had been turned into a black dragon. The four black phoenixes first condensed from the void, and then turned into four powerful forces, moving toward the extremely horrible speed. The Dragon King broke out!

At this time, the Dragon King just told his men to go around, and widened his eyes to see that his men were blown back by the tornado.

In the blink of an eye, he himself faced such a terrible offensive... The penetrating nature of the black phoenix heart is considered to be the top in the high-end dragon martial arts. At this moment, the body of the dragon king he has been penetrated is instantly penetrated into four gaps. The endless dragon blood flew out of it and sprinkled it to the snowy mountain!

These four gaps are not his vital parts. After all, they just want to give him some lessons and don't want to kill him.

The other party's actions, reasoning, may affect the life of the Dragon Warrior who is breaking through, but it is already very good to only give him such a serious injury punishment.

The dragon king was attacked by the black phoenix, and penetrated four blood holes. The whole dragon's body flew backwards toward the rear, and then fell on the snowy mountain like a broken kite, and took a picture on the snowy mountain. Great pit.

However, this combat power is already quite scary now.

Although it is not as good as Jiang Shenwu can defeat the level of the upper devil, but in the same realm, it is already invincible.

The whole battle was flowing, and there was no trace of muddy water.

However, Jiang Shenwu did not pay any attention to this side. He still struggled with the second Nirvana behemoth with the power of the five-pole black ice.

"Hey, this girl is also very strong."

Su Yiyi was hiding behind the ice peak, but did not intend to escape from here.

She is rather excited to look at the place where she is shot, and some are eager to try.

The little princess of this demon **** is also very interested in fighting. Unfortunately, in the demon family, no one has ever fought with her. Even if she forced people to discuss with her, the other party would do whatever they like.

Therefore, Su Yiyi has not encountered any decent fighting until now.

"I also want to go up and teach some wicked people."

Su Yiyi sighed, but unfortunately she was practicing the blood of the ancient demon god, and the body was not the blood of the dragon.

Once you want to really shoot, expose the blood of the ancient demon god, then it is sad reminder.

It is certain that there will soon be a super-dragon or even a superb dragon, and she will be destroyed directly on this Longwu continent...

"Oh, yes, isn't there still that trick?"

Suddenly, Su Yiyi thought of an ancient magical technique of their demon gods. She had not cultivated before, and felt that the magic technique was useless.

But now, maybe it will make her have a fight of addiction?

Unfortunately, it takes time for the magic skill to cultivate. She can't participate in this battle.

The magic technique is the wild magic technique of the demon gods. Although it is only the primitive wild magic, the effect is still very good. It can hide the blood of the ancient demon god, and then disguise the appearance into something else.

It can be a monster, but it can be a mountain that cannot move. Before, she felt that it was useless. Now it seems that she is not pretending to be a dragon warrior.

"Fantasy Shadow! I knew this before I knew it, but it’s not too late to practice from scratch."

Su Yiyi secretly made a decision.

When Jiang Shenwu practiced, she cultivated the magical shadow of this illusion, and she successfully cultivated it and disguised herself as a dragon warrior. Isn't it very comfortable?

Now she always feels that she is an outsider in Longwu mainland, but if she cultivates the magical shadow, maybe she can let herself get here, have fun, play it all over.

You can even really fight with people, think about it.

Of course, with the thunder of lightning, the guys who beat the spoilers, Jiang Shenwu’s battle quickly came to an end~www.novelmtl.com~ He had already killed the Nirvana monster However, the effect of Dragon Blood Talent Dan is almost coming, and some successors are weak, so it will drag on for such a long time.

But in the next moment, Jiang Shenwu broke out with fierce physical strength, and shattered the nirvana beast that had been scarred and riddled with holes!

Suddenly, the endless nirvana essence was integrated into the body of Jiang Shenwu and was completely absorbed by him.

Those forces that are swallowing in sleep are affected by these nirvana essences and are deeply condensed... This is not the first time that Jiang Shenwu has concocted the power of Nirvana. Everything is familiar, he can feel himself very clearly. Become stronger!

"Finally broke through to the eighth place in Nirvana!"

"After the last step, you can reach the peak of the Nirvana robbery and move towards a reincarnation!"

Jiang Shenwu felt that his own speed of promotion was too fast. Compared with the predecessors who had reached the robbery for decades and reached the Dragon Emperor for hundreds of years, he was just the same speed of cheating.

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