Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 728: Jingyuecheng

Before the news, Jiang Shenwu did not intend to deal with Su Yiyi, let the demon **** princess live in Longwu mainland for a year and a half, and there is no problem.

If it is not these things are too sensitive, Jiang Shenwu can even let go directly to Yu Yaji, let Yu Yaji open permission to help find it.

Unfortunately, looking for this thing at this time, I am afraid that Yu Yaji will be suspicious.

If the dragon's ancestor is really like Su Yiyi, then the black dragon consciousness in his body must be dealt with as soon as possible... As for how to deal with it, Jiang Shenwu does not know now, but he is not willing Let the black dragon consciousness continue to grow, and not want to let yourself lose all power, it is really a dilemma.

Of course, this is not necessarily true. I have to wait until I find it, and then Jiang Shenwu will tell her to find some information.

Moreover, it must be one night, Su Yi, a matter of her understanding of the ancient dragons of the world, all said.

Of course, Jiang Shenwu does not know which of her is the truth and what is false, and can only be used as a reference.

The dragon of the ancient world, like the "chaos swallowing dragon", is said to be able to devour everything in the universe and turn into his own power.

This feature, and Jiang Shenwu's power to swallow is somewhat similar, but it is not the same, at least Jiang Shenwu's current power of engulfing is not so powerful.

Chaos swallows the dragon to enhance its own power, even swallowed up a lot of small worlds in ancient times, and swallowed these small worlds together with space!

The Dragon Protoss is a human race that supports the dragons, and the demon gods are actually human beings, but the objects of worship are different.

The dragon gods are dedicated to the dragons, and the demon gods are dedicated to the ancient demon gods. They are the blood of the dragons and the ancient demon gods, so that their strength can be improved.

The chaotic swallowing dragon is the real dragon, and it is also enshrined and supported by many tribe members of the dragon protoss.

It is a pity that the chasing tribe of the original Chaos was swallowed by himself and became part of his own strength...

Later, the chaotic swallowing dragon has not fully grown up, and it was sealed by the demon gods of the demon gods in the seal of the dragon. It has a hundred-layer ban. If there is no external force to help, this chaotic swallowing dragon will definitely not escape. .

It is extremely difficult to completely eliminate the chaotic swallowing dragon, at least not even the ancient demon gods can only seal it.

As a princess of the demon gods, Su Yiyi still knows more about the two ethnic groups. Now the dragons enshrined by the dragon protoss are all at the level of Zulong, but Zulong has not lowered the blood power for a long time.

At this stage, the strongest offerings of the Dragon Protoss are just the level of the supreme dragon, unable to break through to the Zulong level.

At the same time, the demon gods are similar, the ancient demon **** has not appeared for a long time, only the void holy magic ball, which seems to have a remnant of the ancient demon.

"The Void Holy Magic Ball is the feeling of chaos swallowing the dragon, so it will kill everything and kill him, let him sleep."

"Now the Void Holy Magic Ball is in your hands? If you give it back to me, I might wake up the ancient Devils in the past and let him think about it."

Su Yiyi said.

"That's impossible."

Jiang Shenwu shook his head.

The Void Holy Magic Ball is a demon sacred object. If it is returned to her, the ghost knows what will happen?

At least the ability to summon the void monster across space is enough to destroy the entire Longwu continent. He can't hand the void to the other side.

"The power of the Void Holy Magic Ball seems to require the blood of Su Yiyi to drive."

Jiang Shenwu looked at Su Yiyi and thought about it.

If there is no blood of Su Yiyi, the power of the Void Holy Magic Ball cannot be used, even if there is a remnant of an ancient demon in it.

Perhaps, Jiang Shenwu can wait for the remnant to wake up, and then look at the specific situation.

At that time, don't let Su Yiyi touch the Void Holy Magic Ball, she can't afford any wind and waves.


After a rest, Jiang Shenwu took Su Yiyi to the street.

Su Yiyi, wearing a loose black robe, looks a bit strange. There is no way. Jiang Shenwu can only go to the clothing store to buy some women's clothing.

"This is the clothes worn by your Dragon Protoss women?"

“It feels a bit strange!”

"It's hard to wear, how is this rope tied?"

She studied in the inn room for a long time, but she was almost annoyed with Jiang Shenwu.

However, Jiang Shenwu can't take her away.

He left some marks in the city of Jingyue. If he found Jingyuecheng, he should be able to find his marks and know that he is in Jingyuecheng.

Jiang Shenwu is waiting to find it. He knows that he will definitely not leave him alone. In the current situation, no one else can trust him. He must let him go back to the Emperor Longwu College to inquire about the destruction of the ancient times. Dragon's information.

Before he was at Donglong Longwu College, he checked some information, but at that time his authority was not enough, and many materials could not be found.

Now, at the Longwu Academy, it is a student in Tianquan District. Although the authority is not the highest, she can reach Tianzhu District in one year as long as she has improved her strength.

The students in Tianzhu District are already the core students of the Emperor Longwu Academy. They have sufficient authority to view all the books and materials of the Emperor Longwu College.

When she brings the accuracy, she is looking for information in the dark, and she can’t reveal anything...

After half a month!

Jiang Shenwu still lives in the inn.

During the day, he will take Su Yiyi to the guild guild in the city to accept some quests and remove some monsters and the like.

This kind of experience is very easy for Jiang Shenwu.

Even the old task that has been released for a long time in Jingyue City, no one can complete the task, is very easy for Jiang Shenwu.

After all, ~www.novelmtl.com~ these tasks have to be removed from the target, at most, the demon, the holy demon level, the powerful demon beast of the holy demon level, the **** **** Wu does not incarnate the dragon warrior, can rely on the physical strength to completely Get rid of it.

At this time, Su Yiyi clap his hands and applaud.

She changed into the local costumes of Longwu mainland, but it seems quite simple. After this time with Jiang Shenwu, I can see a lot of local customs on Longwu mainland. Of course, she can’t shoot every time she goes out of the task. Jiang Shenwu does not allow her to shoot, lest it exudes any magical power, attracting the characters of the four Longwu Academy.

Now Jiang Shenwu can still keep her, and ask the news about the chaotic swallowing dragon. If she is taken away by the college party, then many clues are likely to be broken. Jiang Shenwu can’t go through the void crack and run to the demon gods. Inquire about the news on the site?

After successive experiences, Jiang Shenwu got a lot of gold coins from Guanyue Longguo, and he also made a name for himself in this place.

However, it still did not find it, so that Jiang Shenwu had some doubts. Should he go to some of the larger Dragon Warrior cities nearby to leave a mark or name?

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