Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 726: Princess's plan

Jiang Shenwu step by step to the Princess of the Void.

The original threatening face of the Void Princess suddenly became a little scared, but it seemed that she was thinking of her own situation. She should not be afraid of it. She immediately took the courage and stood up.

"What do you want to do?"

The Void Princess Vulgar said, the majesty of the princess as a demon is still exuding, quite a taste.

Unfortunately, in this case, Jiang Shenwu could not be pressed at all.

Jiang Shenwu went forward and grabbed her directly and pulled the rope of her monster.

Although the rope of this beast is tough, it is better than the physical strength of Jiang Shenwu. As for the Princess of the Void, it is raised by Jiang Shenwu, as if a chicken was mentioned.

"Your Nether Devils invaded our Longwu mainland and tried to destroy Longwu mainland. Since you have fallen into my hands, I will not spare you."

Jiang Shenwu said coldly: "When I go back to Longwu College, I will wait for it to fall."


The Nether Devil Princess did not feel guilty at all, and even said evilly: "What invasion, what destruction? We just want to recover the space that belongs to us! What are you, the Longwu mainland... It used to be the territory of our demon family. !"

"And, what a void man, we are the demon gods, is the descendant of the ancient demon god, with the inheritance of the ancient demon god!"

Her words, but it is said that the sound of the earth, not quite like a fake.

"You said this is the territory of your demon gods. Is this the territory of your demon gods?"

Jiang Shenwu laughed and did not believe these ghosts.

"Hey! This place is a great secret of our demon gods, but unfortunately it was later robbed by your dragon warriors..."

The princess sneered: "On this continent, there is a place called Fenglong, which is the banned by our ancient demon gods. It is used to seal the dragons of the ancient world! Unfortunately, you don’t know anything at all, let The dragon of the ancient world has ran out. If it is handled accidentally, it is not only our demon gods, but also your dragon protoss will be destroyed. The whole world, there is no one-inch intact homeland!"

"The ancient dragon of the world?"

Jiang Shenwu's face changed slightly.

Because the Nether Devil princess actually said the dragon's sacredness, then it is unlikely to be telling lies. After all, the existence of the dragon's ancestors seems to have not even paid much attention to the Supreme Dragon.

The place was mysterious and dangerous. Jiang Shenwu had only been there once. His father was detained inside and told him that he must reach the level of Zulong before he could go to the place to save him.

It can be seen that the existence of the dragon's dragon is beyond the level of the supreme dragon.

"Yes, the dragon of the ancient world, you probably don't know?"

The Nether Devil princess glanced at Jiang Shenwu: "The dragon consciousness that awakens in your body is the dragon of the ancient era! It is said that this guy can swallow everything, destroy everything, and countless worlds are destroyed in his hands."

"In the end, it was sealed by the ancestors of our ancient demon gods in the dragon's ancestors... Unfortunately, it is already a long time ago. Since 15,000 years ago, the dragon protoss robbed us of this territory, the dragon's tomb I lost the guard."

"Under this Longwu mainland, there are too many bones buried, there are our demon gods, and you have dragons and gods... Do you know?"

These words are said, Jiang Shenwu has a slight change in his face.

He remembered that he had encountered some Shenlong tombs, and there were too many powerful dragons buried in them. Even the dragons of the Tianlong and Shenglong classes were buried in tens of thousands.

If it is only the general war of the Dragon King, it is impossible for so many dragon warriors to die and not to be so concentrated.

At that time, Jiang Shenwu thought about it. It may have been an extremely fierce war that broke out on Longwu mainland.

Now, listening to the Princess of the Void, it is 15,000 years ago that the dragon protoss he belonged to invaded the demon gods and took away this piece of Longwu mainland... The war can be imagined to be very fierce.

The land of the Nether Devils was naturally cleaned up by changing the continent to Longwu.

As for the sacrificed dragon warriors, the bones were buried nearby and became the tomb of Shenlong one after another.

These history, Jiang Shenwu does not understand.

However, listening to the Princess of the Void, it is not like a fake, because there are not many people who know the dragon's body, let alone she has never been to the Devils of Longwu.

Of course, it is not ruled out that this emptiness of the demon family has been studying the dragon's sacredness, and wants to use the dragon's edge to achieve some ulterior motives... In short, Jiang Shenwu can't take her to the dragon's land.

However, it is not appropriate to go back to Longwu College.

It can be imagined that if she is brought back to Longwu College, she will certainly be disposed of, and Jiang Shenwu may never know the truth of the ancient times.

After all, the black dragon consciousness in his body is exactly what makes him worry, especially now that the Princess of the Nether Devil has said that the black dragon consciousness is actually the dragon of the ancient world, which is even more unbearable.

If you raise it, will it be destroyed in the whole world in the future?

Jiang Shenwu thought about it. For the time being, I wouldn’t bring her back. Let’s thoroughly ask the matter first. Many details, if not true, presumably she can’t make so many things, there will always be flaws. .

First figure out what she said and how to deal with her.


Jiang Shenwu glared at her and walked directly along the underground magma channel towards the ground. This underground passage was intricate and sometimes had no road at all.

Fortunately, Jiang Shenwu's physical strength is strong ~www.novelmtl.com~ Even if it is sealed by the magic blood seal to the seal, there is no way to turn the dragon, you can easily break through the blocked rock formations, and keep going up.

This magic blood seal array, the Nether Devil Princess will certainly not release him, he is too lazy to pay attention, anyway, by the physical strength, he can also stabilize the girl.

The Void Princess is in the hands of Jiang Shenwu, the whole person is swaying, and her body is wet and looks very attractive, which makes her very angry.

To know that in the demon family, she is a little princess who is spoiled by thousands of people. Where has it been violated?

In particular, she had just had the opportunity to conceal Jiang Shenwu, and even pretended to take off her clothes... she had never done such a shameful thing.

However, she can still make the magic blood seal array have an effect on Jiang Shenwu. She is still very happy. At least for now, Jiang Shenwu is not so easy even if she wants to kill her.

There is still a killer on her body.

Of course, she will not use the killer until the last minute.

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