Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 705: The ghost is not scattered

The sound came, and Yu Tianshang and Jiang Shenwu looked together in the direction of the passing.

I saw a Tsing Yi man who was looking forward to the side with three students from the East Emperor Longwu College.

The man in Tsing Yi is amazed by Chu Qingyun!

The last time in the magical experience, Chu Qingyun's limelight was overwhelmed by Jiang Shenwu, even with Jiang Shenwu bet and lost the great desperate sword, now the ruined sword has become a very important dragon soldier around Jiang Shenwu.

Chu Qingyun is obviously uncomfortable watching Jiang Shenwu!

After this kid lost to Jiang Shenwu last time, it can be said that the East Emperor Longwu College was so disgraced that the students of the Emperor Longwu Academy appeared in front of the East Emperor, and they were basically high-spirited. Wu College is now less prestigious than before.

As a student of the East Emperor Longwu Academy, they are often unable to lift their heads.

This is why Qin Xiaoyue was so hostile when he saw Jiang Shenwu.

Therefore, Chu Qingyun was basically beaten by Zuo Xiaofeng. Then there was no provision of cultivation resources, and he even gave the experience points of the magical experience to the Longwu College instructor who opened the back door...

This is simply a big loss!

This also led Chu Qingyun to cultivate very poorly.

Everyone has a chance to improve rapidly. The experience points obtained through the magical material experience make everyone leaps and bounds, but Chu Qingyun is still basically in place.

Even now, the three East Emperors who are behind Chu Qingyun have more strength than Chu Qingyun.

However, Chu Qingyun explained that he was accumulating the aura of the heavens and the earth, and that the three East Emperors still believed him. Together with him, he was led by Chu Qingyun.

Now Chu Qingyun, I am afraid that even a superior devil can't cope.

Not to mention the superior magic will be...

Jiang Shenwu is now qualified to compete with the elite class of Qin Xiaoyue at the same level, but Chu Qingyun can only hold his grandson in front of Qin Xiaoyue, because Qin Xiaoyue will not look at him at all.

This time, Chu Qingyun even came to the battlefield of the void, and also led the team to participate in the magic impact!

Undoubtedly, this Chu Qingyun may not be the first time to do such a thing, but unfortunately with his strength, he can only follow his own "little brother", and each time he gets the hunting devil points is very few.

Even if he has been involved in several magical impacts, Chu Qingyun has not received much improvement, but the cultivation has been upgraded to a certain level. The inheritance of the Dragon King level has not changed for a long time.

He wants to work hard, but he has no resources to cultivate, no hunting points, how can he work hard?

In particular, after being specially trained by Zuo Xiaofeng, he has relied on the days of madly eating the treasures of heaven and earth. Now, before returning to liberation, he simply does not adapt.

Even if it has been half a year, still not suitable, his strength can be almost described by ants.

This made him almost very miserable now, except that the three "little brothers" behind him were still loyal, and other students of the East Emperor Longwu College would look at him with strange eyes.

After all, Chu Qingyun was very beautiful before, but now, it has been silenced directly, and even the strength has not improved.

Many of the students who were not as good as Chu Qingyun have now far surpassed him, leaving him behind...

"This guy, how is it so sinister?"

When Jiang Shenwu saw Chu Qingyun, he frowned. He couldn’t think of the strength of Chu Qingyun, and even dared to come to the void battlefield.

It seems that it was protected by his three "little brothers". Otherwise, I am afraid that if I enter the enchantment, I will die under the emptiness of the evil spirits.

"Chu Qingyun, you don't practice well, what do you do everywhere?"

Yu Tianshang looked at Chu Qingyun and naturally had no good feelings about it.

"Yu Shijie, I just can't understand that you are so close to Jiang's surname, this is purely a mistake."

Chu Qingyun glanced at Yu Tianshang and his face showed a charming expression.

"Who am I going to go with, do you have anything to do with you?"

Yu Tianshang sneered a sneer, and he was too lazy to understand Chu Qingyun.

Others don't know, she Yu Tianshang still doesn't know, this Chu Qingyun is a dog of Zuo Xiaofeng?

Yu Tianshang didn't like the left laughter, not to mention the Chu Qingyun... Chu Qingyun didn't know that Zuo Xiaofeng was aiming at Jiang Shenwu for the sake of Yu Tianshang.

But Yu Tianshang knows!

This Chu Qingyun is the running dog of Zuo Xiaofeng. Even now he has been abandoned and still loyal. He has to say that this Chu Qingyun is powerful enough.

"No... It doesn't matter. However, it is best for Yu Shijie not to go with the traitors of our Donghuang Longwu Academy."

Chu Qingyun’s face was a little sullen and said: “If this is spread out, I am afraid that the students of our emperor will be chilling! How many people want to participate in the magical impact with the feathers and sisters, the teacher and sister are ignored, but the result is Bring an outsider..."

His words are quite good.

But for Yu Tianshang, there is no need to manage these.

She just wanted to talk, but Jiang Shenwu shook her head with a smile and stopped Yu Tianshang: "Sister, he said nothing wrong. I went out to hunt some small monsters. I followed the teacher's words, I also got myself. Nothing to exercise."

"You really don't follow me?"

Yu Tianshang was somewhat surprised. He smiled and said: "Right, he just said that you can kill the upper magical, can this be true?"

"It was killed with Qin Xiaoyue, but now I should be able to deal with a superior demon."

Jiang Shenwu nodded and admitted that: "Even if it is a magical impact, I think it should not be too big to deal with."

"That's good."

Yu Tianshang was relieved, and then carefully looked at Jiang Shenwu, but no matter how she looked, she could not see that Jiang Shenwu could kill a superior magic...

Others think so.

So now this thing spreads out~www.novelmtl.com~ Everyone says that Jiang Shenwu is cheaper in Qin Xiaoyue.

If it wasn't for Qin Xiaoyue's display of the reincarnation of this dragon martial arts, how could it be cheaper by Jiang Shenwu? The magic dragon of the upper-level magic will never give Jiang Shenwu a big head!

Even when Qin Xiaoyue heard these rumors, he would explain that it was indeed that she had the light of Jiang Shenwu to kill the upper magical.

But why don't others believe it!

The key is that Qin Xiaoyue's two follow-up students have been spreading Jiang Shenwu outside, so this matter has basically been settled outside, and they all think that Jiang Shenwu is cheap and a despicable villain.

In any case, Jiang Shenwu is too lazy to pay attention to other people.

In this world, everything is speaking with strength!

Now Jiang Shenwu does not have any crushing strength, but Jiang Shenwu believes that the day he will crush all Longwu College students will not be too far away!

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