Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 703: Holy chaotic dragon

Soon, Jiang Shenwu came out from the office of the Emperor Longwu College.

He exchanged a dragon's ear, and the remaining little hunting devil points, he was converted into a heavenly treasure of various attributes.

If you are using the experience points exchange at the Emperor Longwu College, these natural materials will take a long time to be successfully converted.

However, if you use the demon magic score, you want to promote the chaotic dragon body to the holy level. The most important thing is to lack the dragon's marrow. With the dragon's marrow, the Tiancai treasure does not need much, mainly the power of Jiang Shenwu's devouring. The utilization rate of the devour of Tiandi Dibao is high enough.

"Get the dragon's marrow, and then you have to break the chaotic dragon into the holy class!"

Jiang Shenwu thought about it.

Laughing flowers, they also exchanged some cultivation resources.

The cultivation resources they exchanged are just ordinary cultivation resources, but they are now suitable for them because they just want to lay the foundation.

For example, repair is the realm.

Laughing flowers and white skirt girls, now are sprinting, as long as a small amount of cultivation resources can sprint far away.

However, like Liang Shuming, their talents are very high. In the case of sufficient cultivation resources, they can definitely improve rapidly.

When they arrived at the office of the Emperor Longwu College, the five decided to temporarily separate them. They went back to their own palace in Longwu College of Wulong to practice and improve. See you after ten days.

Jiang Shenwu also wanted to go back, but after thinking about it, if you want to cultivate the chaotic dragon body, it is best to have a personal trainer...

If they are sparring, they will not be enough to laugh at them. After all, their attacks will not pose any threat to Jiang Shenwu.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shenwu turned back and returned to the office and found the fox.

Hearing that Jiang Shenwu wanted to let her be a sparring, and constantly attacked Jiang Shenwu to hurt him, and the fox butterfly was a little surprised and squinted: "Are you as a mentor, are I so busy?"

"But... since you let me hit you, then it’s another matter, come and come, go to the backyard and lie first!"

First, I was a little angry, but soon I showed a devilish smile and promised Jiang Shenwu’s request.


Jiang Shenwu also feels that the trouble of the Emperor of the Dragon Emperor is not very good, after all, people must have a lot of things to do.

But soon he knew that the fox butterfly had nothing to do!

She guarded the office, and only temporarily guarded the guards. After the official tutor of the office came to take over, she took Jiang Shenwu directly to the courtyard mountains behind the office.

This is a mountain forest, which occupies a very large area, and it has been separated into several rooms. Obviously, it was originally used by the Dragon Warriors.

The fox butterfly took Jiang Shenwu to find a room and let Jiang Shenwu get ready for it...

After seven days.

Jiang Shenwu couldn't believe it and walked out of the room. The fox butterfly was smiling and carrying his hands and coming out behind him.

During these seven days, the fox butterfly was tortured like a devil. Every attack was the kind that killed Jiang Shenwu. Fortunately, Jiang Shenwu took the dragon and swallowed a lot of heaven. The aura of the treasure.

He recovered quickly after he was injured, and then cultivated the chaotic dragon body by the strength of the dragon.

The original chaotic dragon body reached the level of the sky is almost the limit, but under the strength of the dragon, the chaotic dragon body he cultivated continues to move toward a higher level.

The key is that the fox butterfly is still proficient in some healing dragon martial arts!

This has saved a lot of time for Jiang Shenwu to recover.

Every time she attacks, it is just right. It is extremely safe to handle the power. Every time I launch an attack, I can make Jiang Shenwu’s painful death, but I can’t die every time...

Now look at the fox, it is simply looking at a devil.

Fortunately, the other party is so keen to control, it is still very useful for Jiang Shenwu to cultivate chaotic dragons.

After seven days, after coming out, the fox foxes said with emotion: "The effect of your chaotic dragon body breaking through to the holy level is good. It will double your overall defense ability."

"Before you said, you will have the help of the Donghuang College students if you kill the upper-level demon. If you encounter it now, you should not need their help. You can get such a good devil by yourself."

“Thank you for your tutor.”

Jiang Shenwu is still very grateful.

Although the fox is like a little demon, he tortured him very badly. In seven days, he was beaten to death several hundred times.

If this is not the case, Jiang Shenwu will not be able to make the Chaos Dragon Body break through to the Holy Class so soon.

"The dragon is hard to come by. Your chaotic dragon is only a primary source of dragon martial arts. The effect is not particularly good. Of course, you can use this as a springboard to enhance your strength and then kill more monsters."

The fox is also very clear about Jiang Shenwu’s thoughts. After thinking about it, he said: “There are three days, it’s the time when the magic crack in the void cracks out again. You should consolidate your strength and carefully prepare it. This time is Opportunity, but also dangerous."

"The students of Longwu Academy died in the battlefield of the void, and 80% of them were killed at this time, because there are too many empty monsters, and no one knows what level they will encounter. opponent."

"Of course, as long as you can come back alive, and wait until you destroy most of the monsters, the students will have a lot of harvest. An ordinary Tianshu district student will not be as good as your harvest."

This is what makes Jiang Shenwu look forward to.

The ordinary students in Tianshu District will have so many gains from him this time. It is really cool, and once is a rising dragon!

For many students in Tianshu District, ~www.novelmtl.com~The dragon's marrow is also extremely rare, even for the laughter flower. If the phoenix of the laughter is burned for nine days, then she will simply You can deal with the void monsters across the three realms.

Because the high-level martial arts of the holy class is much stronger than the advanced martial arts of the heavenly level.

Jiang Shenwu's chaotic dragon body is only the primary source of dragon martial arts. Breaking through to the holy level only doubles his physical defense. However, if it is a high-level dragon martial arts, the dragon's physical defense can at least improve its physical defense. Times or more!

This is the difference.

It is a pity that the gods of Jiang Shenwu and the shadows of the dragons and the shadows of the dragons are still very early, even if there is a rising dragon, it is better to consider the cultivation to the prefecture level.

Holy chaotic dragon body, cultivation success!

Next, Jiang Shenwu will strive to improve the cultivation of the realm, as well as the essence of the dragon and blood, in contrast, the strength of these two aspects, it is too dragging Jiang Shenwu's hind legs.

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