Dragon-Blooded War God

Vol 39 Chapter 684: Body protection crystal

There is no dragon shadow appearing, so that Jiang Shenwu five people have lifted the dragon shape, respectfully toward the **** dragon shadow.

I want to come, this is the appearance of the dragon, there is something to explain, or command.

This is the figure of Shenlong, Jiang Shenwu has not seen, it should not be the Emperor or the Emperor Longwu Academy represented by the Emperor.

It is not the dragon and the dragon, nor the dragon of the blue sky.

Then, it may be the North Wild Dragon School, or the Supreme Dragon Predecessor represented by the South Emperor Longwu College.

The Supreme Dragon Shadow appears in the clouds, between the heavens and the earth, the clouds change color.

A pair of dragons and pupils looked directly at the Jiang Shenwu five people.

"You, you can kill the reincarnation of the sixth most enchanting demon of the sea, and the strength is commendable."

"This situation is beyond the expectations of the deity."

"I thought that after the students in Tianshu District and Tianzhu District went to the battlefield of the void, there would be no students who could kill the demons who were the third or more of the repatriation. As a result..."

"The beasts in this beast, all the third most heavy than the reincarnation, have been sent away by the deity. Only the beasts in this sea have never moved."

"I thought it was unnecessary to move, but what you did was to make the deity quite unexpected."

In this case, Jiang Shenwu finally understood some things.

No wonder they can't find the fourth-level monster in the fierce desert. That is because the Emperor Shenlong feels that the students in Tianzhu District and Tianshu District were forced to send to the battlefield of the void.

Those who can come to the beasts of the beasts must not be able to kill the third and more demons.

After all, even if it is the strongest in the Tianzhu District, it is a tie with the third monster, a little counterbalance, if you have some luck, you can kill each other.

However, the fourth heavy demon is basically nothing to be killed by the students in Tianzhu District. If it can be done, it must be the strength of the Tianzhu District.

It is a pity that even this supernatural dragon did not expect that the Emperor Longwu Academy had a student in the Tianzhu District, and was able to single-handedly kill the sixth-class demon king in the retreat of the deep sea!

This means has gone beyond the cognition of ordinary people, even if it is the supreme dragon has never thought of it.

"However, although you can kill the six monsters in the sea, but want to go deep into the sea, it is still not feasible."

"Yes, in this area of ​​the sea, the deity will close it, but also hope to understand."

The sound of the dragon shadow is like a rolling thunder, falling from the sky.

Jiang Shenwu heard these words and suddenly understood the current situation.

Anyway, they are not planning to enter the area of ​​the sea again.

Jiang Shenwu asked: "Dare to ask the predecessors, since the sea is closed... then the monster of my strange fish, can you redeem the points?"

"That is natural."

Wushang Longying smiled and replied, and then, without seeing any movements, there was a **** light falling from the sky and falling to the side of the ancient road.

The entire area of ​​the sea is isolated from the ancient road of the sea by this light!

Jiang Shenwu, they just happened to be on the ancient road of the sea, looking at the sea again, and found that all the scenes of the sea have become a little fuzzy, even the dark clouds and the sea are not really cut, faint as if in the fog Looking at flowers is like watching a mirror in the world.

The sea of ​​the sea is isolated.

Jiang Shenwu, they seem to be able to go to other areas to hunt the demon.

"You five..."

Wushang Longying observed Jiang Shenwu, and they seemed to be thinking about how to arrange them. Soon they came to the result: "With your strength now, staying in this beast, you will not get any test, for you. The will to fight will improve and it will not help."

"It is better to go directly to the battlefield of the void crack! The battlefield of the void crack is the place where you really should go. Now the situation is urgent, and you should also contribute to the Longwu mainland."

Hearing the words of Wu Long Ying, Jiang Shenwu simply wanted to cry.

He didn't want to go to the void crack battlefield before the shadows of the shadows, and he didn't want to go to the battlefield of the void. As a result, he was caught by a superb dragon.

This is too sad reminder!

However, from the instructions of Wushang Longying, Jiang Shenwu could not listen.

After all, the supreme dragon is far beyond his level.

Do not say anything else, even if the dean of the Emperor Longwu Academy, Yu Yaji wants Jiang Shenwu to go directly to the void crack battlefield, Jiang Shenwu will obey, not to mention the level of the supreme dragon.

"Of course, I can see that the dragon martial arts you have cultivated are somewhat special. If you are in danger, you may not be able to escape even if you escape..."

Nothing to see the dragon shadow, he passed down and thundered: "When the deity is forcing you to go, I will give you a talisman, and you can save your life when you are in distress."

"If you five people have been working together, there are five chances to save your life, enough for you to use."

The words of Supreme God Dragon were passed down, and Jiang Shenwu was suddenly overjoyed.

You must know that the reason why they do not go to the void crack battlefield to hunt the void monsters is because they feel that they are not ready. It is extremely dangerous to hunt the void monsters.

But now, this supernatural dragon has even said that they must give them a life-saving treasure, which completely eliminates their worries.

And the most important thing is that the void crack battlefield to hunt the void monsters, the scores earned are definitely more than in the beast!

Hunting the same level of the void monsters, the scores earned are at least more than half of the hunting monsters.

In the case of security, Jiang Shenwu is naturally more willing to go to the void crack battlefield to hunt the void monster.

"In the battlefield of the void, the situation is much more dangerous than the beast. We are five, of course, we must act together."

Jiang Shenwu said affirmatively.

"Good~www.novelmtl.com~ Then, under the shadow of the dragon, there are five shining stars, falling towards the bottom of the five people.

The five shining little stars quickly smashed into the sky and appeared in front of the five gods of Jiang Shenwu.

They found that the five small stars turned out to be five small crystals, which seemed to be contaminated with the supreme dragon.

Before they could see the five crystals, they felt the power. The five small crystals suddenly accelerated and slammed into the heads of five people.

There is no sense of being touched, only feeling that there is a kind of power that blends into my mind, but I can't feel it anyway.

"These five small crystals are the body-protecting crystals that the deity has gathered with the power of the gods."

"As long as you are in danger, the body crystal will be broken, the power will spread, and you will be protected. As long as it is not the power of the supreme level, you will never be able to hurt you."

The explanation of Wushang Longying followed.

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